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China May Risk Region Instability: Indonesia Army Chief

The preservation of one's natural resources to be used for oneself is an ideal goal , an ideal mandate of any Government. I hope to see that the Indonesian Government will take active measures to ensure this directive.

They can take measures, but they are bogged down by a very small military, a very small air defence cover and a totally spread-out country.

Simply put, they aren't militarizing as much as their economy is growing. Being a vast island nation, their focus should be on naval platforms and fighter jets more than tanks.
Seriously, I wonder if Indonesia have some secret or ulterior grudge against China.
They can take measures, but they are bogged down by a very small military, a very small air defence cover and a totally spread-out country.

Simply put, they aren't militarizing as much as their economy is growing. Being a vast island nation, their focus should be on naval platforms and fighter jets more than tanks.

I agree, Indonesia should focus more on naval development. Second, they should increase their national defense expenditure.
That's serious if Indonesia is now saying things. Indonesia has been quiet and in the past.

In wikileaks, Indonesia has been one of the most overt in containing China.


¶8. (S) Yudhoyono will tell the Secretary that U.S. engagement is important in order to maintain a stable balance of power in Asia given the rise of China. Indonesia is concerned that China's rise could upset stability in the region. A comprehensive and long-term approach is needed to manage China's rising influence. ASEAN, India, Japan and South Korea are key elements of that approach. In addition to this, the United States, Australia and New Zealand must play a role in the Asian balance of power. Yudhoyono hoped that the Secretary will outline priorities for U.S. Asia policy that include a robust commitment to the region.

Cable reference id: #09JAKARTA262
Xi told Jokowi last week that China wants to strengthen its strategic partnership with Indonesia. In his first phone conversation with Jokowi, Xi said the two countries are “good neighbors and good friends,” China’s official Xinhua News Agency reported Oct. 24.

I think Indonesia friends are very happy for that.
why we must at your border, while your ships has been burned here a plenty by our Navy after been caught for stealing together with the Chinese?

You've created such an unnecessary comments Viets
you are proud of a such act?
The fish within the waters that are clearly demarcated as Indonesian Territorial Waters DO belong to Indonesia.


Yeah sure, but I have not seen China making any claims on Indo's territorial waters.
The fish in the rest of South China sea is up for grabs lol
Seriously, I wonder if Indonesia have some secret or ulterior grudge against China.
I call tell you: they hate you with deep passion. don´t hesitate to bully them. forget vietnam,
Wkwk china never dare to messing up against us and forcing us to joint US-Japan camp
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