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China, not Pakistan, is India's main threat

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Pakistan is a concern...not a threat. China is a serious threat.

Yes you r rite.. But I dono why our sick Babus & Netas cant shut up their mouth on very critical issue......
1. It would appear China is building up her defenses mainly to counter the American aggression which she perhaps believes is inevitable. USA cannot allow China to overtake or even equal her. The so called "American Dream" is based on USA being the top super power. At the moment China is building up her coastal defenses with newer weaponry and innovative tactical concepts. She is also constantly upgrading her Air Def. She is moving forward into the Pacific to counter USN's advances into the Pacific Rim.

2. China only considers India an irritant - nothing more. She knows USA has infiltrated into India's mily top brass, political establishment, media, bureaucracy and the powerful commercial-industrial elite. Soon it may become possible for USA to convince India to heat up China's vulnerable bottom. India has already trained a good lot Tibetans as special units of its security forces. Some of these owe their origin to CIA's covert Tibet ops conducted with Indian Intel and unknown to the Indian political leadership including Nehru. On its part China has pushed in a massive Han population into Tibet, established large mily camps/bases ans established direct road and rail links. China has established close contact with the post-monarchy regime in Nepal. It's ties with the raging Maoist insurgency and those taking place for ever in NE are natural.

3. Will India ever be able to pose threat to China? On her own, out of the question. China's industrial base is way ahead of India, and it is huge. It's economy and forex reserve are far ahead. Its mily machinery is huge and far ahead in training and doctrine.

4. Why then India is developing her mily so much? Where does she thinks lurks the threat? How can a nation with a huge population unemployed and illiteracy, lack of healthcare and poverty remaining un-redressed in the rural area, spend so lavishly in mily expansion? Let's try and look into this:

a. Most Indians, and all rural Indians, believe today's India in reality is the reincarnation/rebirth of ancient Hindu civilization existing in the Indo-Gangetic valleys millenniums back. They were overpowered firstly by the Buddhists for several millenniums, then by the Muslims for about 800 years and finally the British for about 100 - 150 years. At no cost would reincarnated Hindu India like to loose its independence again.

b. Indian children read that their ancient civilization and later empires stretched variously at various times from the shores of the Caspian in the West, but a more western extreme has been the R Oxus. In the East it pushed across Rajmahal Hills firstly, and then pushed beyond the lower Brahmaputra - Ganges valleys reaching the Arakan Yoma. However, the are of influence has been extending up to Bali Islands. Under the British Eastern Africa, Oceanic Zone and the entire Indian Ocean with Western Pacific came into India's dominance. From childhood, therefore, an average Indian must dream of re-establishing the lost glory and prominence.

c. Because India (that is, Hindu India) has remained subjugated for millenniums, she is unable to handle the power that she has already achieved. As such she has already become a regional bully. And she likes it.
New Delhi: China, and not Pakistan, is the focus of the Defence Ministry's latest 15-year plan for all the three services.

The latest integrated perspective plan, which will be in force from 2012 to 2027, is aimed at equipping the Indian armed forces to move from the current stage of dissuasion to deterrence against China. The plan is currently in the final stages of preparation.

According to the plan, by 2020, India wants to have dedicated Mountain Strike Corps, over 90,000 men specifically meant for deployment in Ladakh and Arunachal Pradesh and equipped for offensive operations.

To begin with, the military wants all the planned roads in these high altitude areas to be completed on priority basis.

India is also activating, revamping and upgrading its air bases along the China border both in Ladakh and Arunachal Pradesh. This includes at least eight advance-landing grounds. Nyoma air base, barely 25 km from the Line of Actual Control, will eventually have Su-30 combat jets stationed there.

The Army is all set to improve the living conditions in high altitude areas by placing over 5,000 specially-designed, self-contained, thermally-insulated shelters for troops so that they can withstand temperatures going down to minus 40 degrees.

In the long run, India also plans to acquire and deploy ultra-light howitzers and light tanks in Ladakh to bolster security there.

Even the Indian Navy is planning for future contingencies by planning to operate two carrier battle groups, several stealth battleships, submarines and long-range reconnaissance planes.

Another important component in the long-term plan is to beef up the fledgling tri-services Andaman and Nicobar Command to keep a closer vigil on the strategically crucial south east Asian region as well as the Mallaca Straits.

This is over and above the on-going plans to develop 8,000-km range inter-continental ballistic missiles in the coming decade. ;)

China, not Pakistan, is India's main threat

Normally when you plan to do something you keep your mouth shut about it.
1. It would appear China is building up her defenses mainly to counter the American aggression which she perhaps believes is inevitable. USA cannot allow China to overtake or even equal her. The so called "American Dream" is based on USA being the top super power. At the moment China is building up her coastal defenses with newer weaponry and innovative tactical concepts. She is also constantly upgrading her Air Def. She is moving forward into the Pacific to counter USN's advances into the Pacific Rim.

2. China only considers India an irritant - nothing more. She knows USA has infiltrated into India's mily top brass, political establishment, media, bureaucracy and the powerful commercial-industrial elite. Soon it may become possible for USA to convince India to heat up China's vulnerable bottom. India has already trained a good lot Tibetans as special units of its security forces. Some of these owe their origin to CIA's covert Tibet ops conducted with Indian Intel and unknown to the Indian political leadership including Nehru. On its part China has pushed in a massive Han population into Tibet, established large mily camps/bases ans established direct road and rail links. China has established close contact with the post-monarchy regime in Nepal. It's ties with the raging Maoist insurgency and those taking place for ever in NE are natural.

3. Will India ever be able to pose threat to China? On her own, out of the question. China's industrial base is way ahead of India, and it is huge. It's economy and forex reserve are far ahead. Its mily machinery is huge and far ahead in training and doctrine.

4. Why then India is developing her mily so much? Where does she thinks lurks the threat? How can a nation with a huge population unemployed and illiteracy, lack of healthcare and poverty remaining un-redressed in the rural area, spend so lavishly in mily expansion? Let's try and look into this:

a. Most Indians, and all rural Indians, believe today's India in reality is the reincarnation/rebirth of ancient Hindu civilization existing in the Indo-Gangetic valleys millenniums back. They were overpowered firstly by the Buddhists for several millenniums, then by the Muslims for about 800 years and finally the British for about 100 - 150 years. At no cost would reincarnated Hindu India like to loose its independence again.

b. Indian children read that their ancient civilization and later empires stretched variously at various times from the shores of the Caspian in the West, but a more western extreme has been the R Oxus. In the East it pushed across Rajmahal Hills firstly, and then pushed beyond the lower Brahmaputra - Ganges valleys reaching the Arakan Yoma. However, the are of influence has been extending up to Bali Islands. Under the British Eastern Africa, Oceanic Zone and the entire Indian Ocean with Western Pacific came into India's dominance. From childhood, therefore, an average Indian must dream of re-establishing the lost glory and prominence.

c. Because India (that is, Hindu India) has remained subjugated for millenniums, she is unable to handle the power that she has already achieved. As such she has already become a regional bully. And she likes it.

No offense - but that's all just a load of cr*p......
Maybe you haven't heard but China claims the whole Indian state of Arunachal Pradesh....... You dont need to look further than that for a reason for india's massive military programs.....
No offense - but that's all just a load of cr*p......
Maybe you haven't heard but China claims the whole Indian state of Arunachal Pradesh....... You dont need to look further than that for a reason for india's massive military programs.....

And India claims Aksai chin as a part of Kashmir. :wave:

Let's see if your politicians can win against their eternal boogeyman.
New Delhi: China, and not Pakistan, is the focus of the Defence Ministry's latest 15-year plan for all the three services.

The latest integrated perspective plan, which will be in force from 2012 to 2027, is aimed at equipping the Indian armed forces to move from the current stage of dissuasion to deterrence against China. The plan is currently in the final stages of preparation.

According to the plan,by 2020, India wants to have dedicated Mountain Strike Corps, over 90,000 men specifically meant for deployment in Ladakh and Arunachal Pradesh and equipped for offensive operations.

To begin with, the military wants all the planned roads in these high altitude areas to be completed on priority basis.

India is also activating, revamping and upgrading its air bases along the China border both in Ladakh and Arunachal Pradesh. This includes at least eight advance-landing grounds. Nyoma air base, barely 25 km from the Line of Actual Control, will eventually have Su-30 combat jets stationed there.

The Army is all set to improve the living conditions in high altitude areas by placing over 5,000 specially-designed, self-contained, thermally-insulated shelters for troops so that they can withstand temperatures going down to minus 40 degrees.

In the long run, India also plans to acquire and deploy ultra-light howitzers and light tanks in Ladakh to bolster security there.

Even the Indian Navy is planning for future contingencies by planning to operate two carrier battle groups, several stealth battleships, submarines and long-range reconnaissance planes.

Another important component in the long-term plan is to beef up the fledgling tri-services Andaman and Nicobar Command to keep a closer vigil on the strategically crucial south east Asian region as well as the Mallaca Straits.

This is over and above the on-going plans to develop 8,000-km range inter-continental ballistic missiles in the coming decade. ;)

China, not Pakistan, is India's main threat

Why on earth would you want to have an airbase within range of chinese artillery fire..... it wouldnt last a day if war is declared..... and along with it we'll lose a squadron or 2 of sukhois without them even flying
And India claims Aksai chin as a part of Kashmir. :wave:

Let's see if your politicians can win against their eternal boogeyman.
yes we claim aksai chin, but trust me we are not stupid enough to start a war against a stronger nation to get it......
Well thats more then enough time for China to get 15 aircraft carriers -
It seems many are clueless when they speak of aircraft carriers with gay abandon! It's not just having aircraft carriers but the wherewithal that goes with it. A carrier group will need to have the full complement of support ships if it has to play any meaningful part in war or area domination/sea control.

So let's have a peek at what this carrier group needs to be composed of:

> An aircraft carrier, which is the centerpiece of the group and also serves as the flagship.
> A carrier air wing typically consisting of up to eight to nine squadrons.
> Two to three guided missile cruisers equipped with missiles for long-range strike capability.
> A destroyer squadron, with two to three guided missile destroyers, used primarily for anti-aircraft (AAW) and anti-submarine (ASW) warfare, but which also carries cruise missiles for long-range strike capability.
> Two to three attack submarines, used to screen the strike group against hostile surface ships and submarines, but which also carry missiles for long-range strike capability.
> A combined ammunition, oiler and supply ship, which provides logistic support.

Now do you see the enormous naval assets required even for a single carrier based group? And you talk of 15? Now multiply all the above by 15 and what do you get? Half a trillion dollars worth of floating steel!
Normally when you plan to do something you keep your mouth shut about it.

But its a freaking democracy and since its tax payers money, the government is bound by law to disclose spending!

Sometimes, I do wish GoI/Fourth Estate would inculcate Chinese model of shutting their traps when it comes to sensitive matters of national interest.
No offense - but that's all just a load of cr*p......
Maybe you haven't heard but China claims the whole Indian state of Arunachal Pradesh....... You dont need to look further than that for a reason for india's massive military programs.....

1. Not only Arunachal but Sikkim is also traditionally, historically and ethnically provinces of Tibet. Even in the last floods in Arunachal Indian authorities were unable to reach some of the affected areas of Arunachal. And when finally they did mange to reach they found the Chinese had already provided relief to the people. There are other real estates along the MacMohan Line that China feels were taken away from her by the British when China was very weak.

2. Who will believe India is building Blue Water Fleets, acquiring more and more nuclear arsenal and maintaining around 5 million rifle strength to sort out these ancient border issues? Yes, the rifle strength taking India's huge paraphernalia of forces may be small. And does India want to send her 2,000 x T 90/Bhishem tanks and Arjunas and more galloping across the Himalayas? No. India is really relishing in her new role of the Regional Bully. And this is sad, because this is adding to the misery of the people of the region - more so the Indian populace.
1. Not only Arunachal but Sikkim is also traditionally, historically and ethnically provinces of Tibet. Even in the last floods in Arunachal Indian authorities were unable to reach some of the affected areas of Arunachal. And when finally they did mange to reach they found the Chinese had already provided relief to the people. There are other real estates along the MacMohan Line that China feels were taken away from her by the British when China was very weak.

2. Who will believe India is building Blue Water Fleets, acquiring more and more nuclear arsenal and maintaining around 5 million rifle strength to sort out these ancient border issues? Yes, the rifle strength taking India's huge paraphernalia of forces may be small. And does India want to send her 2,000 x T 90/Bhishem tanks and Arjunas and more galloping across the Himalayas? No.

How far can people reach in BS? This is a pure example. :lol:

1. Bangladesh was traditionally part of India does that mean it should be part of India now or does India bother?

India is really relishing in her new role of the Regional Bully. And this is sad, because this is adding to the misery of the people of the region - more so the Indian populace.

New regional 'bully'? Who was their earlier to challenge India?

India have added misery to the terrorists and their supporters for long time, so its nothing new. Bangladesh and its liberation war is just another example. Many people's wet dream destroyed at that time. Who is in more misery than Bangladesh, you have two neighbors and want to have enmity with both while both are much much more powerful. India is fencing its border for reasons. lol
India is really relishing in her new role of the Regional Bully. And this is sad, because this is adding to the misery of the people of the region - more so the Indian populace.
What utter tripe! Good God! Are you for real? What the heck does 'regional bully' mean? Please elucidate. Is India bullying you for your jobs? For your food? For your water? For bullying you into converting to Hinduism? For bullying you to part with your women? WTF is India bullying you for? I wanna know!
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