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China Might Have Over-Reached Itself

I dont know wether China was overrated,but the everyone knows India was way way overrated by the western media.in every aspect India is still a country of poverty.not in the same league with China.
Yes! ure absolutely right cuz there is so much poverty in India that thousandz of ppl sleeps on the foot paths along with their families. I can't even think about that here in Pakistan...its so sad to see and hear like that....:smokin:
Yes! ure absolutely right cuz there is so much poverty in India that thousandz of ppl sleeps on the foot paths along with their families. I can't even think about that here in Pakistan...its so sad to see and hear like that....:smokin:

Hehe, Thats a good one ! So when was the last time you stepped out of your house ??
I dont know wether China was overrated,but the everyone knows India was way way overrated by the western media.in every aspect India is still a country of poverty.not in the same league with China.

now I know why China's average IQ is 102 and NOT 103 !!!!:rofl:
This thread started by IndoCrap. There's always an India angle no matter how you avoid it.

indocrap have not been paid by communist nation unlike most chinese here. He has a right to post.... (he just posted and not written the article) Chinese people realy don't want to hear anything against them....
Your brothers will be shoulder to shoulder with you in that event. :pakistan::china:
Taking down the threat could be a flashpoint event, or it could be an ongoing process. I think China really needs Pakistan to be a transportation corridor to the Persian Gulf, bypassing the Indian Ocean and Malacca Straits altogether. A stable, well-defended Pakistan (like a Great Wall) is all China needs. Asking Pakistan to take any form of offensive action would be extremely unlikely.
Hmmm doesnt U.S. owe China more than a trillion dollars?

I think its the best time for China to demand the U.S. to start paying.

:china: :pakistan:

:usflag: :woot:
indocrap have not been paid by communist nation unlike most chinese here. He has a right to post.... (he just posted and not written the article) Chinese people realy don't want to hear anything against them....

most Chinese are paid here?who do you exactly think is a paid poster and where to collect the pay?
we Chinese posters when facing China bashers,we are very united,even within ourselves we have different opinions about issues in China.you are just too brainwashed by your pathetic media to believe that as long as Chinese people say good about China,they must be shills.how stupid,Chinese people also love our country just like your Inidans love yours,if not more so.

see how fierce we debated on this thread.
Hmmm doesnt U.S. owe China more than a trillion dollars?

I think its the best time for China to demand the U.S. to start paying.

:china: :pakistan:

:usflag: :woot:

Nothings stopping China.

2 words.... DO IT!:sniper:

India is a democracy and the cold war is over, that should tell you why India is seen as a potential partner rather than an adversary, even if there are minor issues where our countries differ.

That and its an election period. Expect rhetoric from US candidates/incumbents, expect rhetoric from China's government.

It looks increasingly like China will not see a more lenient US than it saw at the beginning of Obama's administration. Either Obama is reelected, or a republican comes to power.
Hmmm doesnt U.S. owe China more than a trillion dollars?

I think its the best time for China to demand the U.S. to start paying.

:china: :pakistan:

:usflag: :woot:

MY FRIEND, sorry to tell u that u have no idea of Economics whatsoever... if USA SOMEHOW pays off all the so-called debt of China, the Chinese economy will collapse!!! If u think that I am bluffing, go and read economics... U see, China has undervalued its currency and that has resulted in a positive trade-balance in favour of China. If all of a sudden, money to the amount of one trillion dollars were infused in Chinese economy, the currency will not be able to take the load, and the deflation will kill everything!!! And also, USA will also get badly hit by inflation.

So this DEBT is actually a necessary evil, much like FRICTION...
Nothings stopping China.

2 words.... DO IT!:sniper:

The status quo is perfect for us. :azn: In the current status quo, our relative power is increasing every day.

Of course we have to thank America for maintaining the status quo, by spending trillions of their own money, in order to maintain "world stability" in the Middle East, and guarantee freedom of the Sea lanes, which allows our trade to go unhindered.

If America wanted to stop us, they could have done it ten years ago no problem. But they loved the money too much.
MY FRIEND, sorry to tell u that u have no idea of Economics whatsoever... if USA SOMEHOW pays off all the so-called debt of China, the Chinese economy will collapse!!! If u think that I am bluffing, go and read economics... U see, China has undervalued its currency and that has resulted in a positive trade-balance in favour of China. If all of a sudden, money to the amount of one trillion dollars were infused in Chinese economy, the currency will not be able to take the load, and the deflation will kill everything!!! And also, USA will also get badly hit by inflation.

You must be on "joking" ..EC101 seems to be off.

If the USA were to actually repay the $1 Trillion dollars debt to China , all China needs to do is to allow its CNY to appreciate ; lets assume they allow it to appreciate by 500% .

Overnight , the price of imported goods in China becomes cheaper by 500% . The average Chinese will start consuming more goods & services . Domestic production will be steered towards feeding the domestic market ; exports becomes secondary

China will become the greatest consumer market in the world , surpassing , USA+ Europe + Oceanic COMBINED .

Maybe America may then become the new factory of the world ??
You must be on "joking" ..EC101 seems to be off.

If the USA were to actually repay the $1 Trillion dollars debt to China , all China needs to do is to allow its CNY to appreciate ; lets assume they allow it to appreciate by 500% .

Overnight , the price of imported goods in China becomes cheaper by 500% . The average Chinese will start consuming more goods & services . Domestic production will be steered towards feeding the domestic market ; exports becomes secondary

China will become the greatest consumer market in the world , surpassing , USA+ Europe + Oceanic COMBINED .

Maybe America may then become the new factory of the world ??

oh u once again proved that u have no idea of economics. your own statement (bolded) proves that in that scenario China will become the greatest consumer market because of deflation ie appreciation of Yuan. and that will result in NO BODY buying from China anymore because its products will be prohibitively costly! so all your NIKE, iPHONE, Samsung and REEBOK factories will close overnight on one side resulting in mass-unemployment, while ur exports will drop to zero, thus resulting in your foreign exchange balance dropping to negative. and the GREAT chinese economy will COLLAPSE!!!

I hope u understand this much simplifies economics which I have stated for ur IQ level.... hopefully u'd have understood what I meant when i say this DEBT thing is a necessary evil for everyone!!!! china can't take it back,a nd USA can't repay it!!!
Whats the point of military suprermacy if it is not bringing home any bacon. Trillions of dollars were wasted in Iraq and afghanistan. I guess its time to waste billions in the pacific area.

The current policy of working the ASEAN nations should suffice. When will these idiots learn ?
oh u once again proved that u have no idea of economics. your own statement (bolded) proves that in that scenario China will become the greatest consumer market because of deflation ie appreciation of Yuan. and that will result in NO BODY buying from China anymore because its products will be prohibitively costly! so all your NIKE, iPHONE, Samsung and REEBOK factories will close overnight on one side resulting in mass-unemployment, while ur exports will drop to zero, thus resulting in your foreign exchange balance dropping to negative. and the GREAT chinese economy will COLLAPSE!!!

If the USA were to repay all its debt (e.g US$1 Trillion) to China , and assuming SAFE (the institution, not adjective) adds the same amount to its global reserves , China will hold about $5 Trillion . The pressure for the CNY to appreciate will be overwhelming , and is likely to indeed appreciate .

The China consumer will find that everything is suddenly cheaper for him/her to buy...and buy they will.

Already right now, even at the undervalued CNY level, China is the largest consumer market for so many products . One can of course dis-regard the China Govt stats as propoganda , but what about those of Fortune 500 ?

In the end, the Chinese workers in China factories will be producing the goods & services for domestic comsumption. The domestic market is already huge , they no longer need to export (so much) of it.

BMW China sales surge by Booming demand from China.
China has become the German automaker's biggest market for the BMW 7, 5 and X6 Series as well as the BMW 5 Series GT., and they are all made in China by Brilliance Automative

BMW Expects ‘Significant’ Sales Gain, Led by China - Businessweek

BMW China sales hit record high in 2010


Prada’s China sales jumped a whopping 51 percent in the first nine months of 2010 and the luxury label is the ninth most desired brand in China according to recent research of management consulting firm Bain.

With 15 stores in China, Prada plans to open 30 more by the end of 2012 and launch a design studio in Hong Kong this year. China is Pradas biggest and most important market in the world.

Prada stages 1st runway show in Beijing, to open 30 stores by the end of 2012 | Retail in Asia

Wal-Mart's Q4 profit surges 27% on international gains in China, ; U.S. sales still lag

Wal-Mart's Q4 profit surges 27% on international gains; U.S. sales still lag | RetailingToday.com
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