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China justifies construction of road in Sikkim sector, says area not disputed

Love triggering you folks....one word Nanking does it....the things we read about that and so much more :o: China stronk!

Anyways enjoy nothing happening on the ground AS USUAL in the coming days and weeks....coz China:pleasantry:

Send another team so we can eject them again with no retaliation AGAIN. Lots of Agains. Adios!
This exactly what the Indians were acting before we slaughter your jawans, boasting and confident. We showed mercy to the POWs and fed them, should have just....
Equal number of Chinese were killed in 1962... China won because it could continue to supply more soldiers to die...
How's its a Blog?

Wait you can't tell for yourself? Do you even know what India today website (forget their "magazine") is and where it ranks w.r.t news/sources? Actually its not a blog, its worse lol.
Wait you can't tell for yourself? Do you even know what India today website (forget their "magazine") is and where it ranks w.r.t news/sources? Actually its not a blog, its worse lol.
Yeah, i believe you, then SHOW me the your so-called "Credible Source" to back your claim, is that too much to ask for?

Equal number of Chinese were killed in 1962... China won because it could continue to supply more soldiers to die...
Your parents teach you that as well?
Listen Indian trolls, don't ever quote me again until you are able to provide "FACTS" not "TRASH" i've enough of your internet open defecation
Yeah, i believe you, then SHOW me the your so-called "Credible Source" to back your claim, is that too much to ask for?

Your parents teach you that as well?
Listen Indian trolls, don't ever quote me again until you are able to provide "FACTS" not "TRASH" i've enough of your internet open defecation
Typical Chinese... go for personal attack when a counter narrative is presented...
This round goes to the indians .
Chinese should gracefully accept.
Yeah, i believe you, then SHOW me the your so-called "Credible Source" to back your claim, is that too much to ask for?

It's been posted multiple times (Indian parliament estimate, lok sabha some year) on this forum. Maybe dig it out yourself or I'll return later, search and post if someone hasn't done it by then.

Or does China have an official figure on it (both their and Indian casualties)? 4000 is a ludicrous claim I think, it may have been an upper bound (can't remember)...but the lower bound is less than 1000 I believe.

Anyways you also have posted some good wishes for India on occasion (asian century etc..) so I will leave you to your fun over here now as much you want to indulge in it....sorry if I offended you guys at any point (deleted a few things that I wish I didn't type in first place), its just banter after all. Peace.
It's been posted multiple times (Indian parliament estimate, lok sabha some year) on this forum. Maybe dig it out yourself or I'll return later, search and post if someone hasn't done it by then.

Or does China have an official figure on it (both their and Indian casualties)? 4000 is a ludicrous claim I think, it may have been an upper bound (can't remember)...but the lower bound is less than 1000 I believe.

Anyways you also have posted some good wishes for India on occasion (asian century etc..) so I will leave you to your fun over here now as much you want to indulge in it....sorry if I offended you guys at any point (deleted a few things that I wish I didn't type in first place), its just banter after all. Peace.
Yawn, still NO credible source to back your lies? please stop quoting me with your usual BS, thankyou
My source VS your BS

You are right, chiken cannot kill a few thousand jawans ............ that is why they go cluck ...... cluck ..... cluck. ........ just like loud mouth bragging and boasting chinese :lol:

Capturing any Indian land means Invading India Mr. "high iq" chinese :P ........ don't they teach that in school ?
How do we invade somewhere which rightly belongs to China? Technically, it's capturing back or liberating Chinese territory. :lol:. Thanks for understanding chickens cannot kill few thousand Indians and they only cluck like what you just did...:lol:

Equal number of Chinese were killed in 1962... China won because it could continue to supply more soldiers to die...
OK.....yesh yesh, we all know Indian won the 1962 war. No worries, no hurt hurt ok....here lemme give you a hug. You feel better? :D
They just getting back in the same coin. China and Chinese policy of creeping acquisition and demographic change has been picked up by India is something to copy paste in the entire area...Including j&k
In contrast, a lying country deploys 200 thousand troops on the China-India border. Then disguise yourself as a victim.

The only country in the world to lie openly.

What law are you talking about ?? The same one which was used by mainland China to annex Tibet ??

If so we are well within our legal rights. LOL :)
Tibet has been Chinese territory, Dalai and the Panchen accepted the Chinese emperor canonization.
OK, he doesn't agree with you. (at least when he was young.)


In contrast, a lying country deploys 200 thousand troops on the China-India border. Then disguise yourself as a victim.

The only country in the world to lie openly.

Tibet has been Chinese territory, Dalai and the Panchen accepted the Chinese emperor canonization.
OK, he doesn't agree with you. (at least when he was young.)

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View attachment 407218

I think between you And your client state Pakistan, please decide if India has deployed it's Army against China or Pakistan? And deploying just 2 lakh Army against such a large border and against such a huge army is lying ? Funny logic.

U guys steal other area and that too in a thief style.
All we need is one Rajput PM with majority rajput government....

These baniya,gujju, bhaiyyas can not run our country.
I think between you And your client state Pakistan, please decide if India has deployed it's Army against China or Pakistan? And deploying just 2 lakh Army against such a large border and against such a huge army is lying ? Funny logic.

U guys steal other area and that too in a thief style.
The target of India's 200 thousand troops is only China. Don't lie. Similarly, such a large border, China has only 50 thousand troops, but also belongs to the police force. Did you say that a police force challenges 200 thousand elite troops? Then India is the victim? ...Lie openly.

Britain unified India and allowed India to become independent, but India seemed to believe that it inherited the British Property in South Asia.... robber style.
The target of India's 200 thousand troops is only China. Don't lie. Similarly, such a large border, China has only 50 thousand troops, but also belongs to the police force. Did you say that a police force challenges 200 thousand elite troops? Then India is the victim? ...Lie openly.

Britain unified India and allowed India to become independent, but India seemed to believe that it inherited the British Property in South Asia.... robber style.

U assume and imagine whatever u been brainwashed. Our identity is Hinduism and 80% + population are Hindus ...It may be different political units over modern history. We are one nation of Hindus. Think of it if u are allowed to think like this.

About our forces on border, once our roads and rail network is made...Like u did.. we will keep our Army at equivalent distance and will keep home guards on border. Till than mamu majboori hai
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