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China offers to step back a bit, India insists on full withdrawal

hehe, you indian post such B.S article one by one, we are represented by your indian media, you can keep deluding yourself....
you drink up another cup of ganges river water, you will be happier! indian, loser!!

ganges river is better than ur swine infested rivers.quote me if u have anything meaningful to contribute related to the topic other than this typical "cry baby" stuff.dont want to partcipate in the news of "indian media" ur welcome
You take what we give you or we go deeper inside India. Your call. Take the offer or pay a heavier price.

lol? my foot who the Fcku you are you to give or take... i think we should kill those B@$tard... lol still some guys have Japnese genes....
ganges river is better than ur swine infested rivers.quote me if u have anything meaningful to contribute related to the topic other than this typical "cry baby" stuff.dont want to partcipate in the news of "indian media" ur welcome
HEHE, glad you like your ganges river water, enjoy it!!!!
anything meaningful to contribute to the topic? hehe, you open these B.S one by one, represent us, and "scare" us, what do you want, do you do anything meaningful to resovled the affair? Your army first violate the status quo, PLA just respond to it, your media hype these, talk loud, now you play your one show, talk big here, first check your indian comment first, do you think these comments is constructive?!
Hehe, do you know why I look down on indian? only having a big mouth, think only they are right, don't teach us what should we do, we know it, PLA is there, if you want to avenging for 1962 war, this is good opportunity, If you want peace, and solve the affair, both back to early place, don't just show your requirement, only let us compromise,
Shut up your ****!ng mouth, action first, you indian fart too much......
HEHE, glad you like your ganges river water, enjoy it!!!!
anything meaningful to contribute to the topic? hehe, you open these B.S one by one, represent us, and "scare" us, what do you want, do you do anything meaningful to resovled the affair? Your army first violate the status quo, PLA just respond to it, your media hype these, talk loud, now you play your one show, talk big here, first check your indian comment first, do you think these comments is constructive?!
Hehe, do you know why I look down on indian? only having a big mouth, think only they are right, don't teach us what should we do, we know it, PLA is there, if you want to avenging for 1962 war, this is good opportunity, If you want peace, and solve the affair, both back to early place, don't just show your requirement, only let us compromise,
Shut up your ****!ng mouth, action first, you indian fart too much......

u dnt knw the bigger picture here dont you..its not about chinese incursion in to india..this is a bigger game between countries..we already lost 100s of acres of land to u doesnt make any difference if we loose a few more.why do u think all the neighbors of china are the enemies of china..except pakistan u can count no country as ur ally.u have enimity with ur every possibe neighbour.its not about getting back the occupied land but its about cfreating a big fuss about the incident and making u look like a bad guy.and indian media is pretty good at it.what do u think war is just with wepons and nukes??wake up this is 21st century.and we're already at war .except the weapons are media and soft power.why do u think world percives china as a bad guy and nobody believes in its "peaceful rise"??heard of the terem called "subversion"??even though we loose a couple of acres which is a waste land it doesnt make any difference to us.but in a long term this subversion is going to affect ur country.ur growth will start to decrease this decade thanks to ur one child policy

and ur trillions of reserves will be not enough to support ur billions of population..once ur wage levels rise fdi will be diverted away from ur country and all the glory of ur manufacturing hub fades.its already happening
Welcome to Forbes
ur govt cannot undervalue ur currency permanently.as ur imports rise automatically ur currency strengthens.

and this is the situation precisely u need ur neighbors.u need the help of other organizations..and while the countries like india, u.s,japan are busy in creating the favorable environment.ur naive govt is simple falling to their tricks..ur govt knows that a strong india against them is not in their interest.hence their softening their stand towards india.ur reps are increasingly reiterating peace with india..because they know that they;ll be on the loosing side if they dont make their moves right now..and when ur talking about a decade from now u'll be talking about india both economically and millitaryly string india which can defend itself.

so while people like u rejoice occupying a small part of our land.we're already at war.as i said media is a weapon and we're alrady acting.so wake up from ur slumber.and stop ranting about ur typical chinese "action first" slogans..we're already doing it and its ur fault if u fail to recognize it.
You take what we give you or we go deeper inside India. Your call. Take the offer or pay a heavier price.

I just thank god that the Chinese leaders are not as arrogant as you are. Our call has been conveyed lets see what happens next.
monkey trap has happened. you came in but cannot get out with slime on the famous "chinese face" ( i mean loss of face.. so dont take it the racist way)
u dnt knw the bigger picture here dont you..its not about chinese incursion in to india..this is a bigger game between countries..we already lost 100s of acres of land to u doesnt make any difference if we loose a few more.why do u think all the neighbors of china are the enemies of china..except pakistan u can count no country as ur ally.u have enimity with ur every possibe neighbour.its not about getting back the occupied land but its about cfreating a big fuss about the incident and making u look like a bad guy.and indian media is pretty good at it.what do u think war is just with wepons and nukes??wake up this is 21st century.and we're already at war .except the weapons are media and soft power.why do u think world percives china as a bad guy and nobody believes in its "peaceful rise"??heard of the terem called "subversion"??even though we loose a couple of acres which is a waste land it doesnt make any difference to us.but in a long term this subversion is going to affect ur country.ur growth will start to decrease this decade thanks to ur one child policy

and ur trillions of reserves will be not enough to support ur billions of population..once ur wage levels rise fdi will be diverted away from ur country and all the glory of ur manufacturing hub fades.its already happening
Welcome to Forbes
ur govt cannot undervalue ur currency permanently.as ur imports rise automatically ur currency strengthens.

and this is the situation precisely u need ur neighbors.u need the help of other organizations..and while the countries like india, u.s,japan are busy in creating the favorable environment.ur naive govt is simple falling to their tricks..ur govt knows that a strong india against them is not in their interest.hence their softening their stand towards india.ur reps are increasingly reiterating peace with india..because they know that they;ll be on the loosing side if they dont make their moves right now..and when ur talking about a decade from now u'll be talking about india both economically and millitaryly string india which can defend itself.

so while people like u rejoice occupying a small part of our land.we're already at war.as i said media is a weapon and we're alrady acting.so wake up from ur slumber.and stop ranting about ur typical chinese "action first" slogans..we're already doing it and its ur fault if u fail to recognize it.
Another B.S comment, is this your so-called meaningful comment? hehe, you stand in your side, except condemning China, what can you do?
You still don't understand, keep enjoing your ganges river water, you keep high, open your big mouth, talk such bullshit one by one.....
Another B.S comment, is this your so-called meaningful comment? hehe, you stand in your side, except condemning China, what can you do?
You still don't understand, keep enjoing your ganges river water, you keep high, open your big mouth, talk such bullshit one by one.....

If you feel the Chinese are safely ensconced in their tent in Aksai Chin, why do you keep checking back in here for any change in status quo?
Another B.S comment, is this your so-called meaningful comment? hehe, you stand in your side, except condemning China, what can you do?
You still don't understand, keep enjoing your ganges river water, you keep high, open your big mouth, talk such bullshit one by one.....

boy ur somuch obsessed with ganges..we'll stick to this same "diplomatic stand" until we have enough defence capabilities to counter u..and trust me we're moving fast to that position..with in a decade or 2 our defence forces will be one of the best in the world with one of the best eqiup across the globe..till then we'll prepare the ground like this and stick to our "diplomatic stance" which ur govt too appreciates and wants to solve the problem amicably.apparently they too donot want to risk a war with india.after all they dont want to risk ur trade lines especially ur fuel lines across ior.they cannot sustain their growth if they rub india on wrong sides..ur govt is not as stupid as some "defence analysts" like you in pdf.in know its hard to accept .but thats the reality.this is not 1962.and we're far stronger in IOR.ur navy cannot counter IN in IOR..and we dont need to do much.slap ur self and look at the tittle of this thread..this is just the beginning

anything else??

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