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China-Myanmar Cooperation: News & Discussions

That's unfortunate if becomes, again, a national psyche. Domestic politics, even in a very technocratic bureaucracies such as Vietnam, is bound to be influenced by popular perception, which often leads to unwise and non-prudent decision making.

Kind of like how Chinese decision makers made the “unwise and non-prudent decision” to plant an oil rig in the SCS which broke the VN-CN tie and the decision to steal the Philippines’ Scarborough shoal which also broke the the PH-CN tie? And the US are now welcomed to the SCS to counter these perceived Chinese aggression?

I don’t know whether the CCP was influenced by popular perception or not during that time, but it sure made some unwise and non-prudent decision-making.
Kind of like how Chinese decision makers made the “unwise and non-prudent decision” to plant an oil rig in the SCS which broke the VN-CN tie and the decision to steal the Philippines’ Scarborough shoal which also broke the the PH-CN tie? And the US are now welcomed to the SCS to counter these perceived Chinese aggression?

I don’t know whether the CCP was influenced by popular perception or not during that time, but it sure made some unwise and non-prudent decision-making.
Right, and it led to the death of some illegal Cnese workers in VN during the riot. CN govt. is the one that repossible to their death.
Right, and it led to the death of some illegal Cnese workers in VN during the riot. CN govt. is the one that repossible to their death.

R.I.P. to the poor workers. :(

Hopefully the CCP decision makers will be more intelligent and won’t repeat those unwise and non-prudent decisions again.
Myanmar Ambassador: Learning from China important for Myanmar
By He Shan


Myanmar Ambassador Thit Linn Ohn. [China.org.cn]

Myanmar Ambassador Thit Linn Ohn views the ongoing annual sessions of the NPC and CPPCC -- China's top legislature and advisory body, as a valuable opportunity to learn messages from China's high-level leaders.

Mr. Ohn, who was appointed to his post two years ago, sat through the work reports delivered by Chinese leaders at the opening ceremonies of the twin sessions and heard about China's political and economic successes.

"To learn from the development of neighboring countries is very important for Myanmar," he said in an exclusive interview with China.org.cn on March 11.

"As close neighbors, Myanmar and China have maintained friendly relations. We have so much assistance from China."

He explained that since Myanmar is in a transitional period between governments, he should convey the messages coming out of Beijing to enable the new government to know more about China.

He emphasized that China has voiced its support for Myanmar no matter what the political and economic choices of its people.

"That is the mutual understanding we need," he said.

Myanmar started its own political and economic reform program only five years ago and has faced many challenges

"No matter how our internal situation has changed, I firmly believe the relationship between our two countries will not alter," the ambassador asserted.

Myanmar's pivotal role in the "Belt and Road" initiative

Situated between China, India and Bangladesh, Myanmar has a coastline of 1,300 miles, so it is strategically and geographically significant in the region.

Mr. Ohn said China's CITIC Group Corporation has won two contracts involving the construction of a deepwater port and an industrial area at the Kyaukpyu Special Economic Zone in western Myanmar.

He attributed its success in gaining the contracts to the friendliness between the two countries.

Commenting on their significance, he said the overland links between Myanmar and southern China can considerably reduce the sea route for shipments traveling from China to points beyond via the Malacca Strait.

The sea port has a very crucial role in the development of the 2,800-km-long BCIM (Bangladesh, China, India, Myanmar) economic corridor initiated in 1999.

"China has already established Gwadar Port in Pakistan," he said. "Myanmar is the lower part, and Pakistan is upper part. They are both exist for China."

Mr. Ohn said Myanmar leaders support the "Belt and Road" initiative, but Myanmar people have limited knowledge of it. He counseled China to share more knowledge and information to convince Myanmar people of the benefits.

Asked about the outlook for Sino-Myanmar relations after the new government takes office, he said he firmly believed the ties would not be too different from the past, as the new government knew very well the relationship's great importance.
If Myanmar really helps China reach India Ocean, it could be as rich as Eastern China coast. Unfortunately Myanmar is similar to Vietnam, and always wary of Chinese influence.
If Myanmar really helps China reach India Ocean, it could be as rich as Eastern China coast. Unfortunately Myanmar is similar to Vietnam, and always wary of Chinese influence.

Nonetheless, they host a strategic dual pipeline for China to ease the Malacca Dilemma. I guess China should continue to constructively engage the country. They are just like any other minor player; trying to get some benefits from you, and sme from others.
Nonetheless, they host a strategic dual pipeline for China to ease the Malacca Dilemma. I guess China should continue to constructively engage the country. They are just like any other minor player; trying to get some benefits from you, and sme from others.
No. Myanmar is very wary of China. Strategically Myanmar is the most wanted foreign territory to China. Both Ming and Qing Dynasty tried to conquer Myanmar.
To make things worse, the current Myanmar is made by British. Myanmar cannot control the full lands by itself, which stirs nationalism with China as the main scapegoat.
Only China can help Myanmar for political stability and economic prosperity. But there is no mutual trust to support it. For every Chinese investment in Myanmar, they want to find investments from other countries to balance it. This significantly slows progresses in Myanmar.

Myanmar's problem is a common problem for a middle size country neighboring powers such as China, United States and Russia. Canada loses some sovereignty to United States, but safety and prosperity are guaranteed. I think that China may need to change the non-alignment policy for neighboring countries. China needs to guarantee their safety to improve mutual trust as United States and Russia.

But not some treaty such as China and North Korea. North Korea is abusing Chinese protection to do whatever they like. Actually China-Pakistan relation should be an example if there are more economic relations benefiting both sides. China hasn't established a role model for relations with neighbors, which is a big problem in foreign relations.
No. Myanmar is very wary of China. Strategically Myanmar is the most wanted foreign territory to China. Both Ming and Qing Dynasty tried to conquer Myanmar.

You can see why we are wary of China.
You can see why we are wary of China.
That's why it will take great wisdom to solve this issue. As I said, China should really help political stability and economic prosperity of Myanmar. This is a weakness of China. China helped independence of Vietnam and North Korea. But China has never been able to demonstrate the ability to help political stability and economic prosperity of neighboring countries. Myanmar or Pakistan are the two most possible candidates to start.
Myanmar's problem is a common problem for a middle size country neighboring powers such as China, United States and Russia. Canada loses some sovereignty to United States, but safety and prosperity are guaranteed. I think that China may need to change the non-alignment policy for neighboring countries. China needs to guarantee their safety to improve mutual trust as United States and Russia.

China attempts to start from a different basis -- different from the regular behavior of modern great powers. That's actually what it has been promoting diplomatically since the initiation of 'five principles of peaceful coexistence" in the 1950s. It appears that the idea has been lost to many neighbors so far; they treat China like a regular great power because these countries are mostly educated into it.

Change of behavior will take time, but, I guess it is better than China adopting US or Russian models, which are eventually bound to fail.

The OBOR is the first comprehensive tangible public goods China has offered to the region and the majority of the world. Similar, and more region-focused institutionalized-initiatives will hopefully overtime win the trust and cooperation of small powers.
China attempts to start from a different basis -- different from the regular behavior of modern great powers. That's actually what it has been promoting diplomatically since the initiation of 'five principles of peaceful coexistence" in the 1950s. It appears that the idea has been lost to many neighbors so far; they treat China like a regular great power because these countries are mostly educated into it.

Change of behavior will take time, but, I guess it is better than China adopting US or Russian models, which are eventually bound to fail.

The OBOR is the first comprehensive tangible public goods China has offered to the region and the majority of the world. Similar, and more region-focused institutionalized-initiatives will hopefully overtime win the trust and cooperation of small powers.
'five principles of peaceful coexistence" is only valid for big powers and remote countries. It is not working well for neighboring countries. Pivotal to Asia is clearly taking advantage of this. This allows easy sabotage of relations between China and neighboring countries. Small countries also want protection service. If China doesn't offer, they will go to ask for USA.

Slowly China is changing the foreign policy. China is planning military bases in Djibouti. This will allow China to help political stability of pro-China eastern African countries. What happened in Sudan was clearly a lesson to China. China must provide some kind of protections to friends without damage of their dignity. But China should avoid any interfering in any non-friendly countries.

Just as ordinary people. When your friends are in trouble, you need to go to help, including fighting. Otherwise, you will lose more and more friends and become lonely.
That's why it will take great wisdom to solve this issue. As I said, China should really help political stability and economic prosperity of Myanmar. This is a weakness of China. China helped independence of Vietnam and North Korea. But China has never been able to demonstrate the ability to help political stability and economic prosperity of neighboring countries. Myanmar or Pakistan are the two most possible candidates to start.
I suggest you to stop making stupid comments. the few years China under Mao Zedong helped Vietnam are extremly short compared to the hundreds of years China under various dynasties sabotaging our economic development, assisting our enemies, and yourself invading Vietnam, destroying our country, killing our people.

No, China wasn´t helpful in helping to bring independence to Vietnam. in opposite, China was the cause for our prolonged suffering. without China sabotage in the peace conference in Geneve, Vietnam would be united in 1954, and avoided the war with America. and avoiding the war later with Cambodia, and China.
I suggest you to stop making stupid comments. the few years China under Mao Zedong helped Vietnam are extremly short compared to the hundreds of years China under various dynasties sabotaging our economic development, assisting our enemies, and yourself invading Vietnam, destroying our country, killing our people.

No, China wasn´t helpful in helping to bring independence to Vietnam. in opposite, China was the cause for our prolonged suffering. without China sabotage in the peace conference in Geneve, Vietnam would be united in 1954, and avoided the war with America. and avoiding the war later with Cambodia, and China.
Current VCP can continue to ignore Chinese efforts similar as North Korea to defend its legitimacy. VCP is the most evil party in Sino-Vietnam relation. It started to kill Chinese the day it unified South Vietnam. Personally I never think that the coming of United State is bad thing. Sino-Vietnam relationship can only return to normal with a color revolution to end VCP, just as Sino-North Korea can only return to normal with the end of Kim Dynasty. VCP and Kim Dynasty are two enemies of China created by CCP's ideological doctrines.

Why did China want the existence of South Vietnam in 1954? Because we knew that South Vietnam would be better to Chinese than VCP creatures. One day if there is a color revolution to end VCP, I definitely like to make a financial contribution because I have heard many terrible stories of Chinese Vietnamese, who fled from VCP to Hong Kong or United States. Hopefully one day this flag will fly in Vietnam.

A pro-business Vietnam will be definitely better than current Vietnam, which is immersed in nationalism and dreaming to control Indo-China peninsula and SCS.
VCP is a common enemy for China and United States. Hopefully one day China and United States can end it together. In China, there are still at least 300,000 Chinese Vietnamese who were deprived of all their properties and be driven to China. These were Chinese who made their way back to China. Many were killed right away, or drown in their boats in South China Sea to flee to Hong Kong and other countries.

Have you considered the possibility that they want protection from you i.e. China.
That's a process needing careful review. For example, China and Pakistan form good relations with the respect of sovereignty. In 2011, China told USA right away that any attack on Pakistan is attack on china.

But for North Korea, even China fought a war for it and have a treaty to protect it, it still hates China.

protecting your friends is something China needs to learn from United States. CCP used to judge friends by ideology or historical connections. North Korea and Vietnam prove that this is a big mistake. Friendship should be judged by business and geological needs.

geopolitical needs.
China should also avoid stationing army in other countries as United States. This can be humiliating to many countries. Modern technology allows to help your friends militarily by many ways with rapid deployments.
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