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China mulling 'small scale military ops' against India: Media :

buck up china , learn some lessons from pakistan . if it was our matter of national pride we would not wait as you do ,
go and attack these scums , we are behind your back.
buck up china , learn some lessons from pakistan . if it was our matter of national pride we would not wait as you do ,
go and attack these scums , we are behind your back.
Soon China is going to cut chicken neck of India.India will look like as following:rofl:

China won't 'compromise' on Doklam: PLA analysts

The New York Times in an article 'How India and China Have Come to the Brink Over a Remote Mountain Pass' says that the conflict "reflects the swelling ambition--and nationalism--of both countries".

A BBC report last month--'What's behind the India-China border stand off?'--said that "both India and China have rushed more troops to the border region, and media reports say the two are in an 'an eyeball to eyeball' stand-off".

Hindi-Chini Bhai Bhai only way out: Dalai Lama on India-China Doklam standoff
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