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China makes inroads in Sri Lanka

SL can become a chinese colony for all we care, anything short of physically moving SL to a place near china does not pose a serious challenge to us.

After myanmar, pakistan and north korea, SL can be the next chinese ''friend'', but it will be right where it is. See the map, comprehend, look carefully, understand, then see again, wonder, then go back to your delusions.

@kawaraj care more abt ur own security buddy! drones r not flying over my head. we dint bring any other country on the soil of kashmir. its u who showed them the way to gilgit. insecurity shows itself!!
SL can become a chinese colony for all we care, anything short of physically moving SL to a place near china does not pose a serious challenge to us.

After myanmar, pakistan and north korea, SL can be the next chinese ''friend'', but it will be right where it is. See the map, comprehend, look carefully, understand, then see again, wonder, then go back to your delusions.


Than Sri Lankans Indians are so scared, no. :lol:


Sri Lanka's second International airport about to open end of this year. (yep, built by China)

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China seems take SL more seriously than Pakistan in economic assistance(not aid, that won't help). Jealous but we know time will come.

I personally appreciate China's contribution to Africa. The past 10 years witness the best 10 years for the black continent in African history. Some most improved nations are deeply assisted by China in its development. Namely Sudan, Angola, Ghana, Tanzania, etc. China help them set up modern agriculture, industrial basics and service sectors mainly trading with outside, China even builds infrastructure for these countries.
You know for business a stable political and secure environment is the most important,however Pakistan is now messed up by USA and terrorists,the common Chinese companies are not able to enter Pakistan in large scale。
we can only try our best to aid Pakistan to build the infrastructure,to prepare for the future,the day when China is strong enough to drive out USA from Afghan and Pakistan。
Pakistan has a huge population and potential and a very important geographic location ,wise businessman will never give up Pakistan.
When India try to built something, example Coal power plant. Environment pollution...sorry guyz. on hold. I don't understand this crazy Sri Lankans. :lol:
@skyline coal power plants come with electrostatic precipitator these days buddy. Ever heard of it?
SL can become a chinese colony for all we care, anything short of physically moving SL to a place near china does not pose a serious challenge to us.

After myanmar, pakistan and north korea, SL can be the next chinese ''friend'', but it will be right where it is. See the map, comprehend, look carefully, understand, then see again, wonder, then go back to your delusions.

I have to teach you some history knowledge about China-Sri Lanka friendship。
China and Sri Lanka established diplomatic relation in 1957 and since then the two countries have been maintaining a good relationship。
Even 600 years ago our navy fleet led by Zheng He visited the old Sri Lanka and a prince of Sri Lanka came to China with the fleet。His offspring are still living in China。
Even 600 years ago our navy fleet led by Zheng He visited the old Sri Lanka and a prince of Sri Lanka came to China with the fleet。His offspring are still living in China。

Then what about Xuanzang and Faxian.
No country does charity today. all these goody goody love affair between china and srilanka has just one intention.ENCIRCLE INDIA.Most irony is if india makes a military base in viet or anywhere nearby china the first one to launch protest is none other than CHINA!

Do you think that it could just be paranoia? I mean, Sri Lanka - in comparison to China (or India) - is a tiny country with little natural resources that to be honest has nothing much to offer China. I have no idea how Sri Lanka could be remotely seen as a threat to India. I mean really? Is it threatening to Indians when Sri Lankans get cheaper electricity? Is it threatening to Indians if Sri Lankans achieve a better per capita income? Is it threatening for Indians when Sri Lankans get better infrastructure? Is it threatening for Indians if Sri Lanka's economy grows? Surely if anything, it is India that is a threat to Sri Lanka with its politicians continuously supporting separatism in Sri Lanka, and given India's history of sponsoring terrorism in Sri Lanka?

Besides, over the last 50 years India has had ample opportunity to invest and develop relations with Sri Lanka. It's the same with Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan etc. But India did not do so. SAARC has also not progressed and this is largely due to India because India is the behemoth here who basically runs things. Again now in 2012 as mentioned in the news report I posted it is India that is holding up on furthering Indo-Lankan relations. Neither China or Sri Lanka is to be blamed for India's own apathy and lethargy. So why cast aspersions on the Chinese when they invest in other countries and are actively engaged in developing friendly relations with these countries? Why should Sri Lankans consider China or the Chinese to be "enemies" when there is absolutely and utterly no reason to do so? Why should Sri Lankans have a problem with China just because India does? Doesn't seem very fair to me.

Perhaps instead of sulking so to speak, India could review its foreign policies and "update them" instead of adopting a dog in the manger attitude? Why not be happy that China is investing in and improving the lives of other people in other countries? I really don't think the SL government is going to say "no" to Indian investment. To be honest, it's kinda sad how India has not managed to win the confidence of its immediate neighbours especially given all the cultural/religious/ethnic similarities.
Srilankra is just as beautiful as maldive but a lot cheaper good place to go for holliday
They visited the South Asian continent before the country of India had been created.

india is a cradle of civilisation, it was created thousands of years ago, it just got occupied, but it was there....

*************************** Albert Einstein said: We owe a lot to the
*************************** Indians, who taught us how to count, without
*************************** which no worthwhile scientific discovery could*
*************************** have been** made.

*************************** Mark Twain said: India is the cradle of the*
*************************** human race, the birthplace of human speech, the mother
*************************** of history, the grandmother of legend, and the great
*************************** grand mother of tradition. Our most valuable and most*
*************************** structive materials in the history of man are treasured*Up in India....

*************************** Hu Shih, former Ambassador of China to USA said:

*************************** India conquered And dominated China culturally
*************************** for 20 centuries without ever having to send a single
*************************** soldier across her border.
And that's why they chose Afghanistan to enter India as Tibet was never the part of China.
Learn more about geography please。
At that time Tibet was not part of China but the king of Tibet is son-in-law of Chinese emperor,
And that is why Tibet king lended army to Wang Xuance 王玄策 who afterwards
conquered the South Asian continent as easy as blowing off dust:D
Learn more about geography please。
At that time Tibet was not part of China but the king of Tibet is son-in-law of Chinese emperor,
And that is why Tibet king lended army to Wang Xuance 王玄策 who afterwards
conquered the South Asian continent as easy as blowing off dust:D

Wang Xuance, never sounds like a Tibetan name. :D
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