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China objects to oil hunt, India says back off

I'm talking about this of course. :lol:

"The people of India will expect us to respond. We won't have any other choice,"

- Home Minister P. Chidambaram (2008)

When has the Chinese government ever promised to send DF-21?

I know your intention. That's why you don't need reply. Neither you deserve nor you have quality of question that also with this topic. You post same thing everyday. Already 1,000 reply came from 100 of Indian member. I don't know why Mods are not taking any action ? Is this deliberate ? I reported many times and still you rnot banned.
I know your intention. That's why you don't need reply. Neither you deserve nor you have quality of question that also with this topic. You post same thing everyday. Already 1,000 reply came from 100 of member. I don't know why Mods are not taking any action ? Is this deliberate ? I reported many times and still you not banned.

i think this guy is a false flagger..he seems a pakistani. A chinese will get killed participating on forum like these. i see this guy trying to defenc pakistan, thats y he is not banned.
I know your intention. That's why you don't need reply. Neither you deserve nor you have quality of question that also with this topic. You post same thing everyday. Already 1,000 reply came from 100 of Indian member. I don't know why Mods are not taking any action ? Is this deliberate ? I reported many times and still you rnot banned.

yeah im also wondering about it with many people. i think some people don't want to do that?
yeah im also wondering about it with many people. i think some people don't want to do that?

Oh yes, India says "Back off"... and I'm not allowed to ask, "Or what?" :P

Tell me, what are you going to do if we don't back off?

Send Manmohan Singh over with some some export contracts like last time?
CHina should Not threaten VN by your cheap copied weapon, USA used stronger and better weapon than you during VN , and we won't already. If you dare to fire, just open fire and we will respond in full .

Read again the poem of 1 thousand year ago , my Big bad brother :D

Over Mountains and Rivers of the South,
reigns the Emperor of the South,
As it stands written forever in the Book of Heaven.
How dare those barbarians invade our land?
Your armies, without pity, will be annihilated.
Asia Finest Discussion Forum > Nam Quốc S¡n H (Rivers and Mountains of the South Nation),
Operation Rolling Thunder from CHina ??Oh come one, we will block Malacca Straight and send your economy to hell :D.

btw: we got used to with Stone age already, but I don't think CHina wanna have one more humiliating defeat by small VN :D.

Don't keep talking nonsense, if you drill oil inside our territory, we will send your oil rig to hell, that's it :P

Haha, you collapse our economy, or we collapse your economy? What happens if we stop selling to Vietnam? 20% inflation turn into 2000% inflation? How many more of your beautiful ladies will be forced to leave Vietnam if that was to happen?
Or what? :rofl:

India is going to do something for once?

Clearly you lack the basic comprehension skills as actually we should be asking the question "or what ?" after brushing aside the chinese asinine objections.

Now we will see if the Chinese for once do something concrete or this is just verbal diarhhea. Given their past record I strongly suspect its is just the latter.
Oh yes, India says "Back off"... and I'm not allowed to ask, "Or what?" :P

Tell me, what are you going to do if we don't back off?

Send Manmohan Singh over with some some export contracts like last time?

That will depend on what you do. Meanwhile, we are busy working (oil exploration) so dont waste our time and BACK OFF :wave:
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