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China makes inroads in Sri Lanka

Götterdämmerung;3025513 said:
Read my example about France. The pre-republican kings claimed to be the legitimate ruler of France, whether it was the Merovingian dynasty followed by the Capetian dynasty, the Valois, Bourbon, the Orléans or the Bonaparte, so did the successive republics. All of them refered themselves as the legitimate successor of the previous regime. The Chinese did the same.

Same here...Delhi changed hands many times and everyone claimed to be the rightful rulers of 'Hindusthan'.
There can be marked differences between purchasing power adjusted incomes and those converted via market exchange rates. For example, the World Bank's World Development Indicators 2005 estimated that in 2003, one Geary-Khamis dollar was equivalent to about 1.8 Chinese yuan by purchasing power parity—considerably different from the nominal exchange rate. This discrepancy has large implications; for instance, when converted via the nominal exchange rates GDP per capita in India is about US$1,704.063 while on a PPP basis it is about US$3,608.196. At the other extreme, Denmark's nominal GDP per capita is around US$62,100, but its PPP figure is US$37,304.

Mull it over....

So, what else have you surpassed Japan?
LOL, talking about culture? I still pay respects to my ancestors during the Qingming Festival every year, just like my ancestors did thousands of years ago. I still celebrate the Mid-Autumn festival, and watch the Dragon dances, same as my ancestors did thousands of years ago.

Food for thought:

The most powerful person in China is a Chinese Atheist.
The most powerful person in Iran is an Iranian Muslim.
The most powerful person in India is a White Catholic.

What about Mainlanders.
LOL, talking about culture? I still pay respects to my ancestors during the Qingming Festival every year, just like my ancestors did thousands of years ago. I still celebrate the Mid-Autumn festival, and watch the Dragon dances, same as my ancestors did thousands of years ago.

Food for thought:

The most powerful person in China is a Chinese Atheist.
The most powerful person in Iran is an Iranian Muslim.
The most powerful person in India is a White Catholic.

That last three lines was pretty troll or off topic..
Talking about culture, then what will be ur statements if the people of IVC followed present indian or dravidian culture? So a line boundary cant relate a culture 1000s of year ago?
Same here...Delhi changed hands many times and everyone claimed to be the rightful rulers of 'Hindusthan'.

Source please! I wiki-ed Hindustan and India and such succession as you claimed is nowhere to be found.
Götterdämmerung;3025556 said:
Source please! I wiki-ed Hindustan and India and such succession as you claimed is nowhere to be found.

There was no such succession in India. The various Indian kingdoms did not rule from a North India (many were not even located in the vicinity at all), and even today the South Indians don't associate themselves in cultural, linguistic or ethnic terms with the North Indians.

There was no "Central Authority" (therefore no state) that encompassed the entire subcontinent, except for rare exceptions like Ashoka who only ruled for a short period of time, with no state preceding or succeeding his one.
Götterdämmerung;3025556 said:
Source please! I wiki-ed Hindustan and India and such succession as you claimed is nowhere to be found.

U had no idea... The ruler of delhi was considered the ruler of hindustan... It was like a unannounced rule or something like that...
There was no such succession in India. The various Indian kingdoms did not rule from Northern India (many were not even located in the vicinity at all), and even today the South Indians don't associate themselves in cultural, linguistic or ethnic terms with the North Indians.

Dont blabber and make fun of urself... Talking as if u r a Ph.D of indian history...
The same applies to u... What does the eastern people share with northern people or in tibet or muslims?
There was no such succession in India. The various Indian kingdoms did not rule from Northern India (many were not even located in the vicinity at all), and even today the South Indians don't associate themselves in cultural, linguistic or ethnic terms with the North Indians.

Ha Ha..futile attempt.
Götterdämmerung;3025556 said:
Source please! I wiki-ed Hindustan and India and such succession as you claimed is nowhere to be found.

I can ask you the same question. Show source that Chinese rules from thousands years back claimed to be the legitimate rulers of China?

As for my source its the history text books that I learnt in school.
The same can be said about India where the majority population lives in North India. From the times of Maurya, Gupta Empire its been the same. Even now political power is concentrated in North India. The largest empires ever to rule India was based in North, same as what you claim about your Eastern Seaboard.

As far as Nationalism goes, thats a relatively new concept. Before everyone was loyal to the local nobel, the nobels loyal to the governors and governors to the king. The king that has more number of governos on his side, has the largest empire.

Mauryans, Guptas, Palas, etc are East Indians not North.

LOL, talking about culture? I still pay respects to my ancestors during the Qingming Festival every year, just like my ancestors did thousands of years ago. I still celebrate the Mid-Autumn festival, and watch the Dragon dances, same as my ancestors did thousands of years ago.

Food for thought:

The most powerful person in China is a Chinese Atheist.
The most powerful person in Iran is an Iranian Muslim.
The most powerful person in India is a White Catholic.

Her race is completely relevant. Because she is very much Indianized. Idk why you bring up religion into it, because there are Christians in India.
U had no idea... The ruler of delhi was considered the ruler of hindustan... It was like a unannounced rule or something like that...

So, it was unannounced and unoffical which means there was no such offical title while the French and Chinese monarchies and republics officially claimed to be the legitimate successor of the previous regime and recognised as such internationally.

Götterdämmerung;3025529 said:
So, what else have you surpassed Japan?

Its economy thats what i was talking about when you talked about PPP factor, i never said anything else or other factors on which India has surpassed Japan.

japan is Japan, no comparison with India.
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