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China made provocative military attempts to change status quo in Pangong Tso Lake: MEA

Han Patriot

Mar 23, 2011
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They went in sneakily and occupied some heights and used floodlights and megaphones to deter Chinese soldiers. In return we shot 2 Tibetans and occupied 2 hilltops. Lol

They went in sneakily and occupied some heights and used floodlights and megaphones to deter Chinese soldiers. In return we shot 2 Tibetans and occupied 2 hilltops. Lol

Indians see Tibetans as inferior people so they treat Tibetans as pawns. Easily sacrifice for propaganda reasons.
Indians see Tibetans as inferior people so they treat Tibetans as pawns. Easily sacrifice for propaganda reasons.
The Indians won't even acknowledge one of their special forces members was killed simply because he was Tibetan ... absolutely pathetic. Had it been 22 to 50 Tibetans killed that day in Galwan, I highly doubt India would have acknowledged them either. To them, they are just cannon fodder, even though they are (ironically) much more capable of fighting than the Indian Jawans ever will be.

They went in sneakily and occupied some heights and used floodlights and megaphones to deter Chinese soldiers. In return we shot 2 Tibetans and occupied 2 hilltops. Lol
That could be true. Indians shouting in a megaphone could damage to eardrums or cause insanity.
The Indians won't even acknowledge one of their special forces members was killed simply because he was Tibetan ... absolutely pathetic. Had it been 22 to 50 Tibetans killed that day in Galwan, I highly doubt India would have acknowledged them either. To them, they are just cannon fodder, even though they are (ironically) much more capable of fighting than the Indian Jawans ever will be.

this is because they view the people of the world through their caste system. Including nine Indians. Tibetans, Chinese and all East Asians are regarded as none touchable tribal people in this world view.

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