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China Needs to Make a Military Strike Now - My Personal Assessment

Chinese national pride does not allow them to take any steps back when dealing with inferior nations, namely Vietnam and Phillipine. Especially Vietnam, because many Chinese think that thanks to only China helps Vietnam could win the war against the US and Vietnam should be forever in debt to China.

Nobody is claiming to be "superior" or "inferior" here.

Viet Nam's policy regarding this disputed water of the Paracels and Spratly is not to engage in any kind of negotiation/joint development of resources in both areas unless China agrees to return to the pre-1974 border ie returning the Western part of the Paracels to Viet Nam (China can keep the Eastern part of the Paracels). If China is willing to return just one island over a successive time frame like one per several decades; Viet Nam would have been more than happy to engage in dialogue to exploit the resources between the overlapping EEZ claims with China. However, China has ZERO intention to return the western part of the Paracels to Viet Nam, we have no choice. Simply put, China does not play ball.

Vietnam already recognized our ownership of the Xisha islands in 1958, as stated by your own President 范文同。
Nobody is claiming to be "superior" or "inferior" here.
Maybe you don't, maybe other Chinese do.
Rubbish, he never stated anything regarding the Paracels.
I am trying to make clear the content of PM Dong letter in other topic, but it seems our Chinese members do not take a very tolerated perspective. Care to present any useful arguement?
He never said anything about the Paracels
We made a claim which including islands.

Your PM send a official diplomatic letter to recognise it .

That means Viet agreed with our 12nm territorial water of Spartly .

So your PM never send official diplomatic letter ?
Please argue that for me. He is too stubborn for me to deal with.
Don't twist his words, he never mentioned anything regarding the Paracels; why should he?
He supported a claim which including islands .

It is quite simple logic , you guys ignore this truth selectively.
He supported a claim which including islands .

It is quite simple logic , you guys ignore this truth selectively.
Stick to the fact; he never mentioned anything regarding Chinese "claim" at all. Point me to where in the letter he mentioned that he supported any Chinese "claims" regarding the Paracels and Spratlys? In addition to that, does any of the Paracels that Viet Nam controlled within 12 nautical miles of the Woody islands that China controlled subsequent to 1974?

North Vietnam won the war, and he became the President of a united Vietnam.
Wrong, The Nroth didnt invade the South, there were a civil war in the South and the National Liberation Front of South Vietnam won the war, and we made a General election to unite the North and the South after that

the National Liberation Front of South Vietnam used different flag with North VN.
Nobody is claiming to be "superior" or "inferior" here.

Vietnam already recognized our ownership of the Xisha islands in 1958, as stated by your own President 范文同。

really kindly look again

He supported a claim which including islands .

It is quite simple logic , you guys ignore this truth selectively.

Wow you had those really then stay in your side of the world ha logic nice one like you people had one
If we sink all China merchant ship passing through SCS(east sea), China economy surely collapse coz u can not get raw material to produce goods and u can not trade with ASEAN-Africa-Middle east region too.

China army suck, u have No chance to defeat VN on land and sea. Our army is perfect on land war and we r expert in using missile to take down enemies air craft and warship.:coffee:
Sorry,I forget the world's third military power in Vietnam. :(
China:Vietnam Almost invincible!!!

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