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China may give india a taste of it's own medicine


Aug 29, 2009
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India takes on China over Brahmaputra

NEW DELHI: Engaging China again on Thursday, India said it was looking into a media report to see if Beijing might have gone back on an assurance that it would not divert the course of Brahmaputra.

This was the third straight day when the Foreign Office spoke on China. The series of statements began on Tuesday when India responded to a Chinese protest over Prime Minister Manmohan Singh’s visit to “disputed” Arunachal Pradesh. The latest Foreign Office remark followed a newspaper report that suggested that China was building a series of dams on Brahmaputra river, called the Yaluzangbu or Yarlong Tsangpo upstream in Tibet.

Reacting to the news report, External Affairs Ministry spokesperson Vishnu Prakash reminded that the India had taken up the issue in its meetings with the Chinese on trans-border rivers.

Compared to its statement on Wednesday when Delhi asked China to stay off Pakistani projects in ***, the remarks on Brahmaputra were mild, but by choosing to react at some length to an Indian newspaper report, Delhi signalled it would not shy away from a slugfest.
Bangladesh would be the biggest loser here, India would hold back all the water it needs. Bangladesh will have to contend with whatever is left after China and India are done.
Bangladesh would be the biggest loser here, India would hold back all the water it needs. Bangladesh will have to contend with whatever is left after China and India are done.

You are right!!! India will take as much as water it needs but Bangladesh will be left high and dry and blame will go to chinese for making dam.... In a way it will save India from floods which come annually on those parts of India....
Moreover India can make more and more dams in all the rivers in India saying chinese have also made in their part...
Actually its a blessing in disguise for INDIA..........
You are right!!! India will take as much as water it needs but Bangladesh will be left high and dry and blame will go to chinese for making dam.... In a way it will save India from floods which come annually on those parts of India....
Moreover India can make more and more dams in all the rivers in India saying chinese have also made in their part...
Actually its a blessing in disguise for INDIA..........

1)there are about 200-300 million square KMs desert or extremely dry area in china(roughtly one third of the whole country). frankly speaking, even 100% of the Brahmaputra water will be diverted, it will be still far from enough to meet the chinese need.

2)if the dam would be built, the water is supposed to be diverted to northern china which is 2000-3000kms away. so it won't be that difficult to built a water channel from tibet to Bangladesh if needed.
1)there are about 200-300 million square KMs desert or extremely dry area in china(roughtly one third of the whole country). frankly speaking, even 100% of the Brahmaputra water will be diverted, it will be still far from enough to meet the chinese need.

2)if the dam would be built, the water is supposed to be diverted to northern china which is 2000-3000kms away. so it won't be that difficult to built a water channel from tibet to Bangladesh if needed.


.. and what route will this fabled water channel take ?

.. and what route will this fabled water channel take ?

It is possible to divert water to other part of China. To divert to Bangladesh bypassing India will be difficult due to terrain issue (water flow from high ground to low ground).

I do not hope such scenerio happened as the "common" people are the one suffering due to our government disagreement.
2)if the dam would be built, the water is supposed to be diverted to northern china which is 2000-3000kms away. so it won't be that difficult to built a water channel from tibet to Bangladesh if needed.

Bangladesh is surrounded by three sides from India,, and the fourth side is covered by bay of bengal... How u r going to bring any kind of river into Bangladesh without entering into India??????????:undecided:
point is....... China can build upto 20GW of hydro project on Brahmaputra on the Tibet side.If any geologist takes a clean picture of the water levels of Brahmaputra,The river untill today flowed above the flood threshold atleast 350 days /year.the water that enters from tibet is minute,where as the small small creeks that join the river right after the border make it dangerous.

A chinese dam in Tibet will only give India a chance to build a series of dams on Indian side jeopardizing the B`deshis.Its simply a late opportunity.
1)there are about 200-300 million square KMs desert or extremely dry area in china(roughtly one third of the whole country). frankly speaking, even 100% of the Brahmaputra water will be diverted, it will be still far from enough to meet the chinese need.

2)if the dam would be built, the water is supposed to be diverted to northern china which is 2000-3000kms away. so it won't be that difficult to built a water channel from tibet to Bangladesh if needed.

Are u serious :blink:
anyways if this dam is Built the ultimate loser will be BD
India takes on China over Brahmaputra

NEW DELHI: Engaging China again on Thursday, India said it was looking into a media report to see if Beijing might have gone back on an assurance that it would not divert the course of Brahmaputra.

This was the third straight day when the Foreign Office spoke on China. The series of statements began on Tuesday when India responded to a Chinese protest over Prime Minister Manmohan Singh’s visit to “disputed” Arunachal Pradesh. The latest Foreign Office remark followed a newspaper report that suggested that China was building a series of dams on Brahmaputra river, called the Yaluzangbu or Yarlong Tsangpo upstream in Tibet.

Reacting to the news report, External Affairs Ministry spokesperson Vishnu Prakash reminded that the India had taken up the issue in its meetings with the Chinese on trans-border rivers.

Compared to its statement on Wednesday when Delhi asked China to stay off Pakistani projects in ***, the remarks on Brahmaputra were mild, but by choosing to react at some length to an Indian newspaper report, Delhi signalled it would not shy away from a slugfest.

India is a hostile country to China and still occupies Chinese territory with no intention at all to move their illegal ***** out. Thus, I say no water for India.
You are right!!! India will take as much as water it needs but Bangladesh will be left high and dry and blame will go to chinese for making dam.... In a way it will save India from floods which come annually on those parts of India....
Moreover India can make more and more dams in all the rivers in India saying chinese have also made in their part...
Actually its a blessing in disguise for INDIA..........

Interesting insight into Indian mentality. Somebody bullies you, so you go and bully someone smaller...

No wonder you guys are so friendly with Israel.

Bangladeshis will rightfully blame India, not China.

This will do wonders for India/Bangladesh relations.
Interesting insight into Indian mentality. Somebody bullies you, so you go and bully someone smaller...

No wonder you guys are so friendly with Israel.

Bangladeshis will rightfully blame India, not China.

This will do wonders for India/Bangladesh relations.

It is all about survival of the fittest...
Regarding our relations with israel.. It is our success in foreign policy that we are able to maintain good relations with both israel and arabs...
How can you conclude by yourself that Bangladesh will blame India.. Chinese are making dams not us....
Finally i am extremely happy that chinese are making dams.. i am sure after that series of dams will be built in kashmir without any problems .. and believe me we indians dont give a s**t about what you people think about us... we know what we are capable of and we keep working for that instead of whining like you ...
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Interesting insight into Indian mentality. Somebody bullies you, so you go and bully someone smaller...

No wonder you guys are so friendly with Israel.

Bangladeshis will rightfully blame India, not China.

This will do wonders for India/Bangladesh relations.

The Indians are giving Normal reaction.

India is opposing construction of DAM.

One should not react with own whims and fantasies.
Interesting insight into Indian mentality. Somebody bullies you, so you go and bully someone smaller...

No wonder you guys are so friendly with Israel.

Bangladeshis will rightfully blame India, not China.

This will do wonders for India/Bangladesh relations.

i know its tough to digest this but the only end result of chinese dam will be more dams in Kashmir....
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