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China-Myanmar Cooperation: News & Discussions

I suggest you to stop making stupid comments. the few years China under Mao Zedong helped Vietnam are extremly short compared to the hundreds of years China under various dynasties sabotaging our economic development, assisting our enemies, and yourself invading Vietnam, destroying our country, killing our people.

No, China wasn´t helpful in helping to bring independence to Vietnam. in opposite, China was the cause for our prolonged suffering. without China sabotage in the peace conference in Geneve, Vietnam would be united in 1954, and avoided the war with America. and avoiding the war later with Cambodia, and China.

Get the fact right, we didn't sabotage your economic development but sabotage Vietnam military ambition to expand to Laos, Cambodia and Thailand...that's why you hate us.
In 1950-1978, the total free support for China to Vietnam was nearly $20 billion. But in return, from 1978-1986, Vietnam at least drove away 1 million Chinese Vietnamese. All of their wealth were deprived. VCP is a party low on business, but fanatic in nationalism and expansion. It makes Vietnam the poorest country in the region, but blames China as the scapegoat. Hopefully we can see its end, in memorial of the death and pain of millions of Chinese Vietnamese. With the collapse of Soviet Union, its fate is doomed.
Get the fact right, we didn't sabotage your economic development but sabotage Vietnam military ambition to expand to Laos, Cambodia and Thailand...that's why you hate us.
you feel no shame, don´t you?

our ambition in indochina? how many times China invaded Burma? I suggest you read post #4. and response post #5.

why did you feel the need to export genocide outside China, to Cambodia? why not keep inside China?

Current VCP can continue to ignore Chinese efforts similar as North Korea to defend its legitimacy. VCP is the most evil party in Sino-Vietnam relation. It started to kill Chinese the day it unified South Vietnam. Personally I never think that the coming of United State is bad thing. Sino-Vietnam relationship can only return to normal with a color revolution to end VCP, just as Sino-North Korea can only return to normal with the end of Kim Dynasty. VCP and Kim Dynasty are two enemies of China created by CCP's ideological doctrines.

Why did China want the existence of South Vietnam in 1954? Because we knew that South Vietnam would be better to Chinese than VCP creatures. One day if there is a color revolution to end VCP, I definitely like to make a financial contribution because I have heard many terrible stories of Chinese Vietnamese, who fled from VCP to Hong Kong or United States. Hopefully one day this flag will fly in Vietnam.
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A pro-business Vietnam will be definitely better than current Vietnam, which is immersed in nationalism and dreaming to control Indo-China peninsula and SCS.
don´t run amok, nor spew lies here!
you feel no shame, don´t you?

our ambition in indochina? how many times China invaded Burma? I suggest you read post #4. and response post #5.

why did you feel the need to export genocide outside China, to Cambodia? why not keep inside China?

don´t run amok, nor spew lies here!

And ask if Burma has invade Thailand? every nation has it own ambition in the pass but the different is that we have contain Vietnamese expansionalism ambition:lol:. And what make you believe that we export genocide to Cambodia and not Vietnam which make Cambodians hate Vietnamese to core but reversely Cambodians are Chines best friend...there must be a rational explanation to this...LMAO

Lon Nol killed Vietnamese Population during Cambodia Civil War 1970s
That's why it will take great wisdom to solve this issue. As I said, China should really help political stability and economic prosperity of Myanmar. This is a weakness of China. China helped independence of Vietnam and North Korea. But China has never been able to demonstrate the ability to help political stability and economic prosperity of neighboring countries. Myanmar or Pakistan are the two most possible candidates to start.

See, in the case of the Kachin for example, and the CPB of the past, China has been wilfully fuelling unrest in these areas. A general in the PLA was quietly dismissed as IIRC related to what happened a year ago with the mistaken bombing in Kokang. Continuing to aid the destabalisation of the country will not help cordial relations. Another issue is the flagrant disregard for the environment in Chinese resource extraction enterprises. Cutting down our hard woods illegally, for example, and not punishing those on the Chinese side who were responsible is condoning criminality.

Further afield, the way China has acted in the SCS is also alarming. It's understandable why China is often called the autistic power - it acts without any care to how it will be perceived by those around it. What China is doing in the SCS is bullying and if it continues to act with impunity then the smaller countries around it will remain wary and will not cooperate.

A boorish nationalist can come in and say "We are China, we do what we want." and they the may well be right but that is a sure way to make sure no one likes you. I can't help but feel China is letting a great opportunity go. A more diplomatic Chiina could have had the whole Asia-Pacific on side but by continuing on the bullying path you have all but sealed the U.S.'s presence in the region for the forseeable future.
Most reasonable political readers would try to recover the economy right after the end of war. VCP chose the expansion instead. ASEAN just enjoyed peaceful development, but Vietnam welcomed Pivotal to Asia to increase geopolitical risks in the region. VCP, with people under its brainwashes, has no business sense at all.

See, in the case of the Kachin for example, and the CPB of the past, China has been wilfully fuelling unrest in these areas. A general in the PLA was quietly dismissed as IIRC related to what happened a year ago with the mistaken bombing in Kokang. Continuing to aid the destabalisation of the country will not help cordial relations. Another issue is the flagrant disregard for the environment in Chinese resource extraction enterprises. Cutting down our hard woods illegally, for example, and not punishing those on the Chinese side who were responsible is condoning criminality.

Further afield, the way China has acted in the SCS is also alarming. It's understandable why China is often called the autistic power - it acts without any care to how it will be perceived by those around it. What China is doing in the SCS is bullying and if it continues to act with impunity then the smaller countries around it will remain wary and will not cooperate.

A boorish nationalist can come in and say "We are China, we do what we want." and they the may well be right but that is a sure way to make sure no one likes you. I can't help but feel China is letting a great opportunity go. A more diplomatic Chiina could have had the whole Asia-Pacific on side but by continuing on the bullying path you have all but sealed the U.S.'s presence in the region for the forseeable future.

Myanmar's problem is your own problem. You never ruled those regions until British came. After British left, in the Panglong agreement in 1947, you promised the federal association and gave them the choice to leave the federal. Myanmar will never establish effective ruling over there just by brutal force or nationalism. Hopefully Aung San Suu Kyi can give people in those regions what promised by her father.

China will try to protect friendly neighbors. This doesn't mean that China will try to have good relations with all neighbors. Hostile neighbors are actually not bad, which gives China an opportunity to expand. Just as SCS, Vietnam and Philippines hostile attitude just gave China solid opportunities to consolidate our interests in SCS. Friendly overture from China should not be viewed as bowing of China to you. China doesn't live under the mercy of neighbors. Even if all neighbors were against China, we can still have many friends in Europe, Africa and America without any geopolitical conflicts. Whether you want to be a friendly neighbor or hostile neighbor is your choice, we just have different strategies.

You also do not understand the West. West only retreats if there is a hard wall resistance. If they come without any resistance, they will continue to move forward. China is much more experienced in dealing with United States than ASEAN countries. US advancement will stop when they hit Chinese resistance. Currently China is just using mindless action by US to build bases in SCS. As soon as those are finished, China and United States will be on table for exchange of interests. After that, US will phase out from SCS, as long as China can offer interests somewhere else. There is one sentence for US policy:
A country does not have permanent friends, only permanent interests.
And ask if Burma has invade Thailand? every nation has it own ambition in the pass but the different is that we have contain Vietnamese expansionalism ambition:lol:. And what make you believe that we export genocide to Cambodia and not Vietnam which make Cambodians hate Vietnamese to core but reversely Cambodians are Chines best friend...there must be a rational explanation to this...LMAO

Lon Nol killed Vietnamese Population during Cambodia Civil War 1970s
so your expansionism is fine, ours not. your logic sucks.
so your expansionism is fine, ours not. your logic sucks.
We expand against our enemy with solid domestic economy. You expanded against innocent country with poor economy at home. That's huge difference.
Nobody prevent Vietnam to have expansionism dream but you couldn't fulfill it...pathetic isn't it?.
no. pathetic is you supported the mass killing of cambodians, and now you claim they are your best friend.
no. pathetic is you supported the mass killing of cambodians, and now you claim they are your best friend.

Lol ..then how you explain they hate Vietnam so much if we support the mass killing as you claim...you Vietnamese are the ones who cause trouble in Indochina in the history.
Lol ..then how you explain they hate Vietnam so much if we support the mass killing as you claim...you Vietnamese are the ones who cause trouble in Indochina in the history.
nonsense. the majority of cambodians are thankful to vietnam.
here is the famous Victory monument in the capital of Phnom Penh, celebrating Vietnam victory over Khmer rouge Cambodia. the woman with a baby representing Cambodian civilians.



nonsense. the majority of cambodians are thankful to vietnam.
here is the famous Victory monument in the capital of Phnom Penh, celebrating Vietnam victory over Khmer rouge Cambodia. the woman with a baby representing Cambodian civilians.




No matter how you want to prove with some pictures, fact is the fact, Cambodians hate Vietnam since the history, before Khmer rouge such as Lol Nol period, during Khmer rouge, after Khmer rouge and up until now. They hate Vietnam like you hate China.

I can also show you a ton of video on how friendly Cambodians treat China despite of your claim that we promote genocide and mass murder in Cambodia...in fact they like us more than Vietnamese there

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You can see why we are wary of China.

Myanmar nationalists may complain the 1760's Qing-Myanmar conflicts, but as I know, Thailand and Laos are very thankful for it. History fool all of us.
Before that 1760's war, Myanmar had occupied most of Thailand, including its capital city, to Nagaland, Assam. But this is not the fuse China joined in the war, because China's capital is in far north Beijing, the Qing emperor even didn't know Myanmar's military action against the area. What lighted the fuse? Myanmar attacked China's border and entered into Yunnan province. The war lasted 18 years, and a longer negociation period about 20 years. What's result of the war? China didn't conqurer Myanmar, Myanmar didn't conqurer China, but Thailand get independce again. Thais are really smart people, we admire.
No matter how you want to prove with some pictures, fact is the fact, Cambodians hate Vietnam since the history, before Khmer rouge such as Lol Nol period, during Khmer rouge, after Khmer rouge and up until now. They hate Vietnam like you hate China.

I can also show you a ton of video on how friendly Cambodians treat China despite of your claim that we promote genocide and mass murder in Cambodia...in fact they like us more than Vietnamese there

have I said the khmer love us vietnamese?
I said the majority are thankful to us, because we saved them from the abyss.

sure, they hate us.

they blame us for the downfall of their great empire.
they blame us, that we fought with the siamese for the supremacy in indochina mainland on the cost of cambodia.
they blame us, that we colonised the country, enforcing vietnamese law and order.
they blame us that we worked for the french colonists, enslaving their populace.

you should be lucky, that the khmers worship Theravāda, a soft form of buddhism, that encourage the followers forget the past, forgiving the murderers. also, Theravāda is found in Laos, Burma, Thailand and Sri Lanka. that is in contrast to Vietnam, we follow Mahayana, a hard form of buddhism. we never forget. nor forgive our enemy. we have more with the chinese in common than the rest of SE Asia.

by the way, most light skin cambodians are ethnic vietnamese, so in the music video.
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