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China mocks India's democratic system


Oct 16, 2014
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BEIJING: Deriding India's democratic system, official Chinese media here on Thursday defended ruling Communist Party's monopoly on power, saying if China had opted for democracy it would have become another India "where around 20 per cent of the world's poorest live".

"Hindsight shows us that the Western political system, which is not inherently problematic and was designed to encourage freedom, would have been incompatible to a country where efficiency has driven remarkable economic growth and social development," state-run Xinhua news agency said in a commentary.

"Further, China's feat of becoming the first developing country to halve its population living in poverty would have never been accomplished. Half of the 1.3-billion population may have been recipients of foreign aid, making it a huge burden on the world," it said.

"At best, China would have been another India, the world's biggest democracy by Western standards, where around 20 per cent of the world's poorest live and whose democracy focuses on how power is divided," the commentary said, mocking the democratic political system in India.

"In 2014, India registered a per capital GDP equal to a mere quarter of China's GDP," it said. State-run China Daily which carried Xinhua's commentary as editorial omitted references to India.

"Or, China could have become certain African democratic country that has struggled with civil wars, military junta, coup d'etats and the curse of resources for decades following the end of Western colonial rule in the 1960s," it said.

"The ongoing annual session of the National People's Congress (NPC) China's top legislature, provides a suitable backdrop to reflect upon the country's 61-year-old fundamental political system," it said.

It shrugged off the image of a rubber stamp parliament for its 3,000-strong member NPC for its routine adoption of bills put forward by the ruling Communist Party of China (CPC). NPC is currently holding its 10-day annual session.

"Seemingly endless political bickering, inherent in the Western model, would have resulted in political dysfunction, which in turn would have had catastrophic repercussions for a nation with a population four times as large as the United States," the Xinhua commentary said.

"Should China have adopted a system that facilitated lobbying among interest groups, it would have been caught in a self-perpetuating cycle of endless debates.

"Should China's mainstream political parties have been fiscally irresponsible and pursued interventionist policies globally, like in the United States, the People's Liberation Army (PLA) would have received an inflated military budget — at the expense of development projects.

"This situation would have fed nationalist sentiment, and wars would be imminent. This would have only been good news for opportunists and arms dealers, who would have rushed to cash in on the unrest," it said.

A system that allows plurality is fertile ground for election rigging, vote buying and the silencing of minorities.

In a country as ethnically and geographically diverse as China, the fires of opposition would have been stoked and divided the nation, it said.
official Chinese media here on Thursday defended ruling Communist Party's monopoly on power, saying if China had opted for democracy it would have become another India "where around 20 per cent of the world's poorest live"..

What's a shame to say so in public.
For once i agree completely with CHINA . This is very true to a great extent

And how can you confirm what China is saying is truth???

Communists control the media, In china no one knows what is going inside... Even today if they kill 10 million ppl, no one in world will never know it has happen...

where as in Indian if one ppl is killed, its known to world..

So please don't trust Commie propaganda... I have seen Commie rule in Kerla and Bengal. If communism is so good , why there are poor in Kerla, bengal, East Europe and Russia???
For once i agree completely with CHINA . This is very true to a great extent

Democracy is a mess dude.It is always a mess.But for our condition it is the only best suitable option.And it proved that in time and again.

On topic :What a self consoling article of Chinese media.Within 15 years we lifted around 300 million people from poverty to middle class.

There is no shame in that.We have had 70% poverty around 2 decades ago.Now it is reduced to 20% .It is an achievement .
What's a shame to say so in public.
BEIJING: Deriding India's democratic system, official Chinese media here on Thursday defended ruling Communist Party's monopoly on power, saying if China had opted for democracy it would have become another India "where around 20 per cent of the world's poorest live".

"Hindsight shows us that the Western political system, which is not inherently problematic and was designed to encourage freedom, would have been incompatible to a country where efficiency has driven remarkable economic growth and social development," state-run Xinhua news agency said in a commentary.

"Further, China's feat of becoming the first developing country to halve its population living in poverty would have never been accomplished. Half of the 1.3-billion population may have been recipients of foreign aid, making it a huge burden on the world," it said.

"At best, China would have been another India, the world's biggest democracy by Western standards, where around 20 per cent of the world's poorest live and whose democracy focuses on how power is divided," the commentary said, mocking the democratic political system in India.

"In 2014, India registered a per capital GDP equal to a mere quarter of China's GDP," it said. State-run China Daily which carried Xinhua's commentary as editorial omitted references to India.

"Or, China could have become certain African democratic country that has struggled with civil wars, military junta, coup d'etats and the curse of resources for decades following the end of Western colonial rule in the 1960s," it said.

"The ongoing annual session of the National People's Congress (NPC) China's top legislature, provides a suitable backdrop to reflect upon the country's 61-year-old fundamental political system," it said.

It shrugged off the image of a rubber stamp parliament for its 3,000-strong member NPC for its routine adoption of bills put forward by the ruling Communist Party of China (CPC). NPC is currently holding its 10-day annual session.

"Seemingly endless political bickering, inherent in the Western model, would have resulted in political dysfunction, which in turn would have had catastrophic repercussions for a nation with a population four times as large as the United States," the Xinhua commentary said.

"Should China have adopted a system that facilitated lobbying among interest groups, it would have been caught in a self-perpetuating cycle of endless debates.

"Should China's mainstream political parties have been fiscally irresponsible and pursued interventionist policies globally, like in the United States, the People's Liberation Army (PLA) would have received an inflated military budget — at the expense of development projects.

"This situation would have fed nationalist sentiment, and wars would be imminent. This would have only been good news for opportunists and arms dealers, who would have rushed to cash in on the unrest," it said.

A system that allows plurality is fertile ground for election rigging, vote buying and the silencing of minorities.

In a country as ethnically and geographically diverse as China, the fires of opposition would have been stoked and divided the nation, it said.
no offence but it's true..china has eradicated poverty and no democratic success of india can match this achievement of china
First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they attack you. Then you win. - Mohandas Gandhi.

So China has already laugh at us, Now they will attack us....


no offence but it's true..china has eradicated poverty and no democratic success of india can match this achievement of china

And how can you confirm what China is saying is truth???

Communists control the media, In china no one knows what is going inside... Even today if they kill 10 million ppl, no one in world will never know it has happen...

where as in Indian if one ppl is killed, its known to world..

So please don't trust Commie propaganda... I have seen Commie rule in Kerla and Bengal. If communism is so good , why there are poor in Kerla, bengal, East Europe and Russia???
So China has already laugh at us, Now they will attack us....


And how can you confirm what China is saying is truth???

Communists control the media, In china no one knows what is going inside... Even today if they kill 10 million ppl, no one in world will never know it has happen...

where as in Indian if one ppl is killed, its known to world..

So please don't trust Commie propaganda... I have seen Commie rule in Kerla and Bengal. If communism is so good , why there are poor in Kerla, bengal, East Europe and Russia???
even bbc documentry has failed to show any significant poverty in china..western propaganda is more harmful these days than commie..dude china government is communist not the economy..they have a liberal capitalist free market economy and WB and kerala are far from that economic policy..i believe that if india mocks china for not having a democratic setup then we are shaming ourselves only though i believe democracy is the only and best option for india
And how can you confirm what China is saying is truth???

Communists control the media, In china no one knows what is going inside... Even today if they kill 10 million ppl, no one in world will never know it has happen...

where as in Indian if one ppl is killed, its known to world..

So please don't trust Commie propaganda... I have seen Commie rule in Kerla and Bengal. If communism is so good , why there are poor in Kerla, bengal, East Europe and Russia???
Thousands of Indians die in northeastern India, thousands of children in India die because of malnutrition . But from your TOI or Hindustan, most your get is cricket, Bollywood movies and politician's nonsensical performance without implementation. Such a joke to call India a democratic nation and hear your hilarious and delusional talks like where as in Indian if one ppl is killed, its known to world or Even today if they kill 10 million ppl, no one in world will never know it has happen...
And how can you confirm what China is saying is truth???

Communists control the media, In china no one knows what is going inside... Even today if they kill 10 million ppl, no one in world will never know it has happen...

where as in Indian if one ppl is killed, its known to world..

So please don't trust Commie propaganda... I have seen Commie rule in Kerla and Bengal. If communism is so good , why there are poor in Kerla, bengal, East Europe and Russia???

You failed to understand my Pont

I never said Communism is good!

I just said Indian Democracy is a failure only thing good about it is boasting - 'We're the largest democracy'

Also i don't think the China communism is the same as comie communism we find here in some states of India. The CCP, atleast in its present form, has an entirely different interpretation of what communism is and has succeeded in there ideology though one would have to concede that there are obvious flaws like every other ideology
Cheap Communist propaganda just to show their citizen why we should be democratic. :china:
I think it's time we start mocking China's undemocratic autocratic system too.

In July, almost half a million people of Hong Kong took to the streets to voice support for democratic reforms in the annual march, which has become an occasion for residents to air complaints over a range of grievances against China's system of governance.

China remains an authoritarian one-party state. It places arbitrary curbs on expression, association, assembly, and religion; prohibits independent labor unions and human rights organizations; and maintains Party control over all judicial institutions.

So China should look within and stop pontificating about democracy and mocking other nations.

And how can you confirm what China is saying is truth???

Communists control the media, In china no one knows what is going inside... Even today if they kill 10 million ppl, no one in world will never know it has happen...

where as in Indian if one ppl is killed, its known to world..

So please don't trust Commie propaganda... I have seen Commie rule in Kerla and Bengal. If communism is so good , why there are poor in Kerla, bengal, East Europe and Russia???

Russians live 100x better than the average Indian. In the 70's Russia was one of the richest countries in the world.

LOL at in India if 1 person is killed it is known to the world. 1,000 Indians die every year due to human drug testing by Western pharmaceutical giants, who the fk even makes a squeak about their lives? Companies give the families of the victims 3000 dollars as compensation.

The first step of solving a problem is finding out that you have a problem. When foreign companies can walk into your country and start treating its people like experimental lab animals, maybe your system has a problem.

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