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China makes aggressive moves in the Phillipines.

That was true for the past 10 years. But in October this year, the dovish leaders are out and the hawkish leaders are in!

This is why China is getting more and more assertive on global issues. I'm certain that very soon China will come out with a statement supporting Iran in a military showdown with the USA.

Do you mean October of 2011 or 2012? October 2012 is still ten months ahead of us, by that time, it seems something will definitely happen.
Oh, I thought Phillipine attacked China fishing boat , and China dare not do anything :P
Apologies 'not necessary' over sea accident

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Thursday, October 20, 2011

MANILA (Updated 9:41 a.m.) -- Foreign Affairs Secretary Albert del Rosario said Thursday that apologies are not necessary regarding an incident involving a Chinese fishing vessel and a Philippine Navy ship in the West Philippine Sea (South China Sea).

"No apologies were necessary and none was given," the Foreign Affairs chief said in a statement.

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An "accidental" collision with a Navy gunboat patrolling the West Philippine Sea forced a Chinese fishing vessel off the waters to leave behind dinghies that it was towing behind.

"When it went to take a closer look, our naval ship developed a steering problem and collided with the dinghies. When the Chinese vessel left the scene, it abandoned 24 of the dinghies now in possession of our navy," he explained.
Apologies not necessary over sea accident says Foreign Affairs Secretary Albert del Rosario | Sun.Star
Philippine refused China to return the fishing boat and required third-party mediation
Post Categories: Hot News
Ji Peijuan, Liu Chuna, Ji Shuangcheng and Zhen Xiang | Monday, October 24, 2011, 13:04 Beijing

Philippine government had a reversal attitude to refuse to return the 25-people-boat after crashing on Chinese fishing boat, and claimed the case should be solved by requiring a third-party to mediate, and “accord to legal procedures to dispose this Chinese unmanned boat.” Su Hao, a scholar said the attitude which the military force of Philippine apologized first but the government anti-apology approach shows the embodiment of ambivalence, and they proposed third-party mediation also shows Philippine try to take advantage from this opportunity and build an intervention model to the South China Sea issue.

Few days ago, troubles occurred againin South China Sea between China and Philippine. October 18th, the Philippine gunboat struck a Chinese fishing boat being towed 25 large sailing vessels near Reed Tablemount in the South China Sea.
The 4th Media » Philippine refused China to return the fishing boat and required third-party mediation
Do you mean October of 2011 or 2012? October 2012 is still ten months ahead of us, by that time, it seems something will definitely happen.
October 2012 is when Xi Jinping will become Party Chairman. But long before then, probably within weeks, I expect China will issue a statement supporting Iran in its showdown with the US. So far, China has only taken a neutral stance in its official statments seeking "stabilization of the Persian Gulf" without pointing fingers at either side.

But the writing on the wall is clear, USA's main enemies are Iran and China, so Beijing will react to USA's cold war by supporting Iran accordingly. They are not stupid.

New military policy turns focus to China - The Hill's DEFCON Hill

Yes, the Philippines stole some fishing boats. We do not forgive the Filipinos for their treachery. Our navy (not just coast guard) in the South China Sea is there to blow them out of the water the same way we blew you guys out of the water in 1988.
Where does it say that China has ATTACKED the Philippines? This is gross sensationalism on your part for getting more eyeballs!

Definition of Attack: To set upon with violent force. Have they invaded the country? 'Deploying' navy ships to the disputed Spratly Islands doesn't amount to 'attacking' the Philippines! Jeeeez! :what:
October 2012 is when Xi Jinping will become Party Chairman. But long before then, probably within weeks, I expect China will issue a statement supporting Iran in its showdown with the US. So far, China has only taken a neutral stance in its official statments seeking "stabilization of the Persian Gulf" without pointing fingers at either side.

But the writing on the wall is clear, USA's main enemies are Iran and China, so Beijing will react to USA's cold war by supporting Iran accordingly. They are not stupid.

New military policy turns focus to China - The Hill's DEFCON Hill
Xi Jinping will support Iran against US ? Oh, I thought he loves lipstick than fighting , dude:lol:

SinoChallenger said:
Yes, the Philippines stole some fishing boats. We do not forgive the Filipinos for their treachery. Our navy (not just coast guard) in the South China Sea is there to blow them out of the water the same way we blew you guys out of the water in 1988.
if China waging war with any nation, her economy will get in big trouble, Phillipine will sink China merchan ship in SCS(east sea) , so I think China leader will do Nothing instead of kissing US-Japan-SK investors @$$ to have more money to enjoy their luxury life .

Why they wanna die when they have lots of money to enjoy their life ??who cares about some poor and idiot warmoger Chinese feeling upset bcz China govt. reduce oil import from Iran and make Iran economy getting worse ??:azn:
if China waging war with any nation, her economy will get in big trouble, Phillipine will sink China merchan ship in SCS(east sea) , so I think China leader will do Nothing instead of kissing US-Japan-SK investors @$$ to have more money to enjoy their luxury life .

Why they wanna die when they have lots of money to enjoy their life ??who cares about some poor and idiot warmoger Chinese feeling upset bcz China govt. reduce oil import from Iran and make Iran economy getting worse ??:azn:

Our aircraft carrier battle group can make short work of either Vietnam or Philippines.

And you don't need to worry about Xi Jinping. He is like a Vladimir Putin to us. There is no doubt he would order the PLA to teach Vietnam a lesson anytime!

Our aircraft carrier battle group can make short work of either Vietnam or Philippines.

And you don't need to worry about Xi Jinping. He is like a Vladimir Putin to us. There is no doubt he would order the PLA to teach Vietnam a lesson anytime!
Heheh, US even had nuclear aircraft carrier in VN war, and still lost . China only have a crap carrier and they think they can rule the World now :lol:

Maybe Xi Jinping seems like a Deng Xiaoping to you, without US support, he only kill Chinese in Tienanmen square again to sit firmly on his throne .:cool:
china cut down oil from iran after US led sanctions on it.....puppet china is just show off...once a US carrier carrier enters the region the noodle dragon will just back off....

China fought a few wars with uncle sam and if that was the action of a puppet state then india is a slave nation of uncle sam.
Heheh, US even had nuclear aircraft carrier in VN war, and still lost . China only have a crap carrier and they think they can rule the World now :lol:
The USA sprayed you with Agent Orange to turn you deformed and then burned you with naplam. And you think they lost. :lol:

Now China is just as powerful as the USA in East Asia. We have aircraft carriers and we can do to you what USA did before. Yes, even bomb you in Saigon with our carrier aircraft! The only difference is China can also move in millions of Han Chinese civilians to occupy and annex Hanoi region -- USA could never do that.
The USA sprayed you with Agent Orange to turn you deformed and then burned you with naplam. And you think they lost. :lol:

Now China is just as powerful as the USA in East Asia. We have aircraft carriers and we can do to you what USA did before. Yes, even bomb you in Saigon with our carrier aircraft! The only difference is China can also move in millions of Han Chinese civilians to occupy and annex Hanoi region -- USA could never do that.
Your vice president just gave us 200 million and it's enough tobuy 200 Brahmos to sink your crap carrier :lol:
I said, I hope that China and Vietnam to become a partner as the United States and the United Kingdom, or the United States and Canada, but now I withdraw it. Vietnamese, you can dream but this dream is not for free.
SinoChallenger said:
Hahahaha check your facts again.

I said, I hope that China and Vietnam to become a partner as the United States and the United Kingdom, or the United States and Canada, but now I withdraw it. Vietnamese, you can dream but this dream is not for free.
We only need to become a partner with your vice president, that's enough to control 1,3 bil Chinese , China vice president wanna give China tax collected from dumb Chinese peasant to VN, and No Chinese can stop his decision :cool:
The State-run China Development Bank (CDB) will lend the Bank for Investment and Development of Viet Nam (BIDV) 200 million USD to develop electricity, telecommunications, agriculture, transport, light industry and building material projects under a credit contract signed on Dec. 22.
The money will be paid back to the Chinese bank over five years.
Speaking at the signing ceremony, director of the CDB’s branch in Guangxi Bai Yingfu said he hopes cooperation between the two banks will become a model of working together for the two countries.
They also discussed co-operation opportunities in other sectors including houses for low-income earners and through the ASEAN-China Inter-banking Association.
A letter of commitment to this effect was signed in Hanoi on Dec. 21 by the two banks’ representatives in the presence of Vietnamese Vice President Nguyen Thi Doan and her visiting Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping.
This is the second preferential credit package which CDB has granted to BIDV following its 100 million USD loan last year.
Chinese bank to lend 200 mln USD to BIDV
Xi Jinping will support Iran against US ? Oh, I thought he loves lipstick than fighting , dude:lol:

if China waging war with any nation, her economy will get in big trouble, Phillipine will sink China merchan ship in SCS(east sea) , so I think China leader will do Nothing instead of kissing US-Japan-SK investors @$$ to have more money to enjoy their luxury life .

Why they wanna die when they have lots of money to enjoy their life ??who cares about some poor and idiot warmoger Chinese feeling upset bcz China govt. reduce oil import from Iran and make Iran economy getting worse ??:azn:

hehe thanks for your sweet words to Philippines but I just want to remind you one thing that we Filipinos will also sink your VCs ships if they dare to violated our sea sovereignty, but since when we declare that we will sink the merchant ships in the region? by your VC mouth? LOL Philippines is not a god damn desperate bastard as yours VC, we never do anything crazy at that and we respect the international rules, if any conflicts broken out between us we will only sink your shinny Kilos and Gepards, and the whole Vietnam and China will be taken care by our most trusted ally. USA. hahaha
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