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China launches study to build rail link to Pakistan via Azad Kashmir

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Dear HariPrasad !

First of all you cant overlook this rail link from Siachin, as your forces dont control all of Siachin.
The best you can do is:


Anything more then that will bring a really strong Butt-Kick to India from China & Pakistan..

Don't quote him.

He is an idiot who is a typical indian living in delusional reality while his nation is the largest shit hole of the world as hundreds of millions of indians, including women, shit in open....

This railway track is HUNDREDS OF MILES away from Siachen positions of india. This poor thing thinks that india is sitting on top of Azad Kashmir. lol
If rail rink is built successfully through the terrain, it will be one of wonders of modern age, go human race.:P
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Chinese are planning high speed rail link to US, Berlin would be piece of cake

You guys are delusional. What China plans is irrelevant. USA also will never allow chinese railways on their territory.

I find your delusion a bit funny.

China owns Europe anyway. Their investments, their products, and retail power is just FLOODING Europe.

China's reserve alone are LARGER than some of the largest European economies.

GCC Arabs alone have assets worth of $2.1 trillion mainly in the Western world...

You can act all tough on computer..reality is hard to accept though..lol

Reality is that our law does not allow foreign countries to operate railways on our land. Because of that our entire railways network is nationalized. You may come from a country that can be bribed away from its own interests. Europe is not. Beside that, i don´t act "tough" on computer. I just say a fact. :) If i would come froma 3rd world banana republic i might think like you.

Basic fact is, that such intense projects are not possible in Europe. Its banned by law. And even if corrupt politicians would try to change that, mass demonstrations would start and stop bullshit like this.

You know the very same mass demonstrations that ended nuclear power in germany, that stopped airports from being build and prevent other nonsense that people not want.

Thats called democracy. You may heared about it.

Now China can plan any bullshit it wants. The fact remains, that never a chinese railway will set a hold into the EU or US for the very reasons i mentioned.

Same reason why China was not allowed to buy german core corporations and why Russia was banned from buying Opel.

We don´t let 3rd world Banana republics into our sensitive branches which have effect in our security. They can invest in evry other bullshit off course. :)
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Anything more then that will bring a really strong Butt-Hit from China & Pakistan..

DO not be sensitive dear,

I am discussing some aspects of this railway line.

You are well come to mess with India at any time with your fast friend China. Our Military preparation is focused on 2 front war.

He is an idiot who is a typical indian living in delusional reality while his nation is the largest shit hole of the world as hundreds of millions of indians, including women, shit in open....

You disclosed your born and bought by this post. Keep exposing.
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We can over see this link from siachin and cut it off when ever we want.
U think its that Easy ???? investing billions in a project and then leaving it vulnerable and in danger is what u expect from the Chinese and Pakistanis , As if India would cut this off and both Pakistan and India would be watching and Indians *** would be safe after that ??????? U r DREAMING , wake up ....
We can over see this link from siachin and cut it off when ever we want.

Why would you intrude onto foreign territory and try to sabotage important economic infrastructure like that? Be very clear: no one in the region is afraid of your warmongering. If you give us a valid casus belli like that, we will be delighted to take advantage of it and put you in your place.
People like to dream a lot in South Asia, must have nothing better to do. I thought the Chinese started this so called study around a year ago? Next year, we'll hear of this same study being launched again.

Chinese Corrider is just another joke like the Gwadar Port and the Iran-Pakistan Pipeline.
What you missed to tell is, that it is owned from the german railway corporation Deutsche Bahn. Chinese corporations aren´t allowed to operate railways in germany.

Joint project between DB and Russian Railways. So much for your theory about "3rd world banana republics" not being permitted into sensitive industries :). Anyway, I don't care who owns it - it only matters that it's operational.
Joint project between DB and Russian Railways. So much for your theory about "3rd world banana republics" not being permitted into sensitive industries :). Anyway, I don't care who owns it - it only matters that it's operational.

You still don´t get it. Inside Germany the railway network is 100% german operated. The coordination between the boardercrossing, customs and so on need a cooperation between partners. But no foreign nation is allowed to invest in german infrastructure. Same reason why Lufthansa or Airbus could never be ought from foreign countries.
I find this chinese delusion a bit funny. They plan railways to Berlin? Too bad, that germany and the whole EU will not allow chinese railways on our land.

There is already direct rail services between China and Germany in case you don't know。

Check it out for yourself dude。:coffee::azn:
There is already direct rail services between China and Germany in case you don't know。

Check it out for yourself dude。:coffee::azn:

You do know that the train changes different times and inside germany operates a german train on german railways? There is also direct airplane service between germany and china. That does not mean that Lufthansa is owned by China.

Basic point is, China has no say in european railways decissions. As EU has no say in chinese railway decissions, since China owns exactly 0.00000 % of the german railway.
Haha, with all the economic problems China tries to hide, doing investment like that, let me keep it at that.
Pakistan doing Mature Politics, We will soon OUTCLASS Europe & all Big Economic Giants in next DECADE....
read our history....then you understand what iam saying.....:azn:
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