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China losing patience with Pak over Azhar?

Is this an attempt at trolling?
Taliban has no social service wing like JuD. You can find JuD in Thar and in anywhere in Pakistan when disasters struck.
You can find a lot of terrorist organizations has such "Services", but that doesn't make them Social Service Organization.
Though Beijing once again blocked a proposal to declare the JeM chief a global terrorist, informed sources suggest Beijing is running out of patience

Even as China on Tuesday once again blocked a proposal by the United States to designate Jaish-e-Mohammad (JeM) Chief Masood Azhar a global terrorist, there is a visible discomfort now in Beijing on repeatedly bailing out Pakistan at the United Nations (UN) by using its veto power. This is especially so as it comes at a time when China itself is facing a terrorist and secessionist movement in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region. In fact, an informed source in India said that Beijing has been conveying to Islamabad quietly for some time now to find answers to this issue.

Pakistani media too have been reporting on this. Quoting Chinese diplomatic sources, these media reports stated that Beijing has been expressing its displeasure with Pakistan for repeatedly asking for its veto on the Azhar issue.

"As a super power, China cannot relegate itself at the UN to focus on this single issue of blocking the proposal every time. Pakistan must find some answers to the problem to satisfy world community," reported Urdu daily Dunya on Monday, hours before the issue was again raked up at the United Nations.

In a blog post, China's former consul general in Kolkata Mao Siwei also called on his government to rethink its default policy of blocking India's attempts to include Azhar in the sanctioned list. Already, it is believed that Beijing is changing its stance towards its all-weather friend. Media reports from Pakistan say that Beijing's prodding played a role in Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif's decision to launch the Zarb-i-Azb operation against terrorists and also the latest move to put restrictions on the LeT chief Hafiz Sayeed, wanted in the 2008 Mumbai attack.

The US on Tuesday had moved the UN for banning Pathankot terrorist attack mastermind Azhar, barely weeks after India's failed efforts to get him banned by the UN in December last year. In a statement to the media on Tuesday, the Ministry of External Affairs said, "Informed of this development and matter has been taken up with Chinese Government."

India has consistently pitched for the listing of Azhar as a global designated terrorist at the UN, where it has initiated discussions with several member countries of the Security Council on the issue. In the past, China has thrice thwarted the move, saying it had adopted a "just, objective and professional" attitude in deciding the issue. The last resolution moved by India lapsed in December. The fresh move initiated by the US is expected to bear fruit.

With the new US administration headed by President Donald Trump, India is once again pushing for completing reforms of the UN Security Council, to blunt the edge that China currently enjoys. At the last General Assembly session, member countries adopted an oral decision paving the way for them to continue discussions on reforming the Security Council.

Pakistan though is continuing to do its best to thwart New Delhi's efforts. On Tuesday, Pakistan's Ambassador to the UN Maleeha Lodhi rejected the attempts of states seeking permanent UN Security Council membership, saying it is "inconceivable" that any institution does not value "principles of representation and accountability" through periodic elections. She was referring to the Group of Four (G4)?India, Brazil, Germany and Japan?that has been demanding permanent membership of the 15-member body for the past 20 years.

Meanwhile, scholars and experts from Asian Studies Centre, The Heritage Foundation; Georgetown University; National Defence University, New America; Hudson Institute; Brookings Institution; Centre for Strategic and International Studies and the Middle East Institute jointly compiled this report that includes recommendations for the Trump administration, which took oath on January 20 and has not yet spelled out its Pakistan policy. The report argues that the US engagement with Pakistan must be based on a realistic appraisal of the country's policies, aspirations, and worldview.

"The US must stop chasing the mirage of securing change in Pakistan's strategic direction by giving it additional aid or military equipment. It must be acknowledged that Pakistan is unlikely to change its current policies through inducements alone," the report says. The working group which compiled the report wants the US to recognise that its efforts over several decades to strengthen Pakistan militarily have only "encouraged those elements in Pakistan that hope someday to wrest Kashmir from India through force."

The group acknowledges that there is no silver bullet that can change decades of Pakistani policy, but a tougher stance could persuade Pakistan to cooperate with the United States.

NIA court issues summons to JeM chief, 3 others
The NIA Special Court at Mohali in Punjab has issued Proclamation Orders under section 82 of the CrPC against JeM Chief Masood Azhar, his deputy and brother, Mufti Abdul Rauf Asgar, Deputy Chief of JeM, Shahid Lateef and Kashif Jan. The four are the main accused in the Pathankot Air force station attack that took place in January last year. The NIA Special Court has ordered the absconding accused to appear before the Court on March 9.

lol dnaindia
Forget china just talk about pakistan

The guy brought up China first. The article is about China. Why forget China? Because India doesn't have the capability to hurt China because it is a similar size? India is only good at trying to bully smaller countries. When faced by a similar sized foe, India shows it's true colours. A classic sign of mentally depraved bully!
The guy brought up China first. The article is about China. Why forget China? Because India doesn't have the capability to hurt China because it is a similar size? India is only good at trying to bully smaller countries. When faced by a similar sized foe, India shows it's true colours. A classic sign of mentally depraved bully!
Ask CPC madarins if they India has capability to hurt them or not. If they think otherwise , they wouldnt be supplying nukes, missiles and what not to pakistan.
You can find a lot of terrorist organizations has such "Services", but that doesn't make them Social Service Organization.
I didn't claim that they are "social Service Organization". All i said was that they are running a social service wing in Pakistan.
Ask CPC madarins if they India has capability to hurt them or not. If they think otherwise , they wouldnt be supplying nukes, missiles and what not to pakistan.

Eh? Don't most Indian "analysts" say that China helped Pakistan by providing advanced missile and nuclear technology? China has and continues to help Pakistan in all spheres. Have you been sleeping for the past 20-30 years? China doesn't need to supply "nukes", we have our own. As for the rest, yes China has provided pretty much everything else Pakistan has asked for.

India, like all bullys' can only beat their chest against smaller countries. There isn't a single country in South Asia that India hasn't tried to bully and coerce. Leken jab China ki bari, Nehru got the whole nation's nose bloody because of his ego. Uske baat se, you have done nothing to confront China.
Since when India start loving china ?? Bull crap waste of time .

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