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China losing patience with Pak over Azhar?

India is very well playing with the nerves of China this time.... by saving an individual to be labeled as international terrorist, India is slowly increasing the diplomatic heat by going one two steps ahead and one step back...unilateral sensations would be coming in very near future on the terrorist sponsoring states from west.
If the terrorist sponsoring states does not fall in line... west just need to make sure the economic growth in the terrorist sponsoring state and the return from the projects remains lower than the interest rate the state borrowed money from International players, be it IMF; WB or China. No one will give a complete waver off the loans..


west care more about an injured European/western dog then a million dead stinky bhartis, they will forget it, your PM will go again for sake of whining, they will again peruse the cause and China will again veto, nothing will change.. and this year will past as well..

on other hand Uncle Trump want bharat to accept him as husband or fvck off aka take position against China, follow China containment policy or lose all military industrial ties with US..

And who want to shame China? those sponsoring Saudi terrorism on Yemenis? Those who founded Al Qaeeda and ISIS along with Gulfis? i can go on and on.. literally there is no state they left without terrorism in ME, make sure they dont commit suicide before Questioning Chinese role in terrorism :D
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India is very well playing with the nerves of China this time.... by saving an individual to be labeled as international terrorist, India is slowly increasing the diplomatic heat by going two steps ahead and one step back...unilateral sensations would be coming in very near future on the terrorist sponsoring states from west.
If the terrorist sponsoring states does not fall in line... west just need to make sure the economic growth in the terrorist sponsoring state and the return from the projects remains lower than the interest rate the state borrowed money from International players, be it IMF; WB or China. No one will give a complete waver off the loans..
west just need ...IMF; WB or China...LOL India now wants west and China to peruse his agenda after failure to do anything:chilli:
There is truth in the OP piece.

The best way to fix it would be to take the J&E problem out
of UNSC jurisdiction if not out of its concerns.

These vetos take a toll on Pakistan's Chinese friends because
of idiosyncrasies in the psyche of China. Of all the veto Five,
China is the one that used its veto less.
Part of this is because of its internal duties and lesser indus-
-trialization at the SC's creation that held it back 30some years
but a larger reason is that Chinese don't like having to force
things and like a decorum minimum with things understood
and agreed to gracefully if not willfully.

Let's not force a friend to be impolite on our account?
Especially one whom cherishes politeness so much?

That's the real point in there. The rest is Indian style.

Great day all, Tay.
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It's funny that Pakistani members are finding joy on "Veto on Azhar issue", and then sometimes they ask why we think Pakistanis are delusional. Azhar is a terrorist freed from Indian jail by hijacking an International flight.And yet,here we are,a state begging another state to veto to declare their " Asset" a terrorist. I guess Saeed is still a "Social Worker" to most of them.
So your PM is the murderer of thousands of innocent muslims in Gujrat and was banned from entering US. Your terror-love nation elected a terrorist as PM from a terrorist organization's platform, RSS. Does it make any difference?
Indian newspaper so expect plenty of conspiracies

The point is, if he is truly a terrorist then we should do the job before anyone asks us to do. If he is not then stick with what is right, fire some incompetent people from foreign office and appoint those who can fight his case in more appropriate manner
if he is truly a terrorist then we should do the job before anyone asks us to do

Just few questions Zaki. do u think that Air India 814 was never hijacked ? One Passenger was never murdered by those hijackers ? Masood azhar, Ahmed Omar Saeed Sheikh, Mushtaq ahmed zargar were never released in exchange of the passengers of Hijacked Air India Plane ?

and if u think otherwise then what else does it take to call and convict him as a terrorist ?
Just few questions Zaki. do u think that Air India 814 was never hijacked ? One Passenger was never murdered by those hijackers ? Masood azhar, Ahmed Omar Saeed Sheikh, Mushtaq ahmed zargar were never released in exchange of the passengers of Hijacked Air India Plane ?

and if u think otherwise then what else does it take to call and convict him as a terrorist ?
I used the word If because I do not know this guy. Sorry I have never paid attention to this man and his party so wouldn't be able to add what I had to say in my last post
I used the word If because I do not know this guy. Sorry I have never paid attention to this man and his party so wouldn't be able to add what I had to say in my last post

OK, but as a Pakistani u should ( Just an advice ).
Either China loosing it or not but seems like Indian so-called sources wants it to be the worst kind of misleading and propaganda. Pakistan-China knows what we are up-to and foreign office is aware about China's stance but such wouldn't be done on India's or XYZ dictation/wish. Seems like author tried to manipulate the same with recent HS house arrest, got inspired and connected both stories expecting same result.
Do the Indians seriously believe that Chin has forgotten the Chinese killed by ops run by K.Yadev?
China‘s objection is based on lack of evidence. If India or other countries making proposals can not supply more solid evidence,the accusation will have to be dropped.
What gullible Indians are failing to realise that just like NSG humiliation, for China this give them the opportunity to put in place other world powers like America, in their place, and show the rest of the world that they are now the big boys of geopolitics. India is just a wiping boy, while the message is send to the other powers like America. India is willing to be a sugarbaby of America, then it must be prepared for spanking form other powers to be.
Which is why they keep on snubbing India and more recently US and allies over it. :lol:
My God Indians are desperate.

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