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China makes inroads in Sri Lanka

Only Eastern China is the historical China and Chinese had never been our neighbor.

Thats what baffling me. Iam not an expert in Chinese history as CD claims that of Indian history. But until 1949, Chinese kingdoms never had the geographic boundary of present day China. It was all concentrated on Eastern Seaboard.
Götterdämmerung;3025348 said:
Care to explain where you have surpassed Japan? Don't come with GDP PPP!

Purchasing power parity is a tool employed by UNO, which accepts such practice, of which your country is a signatory....now go n fight with yr own, instead of coming on me.

More, without finding the depth of PPP in the international market matrix, the WB n IMF (who are UNO affiliates) would be hard pressed to loan a nation....
That means that China existed as a nation with the present geographic boundaries for thousands of years with power concentrated in Beijing.

Geography changes over times, what is important is the continuation claim of title and legitimacy just like how France was a kingdom, then a republic that reverted back to monarchy and back again to a republic and then the 3rd republic, 4th republic and 5th republic. All the time it was still a united nation under the name France regardless whether it was the Kingdom of France, the French Republic, the French Empire and back to French Republic again. And in the course of the French nation, it expanded and contracted, e.g. Alsace and Loraine changing ownership between Germany and France, oversea colonies that were conquered, sold, lost or still in posession.


Purchasing power parity is a tool employed by UNO, which accepts such practice, of which your country is a signatory....now go n fight with yr own, instead of coming on me.

I know that the GDP PPP was you only argument. :D

So, what else have you surpassed Japan? :)
Purchasing power parity is a tool employed by UNO, which accepts such practice, of which your country is a signatory....now go n fight with yr own, instead of coming on me.

No, according to the IMF.... PPP should NOT be used for international comparisons.

"The IMF considers that GDP in purchase-power-parity (PPP) terms is NOT the most appropriate measure for comparing the relative size of countries to the global economy, because PPP price levels are influenced by non-traded services, which are more relevant domestically than globally," the IMF said.

"The Fund believes that GDP at market rates is a more relevant comparison."


Thats what baffling me. Iam not an expert in Chinese history as CD claims that of Indian history. But until 1949, Chinese kingdoms never had the geographic boundary of present day China. It was all concentrated on Eastern Seaboard.

The Eastern half of China (including Central China) is where 99% of our citizens live, and this has always been the seat of power for the successive Chinese states throughout history.
Götterdämmerung;3025410 said:
Geography changes over times, what is important is the continuation claim of title and legitimacy just like how France was a kingdom, then a republic that reverted back to monarchy and back again to a republic and then the 3rd republic, 4th republic and 5th republic. All the time it was still a united nation under the name France regardless whether it was the Kingdom of France, the French Republic, the French Empire and back to French Republic again. And in the course of the French nation, it expanded and contracted, e.g. Alsace and Loraine changing ownership between Germany and France, oversea colonies that were conquered, sold, lost or still in posession.

Care to explain this part??
India wasn't there thousands of years ago. The subcontinent was full of independent kingdoms.

Indian nationalism only came into existence once India had been created by the colonialists. It did not exist prior to that.

Well thats called ancient INDIA anyway....with dynasty rules....lol
Buddha was born in Nepal, not India. :azn:

Don't listen to the Indians, they believe the whole subcontinent belongs to them. When in fact, the Indus Valley Civilization is based in what is now modern-day Pakistan, and the Buddha was born in what is now Nepal. NOT India.

When have u seen us claiming Buddha was born in india? He attained Enlightened in India...
I am sorry that is a hard term for u .. Cos Enlightened is a term that was destroyed in china by the communist.. U r never gonna understand any culture...
The Eastern half of China (including Central China) is where 99% of our citizens live, and this has always been the seat of power for the successive Chinese states throughout history.

The same can be said about India where the majority population lives in North India. From the times of Maurya, Gupta Empire its been the same. Even now political power is concentrated in North India. The largest empires ever to rule India was based in North, same as what you claim about your Eastern Seaboard.

As far as Nationalism goes, thats a relatively new concept. Before everyone was loyal to the local nobel, the nobels loyal to the governors and governors to the king. The king that has more number of governos on his side, has the largest empire.
The Eastern half of China (including Central China) is where 99% of our citizens live, and this has always been the seat of power for the successive Chinese states throughout history.

So what? The oldern states or kingdoms didnt have the current boundary of modern china continuously.. Big empires came and fell... And u guys claiming the territories based on a few big empires of china...
When have u seen us claiming Buddha was born in india? He attained Enlightened in India...
I am sorry that is a hard term for u .. Cos Enlightened is a term that was destroyed in china by the communist.. U r never gonna understand any culture...

LOL, talking about culture? I still pay respects to my ancestors during the Qingming Festival every year, just like my ancestors did thousands of years ago. I still celebrate the Mid-Autumn festival, and watch the Dragon dances, same as my ancestors did thousands of years ago.

Food for thought:

The most powerful person in China is a Chinese Atheist.
The most powerful person in Iran is an Iranian Muslim.
The most powerful person in India is a White Catholic.
There can be marked differences between purchasing power adjusted incomes and those converted via market exchange rates. For example, the World Bank's World Development Indicators 2005 estimated that in 2003, one Geary-Khamis dollar was equivalent to about 1.8 Chinese yuan by purchasing power parity—considerably different from the nominal exchange rate. This discrepancy has large implications; for instance, when converted via the nominal exchange rates GDP per capita in India is about US$1,704.063 while on a PPP basis it is about US$3,608.196. At the other extreme, Denmark's nominal GDP per capita is around US$62,100, but its PPP figure is US$37,304.

Mull it over....
Food for thought:

The most powerful person in China is a Chinese Atheist.
The most powerful person in Iran is an Iranian Muslim.
The most powerful person in India is a White Catholic.

Doesn't matter. Women after marriage belongs to the husband's family.
LOL, talking about culture? I still pay respects to my ancestors during the Qingming Festival every year, just like my ancestors did thousands of years ago. I still celebrate the Mid-Autumn festival, and watch the Dragon dances, same as my ancestors did thousands of years ago.

Food for thought:

The most powerful person in China is a Chinese Atheist.
The most powerful person in Iran is an Iranian Muslim.
The most powerful person in India is a White Catholic.

You are lucky that Hongkong was ruled by British and you had British Passport, guess what had happened to Hongkong and Macau if it had been the part of Communist China back in 1949. :D
Care to explain this part??

Read my example about France. The pre-republican kings claimed to be the legitimate ruler of France, whether it was the Merovingian dynasty followed by the Capetian dynasty, the Valois, Bourbon, the Orléans or the Bonaparte, so did the successive republics. All of them refered themselves as the legitimate successor of the previous regime. The Chinese did the same.
LOL, talking about culture? I still pay respects to my ancestors during the Qingming Festival every year, just like my ancestors did thousands of years ago. I still celebrate the Mid-Autumn festival, and watch the Dragon dances, same as my ancestors did thousands of years ago.

Food for thought:

The most powerful person in China is a Chinese Atheist.
The most powerful person in Iran is an Iranian Muslim.
The most powerful person in India is a White Catholic.

Agreed whole heartedly....india is ruled by whites.
Sonia clan has ammassed billions, she has to leave indian shores....
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