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China justifies construction of road in Sikkim sector, says area not disputed

Was Khalistan ever a country !!

Was Tamil Nadu ever a country !!

Yes, Tamilakam /Tamil Nadu / Tamil Eelam (Tamil Nation/ Tamil Country/Tamil Homeland) however there was no country called India before 1947 - India is a union made up of various countries just like EU.

"In the southern portion of the peninsula – the region that corresponds roughly to the present-day states of Kerala and Tamil Nadu – the existence of a large documentary corpus, both indigenous and foreign, and the occurrence of inscribed coins and cave inscriptions, have given rise to the idea of a separate ethnic and linguistic region known as "Tamiḻakam"


Why secessionism will never leave Tamil people’s psyche: the undercurrent for a Tamil nation

The Indian nation-state continues to be a bundle of contradictions, and with its Dravidian-secessionist past, Tamil Nadu will continue to confront Indian ultra-nationalism.

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Amid standoff in Sikkim sector, China says India must be 'taught the rules'

Beijing: China must force the Indian troops to retreat "by all necessary means" and New Delhi must be "taught the rules", a nationalistic state-run daily here said on Wednesday amidst a standoff in the Sikkim section of the Sino-India border.

"China avoids making an issue of the border disputes, which has indulged India's unruly provocations. This time, the Indian side needs to be taught the rules," the article said.
India cannot afford a showdown with China on border issues. It lags far behind China in terms of national strength and the so-called strategic support for it from the US is superficial, the article said, adding that China has no desire to confront India

"Maintaining friendly ties with New Delhi is Beijing's basic policy. But this must be based on mutual respect. It's not time for India to display arrogance toward China," it said.


Yes, Tamilakam /Tamil Nadu / Tamil Eelam (Tamil Nation/ Tamil Country/Tamil Homeland) however there was no country called India before 1947 - India is a union made up of various countries just like EU.

"In the southern portion of the peninsula – the region that corresponds roughly to the present-day states of Kerala and Tamil Nadu – the existence of a large documentary corpus, both indigenous and foreign, and the occurrence of inscribed coins and cave inscriptions, have given rise to the idea of a separate ethnic and linguistic region known as "Tamiḻakam"


Why secessionism will never leave Tamil people’s psyche: the undercurrent for a Tamil nation

The Indian nation-state continues to be a bundle of contradictions, and with its Dravidian-secessionist past, Tamil Nadu will continue to confront Indian ultra-nationalism.

Good Grief , its worse than I thought.

You are basing your perspective on Coins & Cave inscriptions . Whats next ? Dinky Toys being found somewhere ?
Dont bother your head with TN, we Indians love to fight & squabble among ourselves - being doing this for decades with no major problem .

Err.. you also mentioned Khalistan to be a ' country' ..? Changed your mind ?

All nations are bundles of contradictions - US, China, Russia , Australia ..so alls good with us .
not just Sikkim, 50 % of India consist of countries that were either given by British or forcefully occupied by (e.g Goa , Pondicherry, Tamilnadu , Kashmir, Khalistan). Even America accepts Kashmir is an Indian occupied territory

Ha Ha Ha. If Tamil Nadu wants separatism, it must be suppressed & backward. How come it has got so much of investments & developments under the Indian Gov.t. Just Tamil Nadu's state economy is comparable to Pakistan's whole country's economy. Do you even know, It's the second richest state in India. Pondicherry is part of Tamil Nadu if you didn't know. Heard of CV Raman, Subramanyam Chandrashekar, APJ Abdul Kalam, AR Rehman, Kamal Hassan, Mani Ratnam, Rajini Kant, Ravichandran Ashwin, Subramanya Swamy, Raghuram Rajan, Vishwanathan Anand


If Punjab wants separatism, How come Punjab top the prosperity index & has become the best state to live. Punjab has one of the largest Middle class & self sufficient people in India. It's the least disparity state - measured by asset ownership between their capital cities and the rest of the state. A prosperous state has a high standard or living which comprises proportion of households owning four durable assets - television, computer/laptop, telephone/mobile phone and two & four wheeler. According to the India State Hunger Index, Punjab has the lowest level of hunger in India. The state has a large network of multi-modal transportation systems. Many of the top Military officials are from Punjab. They will out number all the other sects of India.

Hope you have heard of King Porus, Bhagat Singh, Lala Lajpat Rai, Har Gobind Khorana, Aroon Purie, Sabeer Bhatia, Malvinder Singh, Sukhbir Singh Badal & Family, Kanwal Rekhi, Gurbaksh Chahal, Trishneet Arora, Naringer Singh Kapany, FC Kohli, Kalpana Chawla, Nikki Haley, Apache Indian, Manmohan Singh

Punjab has 4 out of 10 richest MP's in India.


The top Military officials list wont fit in a page if I start giving names. Punjabis have held most highest positions in the Armed forces compared to any state of India.

Half the Bollywood artists & the famous Actors, Directors, Writers, Lyricists, Singers, Music Directors are all Punjabis. Just google. Kapoors, Khannas, Bedi's, Roshans, Singhs, Chopras, etc, etc.

Sports & cricket is another area where thousands have represented India, List can be endless. Just to name a few cricketers Mohinder Amarnath, Navjot Singh Sidhu, Harbajan Singh, Yuvraj Singh, Virat Kohli, Shikar Dhawan, Gautam Gambir, etc, etc

These States won't be so successful & have billionaires without India. All these people are successful because of the Indian market, not Punjabi or Tamil Nadu Market. What Yuvraj Singh has earned in one IPL, many Pakistani cricketer won't earn in their entire life time. It happened because of India, not because of Punjab. Pakistan should get out of this Khalistan fantasy, because how much ever you talk or dream for it or even pray hard for it, your God will only give you disappointment.

Because America accepts Kashmir is an Indian occupied territory Trump thrashed Modi & declared Syed Salauddin as a Freedom Fighter. Pakistan ran to America, UN & international community giving dossiers of killing of Buran Wani, Pellet Guns & Human Right violations by India, & America imposed sanctions & took severe action against India, Right.


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It was done by referendum. 97.5 % people voted for it to be part of India. The 2.5% includes the neutral ones & some who voted against are just the Kings family & his forced loyals, who were abusing the natives & illtreating other ethnic groups of the state. India has had no problems with Sikkim in last four decades of its merger unlike Tibet, Xinjiang, Mongolia or Baluchistan where there has been continuous civil unrest.

Ask Tibetans who came as refugees & today living in India, They will proudly say they are Indians. They have never created trouble for India unlike Afghans in Pak. One day, If China loses the power it holds today, we will also invade Tibet & rout the Chinese out of the territory & have referendum. If they vote to be with India we will merge it with India like Sikkim or make it an independent state.
Reminds me of Indian occupied Kashmir, 7 sister states of NE,Panjab,Hyderabad etc.

Actually its time now that tibetans are rearmed and the restive muslim areas of china are also given some weapons training.
We can route the help through pakistan and let chinese deal with them
You forget that you are much more vunerable than Pak or China ... all your separatist states border our countries.

If 2 countries start arming your separatists you won't find a corner..

Apart from that, most of your neighbours will be happy...

Be it Pak,China,Nepal or Sri Lanka..

You are left with Bangladesh and Bhutan .. ;)

And the next Bangladeshi govt might not be as pro india as hasinas AL.

China has territorial disputes with all the nations it shares a border with, and eight other countries? The only exceptional is Pakistan who feels happy to be China's slave & has given land to appease. A look into Chinese imperialism and its expansionist designs.

List of the countries which has territorial and border disputes with the great peaceful China:
  1. Japan :: Parts of the East China Sea, particularly the Senkaku Islands. Also, on occasion, the Ryukyu Islands, on the grounds that the completely independent Kingdom of Ryukyu was once a vassal state of China. The Kingdom of Ryukyu terminated tributary relations with China in 1874.

  2. Vietnam :: China claims large parts of Vietnam on historical precedent (Ming Dynasty, 1368-1644). Also, Macclesfield Bank, Paracel Islands, parts of the South China Sea and the Spratly Islands.

  3. India :: China illegally occupies 38,000 sq km (Aksai Chin) of land in Jammu & Kashmir. It also holds 5,180 km of Indian territory in Pakistan occupied Kashmir under Sino-Pak agreement of 1963. At the heart of Sino-Indian boundary dispute is the issue of Arunachal Pradesh (90,000 sq km), which China describes as "Southern Tibet". Beijing is demanding that at least the Tawang Tract of Arunachal Pradesh, if not the whole of the state, be transferred to China.

  4. Nepal :: China claims parts of Nepal dating back to the Sino-Nepalese War in 1788-1792. China claims they are part of Tibet, therefore part of China.

  5. North Korea :: Baekdu Mountain and Jiandao. China has also on occasion claimed all of North Korea on historical grounds (Yuan Dynasty, 1271-1368).

  6. The Philippines :: Parts of the South China Sea, particularly Scarborough Shoal and the Spratly Islands. Russia :: 160,000 square kilometres still unilaterally claimed by China, despite China signing several agreements. Singapore :: Parts of the South China Sea.

  7. South Korea :: Parts of the East China Sea. China has also on occasion claimed all of South Korea on historical grounds (Yuan Dynasty, 1271-1368).

  8. Bhutan :: Bhutanese enclaves in Tibet, namely Cherkip Gompa, Dho, Dungmar, Gesur, Gezon, Itse Gompa, Khochar, Nyanri, Ringung, Sanmar, Tarchen and Zuthulphuk. Also Kula Kangri and mountainous areas to the west of this peak, plus the western Haa District of Bhutan.

  9. Taiwan :: China claims all of Taiwan, but particular disputes are: Macclesfi eld Bank, Paracel Islands, Scarborough Shoal, parts of the South China Sea and the Spratly Islands. The Paracel Islands, also called Xisha Islands in Vietnamese, is a group of islands in the South China Sea whose sovereignty is disputed among China, Taiwan and Vietnam disputes with Burma.

  10. Kazakhstan :: There are continual unilateral claims by China on Kazakhstan territory, despite new agreements, in China's favour signed every few years.

  11. Laos :: China claims large areas of Laos on historical precedent (China's Yuan Dynasty, 1271-1368).

  12. Brunei :: Over Spratly Islands. The Spratly Islands is a disputed group of more than 750 reefs, islets, atolls, cays, and islands in the South China Sea. About 45 islands are occupied by small numbers of military forces from the People's Republic of China, Taiwan, Vietnam, the Philippines, and Malaysia. Brunei has also claimed an exclusive economic zone in the southeastern part of the Spratlys encompassing just one area of small islands on Louisa Reef. This has led to escalating tensions.

  13. Tajikistan :: Chinese claims based on historical precedent (Qing Dynasty, 1644-1912).

  14. Cambodia :: China has, on occasion, claimed parts of Cambodia on historical precedent (China's Ming Dynasty, 1368-1644). Indonesia :: Parts of the South China Sea.

  15. Kyrgyzstan :: China claims the majority of Kyrgyzstan on the grounds that it was unfairly forced to cede the territory (which it had formerly conquered) to Russia in the 19th century.

  16. Mongolia :: China claims all of Mongolia on historical precedent (Yuan Dynasty, 1271-1368). In fact, Mongolia, under Genghis Khan, occupied China.

  17. Afghanistan :: Afghan province of Bahdakhshan (despite a bilateral treaty of 1963, China still encroaches on Afghan territory).
  18. Malaysia :: Malaysia has generally played it safe when defending its national interests, usually by conventional diplomatic channels. In the context of the South China Sea, eleven maritime features in it are the subject of disputed claims. Malaysia lays claim to eight of those maritime features, the most important being Swallow Reef, the rocks forming Erica Reef, Investigator Shoal, and Mariveles ReefOver Parts of the South China Sea, particularly the Spratly Islands.
  19. Indonesia :: Jakarta has objected to China's inclusion of waters around the Indonesian-ruled Natuna Islands within a "nine-dash line" Beijing marks on maps to show its claim on the body of water.
The only country it settled its border disputes, is Russia, because China cannot bully Russia & its weaponry was & is far advanced to meddle with. Also China wanted Russian tech to build its Military.

No country including America has the will to take on China on its own individually unless pushed. India's boldness is vital for smaller countries to stand up against China to contain it. If America takes the lead, Japan, Vietnam & India will be the countries which can come together to deliver the much required punch to China. At least one joint warning blow is long over due to shake the Chinese hegemony & arrogance. It will put the Chinese in its place & the bullying will stop immediately
Pak and china resolved our border issues .. we swapped territory.

As for slave .. the problem with you clowns is that after over 1000 years of humiliation.. slavery had become your mindset.

You are a group of timid people with big mouths... and little grey matter... and slavery has been diluted in your blood.

Ha Ha Ha. If Tamil Nadu wants separatism, it must be suppressed & backward. How come it has got so much of investments & developments under the Indian Gov.t. Just Tamil Nadu's state economy is comparable to Pakistan's whole country's economy. Do you even know, It's the second richest state in India. Pondicherry is part of Tamil Nadu if you didn't know. Heard of CV Raman, Subramanyam Chandrashekar, APJ Abdul Kalam, AR Rehman, Kamal Hassan, Mani Ratnam, Rajini Kant, Ravichandran Ashwin, Subramanya Swamy, Raghuram Rajan, Vishwanathan Anand


If Punjab wants separatism, How come Punjab top the prosperity index & has become the best state to live. Punjab has one of the largest Middle class & self sufficient people in India. It's the least disparity state - measured by asset ownership between their capital cities and the rest of the state. A prosperous state has a high standard or living which comprises proportion of households owning four durable assets - television, computer/laptop, telephone/mobile phone and two & four wheeler. According to the India State Hunger Index, Punjab has the lowest level of hunger in India. The state has a large network of multi-modal transportation systems. Many of the top Military officials are from Punjab. They will out number all the other sects of India.

Hope you have heard of King Porus, Bhagat Singh, Lala Lajpat Rai, Har Gobind Khorana, Aroon Purie, Sabeer Bhatia, Malvinder Singh, Sukhbir Singh Badal & Family, Kanwal Rekhi, Gurbaksh Chahal, Trishneet Arora, Naringer Singh Kapany, FC Kohli, Kalpana Chawla, Nikki Haley, Apache Indian, Manmohan Singh

Punjab has 4 out of 10 richest MP's in India.


The top Military officials list wont fit in a page if I start giving names. Punjabis have held most highest positions in the Armed forces compared to any state of India.

Half the Bollywood artists & the famous Actors, Directors, Writers, Lyricists, Singers, Music Directors are all Punjabis. Just google. Kapoors, Khannas, Bedi's, Roshans, Singhs, Chopras, etc, etc.

Sports & cricket is another area where thousands have represented India, List can be endless. Just to name a few cricketers Mohinder Amarnath, Navjot Singh Sidhu, Harbajan Singh, Yuvraj Singh, Virat Kohli, Shikar Dhawan, Gautam Gambir, etc, etc

These States won't be so successful & have billionaires without India. All these people are successful because of the Indian market, not Punjabi or Tamil Nadu Market. What Yuvraj Singh has earned in one IPL, many Pakistani cricketer won't earn in their entire life time. It happened because of India, not because of Punjab. Pakistan should get out of this Khalistan fantasy, because how much ever you talk or dream for it or even pray hard for it, your God will only give you disappointment.

Because America accepts Kashmir is an Indian occupied territory Trump thrashed Modi & declared Syed Salauddin as a Freedom Fighter. Pakistan ran to America, UN & international community giving dossiers of killing of Buran Wani, Pellet Guns & Human Right violations by India, & America imposed sanctions & took severe action against India, Right.


So much shyt.
China has territorial disputes with all the nations it shares a border with, and eight other countries? The only exceptional is Pakistan who feels happy to be China's slave & has given land to appease. A look into Chinese imperialism and its expansionist designs.
  1. The only country it settled its border disputes, is Russia, because China cannot bully Russia & its weaponry was & is far advanced to meddle with. Also China wanted Russian tech to build its Military.

When Russia becomes weak tomorrow China will re-discover their claims on Siberia
Too bad we do not have a way on wager on that

How about getting out of your "well" for a change?
China’s approach while resolving the dispute with different countries in different regions has been sharply divergent. As of now, China has settled its border with 12 out of 14 neighbouring countries. While China has offered considerable concessions to the 12 neighbouring countries for securing its frontiers, it seems China is in no hurry to settle its border with India.
From your media http://www.rediff.com/news/column/w...o-sort-border-dispute-with-india/20150601.htm

Name the 12 countries
What do they remind you of?
Baluchistan? Sindh? Gilgit? Khyber? :D
Keep reminding yourself.

And the fact that there are no insurgencies in Sindh,GB (whose soldiers are over represented in the military and form the most decorated Pak army units),KPK?:lol: over 40% PA comes from KPK..:lol:

Another fact kiddo.. there are more KPK,GB,Sindhi & Baloch members (including me) than there are Indians from panjab,Tamil nadu,Sikkim,7 sisters,IOK (not a single "indian" from 7 sisters and Kashmiri) etc combined on this forum..:lol:

Quiet a few mods from those provinces too..

@Irfan Baloch @Wajsal. @T-Faz. @waz. @TaimiKhan
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Keep reminding yourself.

And the fact that there are no insurgencies in Sindh,GB (whose soldiers are over represented in the military and form the most decorated Pak army units),KPK?:lol: over 40% PA comes from KPK..:lol:

Another fact kiddo.. there are more KPK,GB,Sindhi & Baloch members (including me) than there are Indians from panjab,Tamil nadu,Sikkim,7 sisters,IOK (not a single "indian" from 7 sisters and Kashmiri) etc combined on this forum..:lol:

I can't believe he actually mentioned Sind, Kyber and Sind. These guys should go out there and offer to lend their help to these "insurgencies". :woot:
Keep reminding yourself.

And the fact that there are no insurgencies in Sindh,GB (whose soldiers are over represented in the military and form the most decorated Pak army units),KPK?:lol: over 40% PA comes from KPK..:lol:

Another fact kiddo.. there are more KPK,GB,Sindhi & Baloch members (including me) than there are Indians from panjab,Tamil nadu,Sikkim,7 sisters,IOK (not a single "indian" from 7 sisters and Kashmiri) etc combined on this forum..:lol:

Chacha, except Kashmir where Jihadis are killing even muslims, rest of the places you have mentioned have no insurgencies either. :D

Want to count the body count of the places I mentioned to the places I mentioned vis a vis terrorist attacks?

Chacha, rehne do. Let's get back to the topic :)
Chacha, except Kashmir where Jihadis are killing even muslims, rest of the places you have mentioned have no insurgencies either. :D

Want to count the body count of the places I mentioned to the places I mentioned vis a vis terrorist attacks?

Chacha, rehne do. Let's get back to the topic :)

Why don't you ask our Kashmiri mod:
I can't believe he actually mentioned Sind, Kyber and Sind. These guys should go out there and offer to lend their help to these "insurgencies". :woot:

Now the low life is down to acts of terrorism..

Every other 7 sister state rebels massacre their troops and thousands of kashmri protest in the heart of Sri nagar..

And he has a gal to talk crap.
I can't believe he actually mentioned Sind, Kyber and Sind. These guys should go out there and offer to lend their help to these "insurgencies".

When he mentioned Hyd, Punjab and NE states, that was completely believable, right? :D

Why don't you ask our Kashmiri mod:

Girija Tickoo. Google the name Chacha.
When he mentioned Hyd, Punjab and NE states, that was completely believable, right? :D

Girija Tickoo. Google the name Chacha.
The police action and subsequent massacres,rapes Of Hyderabad state aren't hidden from anyone.

Nor is the unrest in 7 sisters.

Nor is Panjab safe.. apart from 84, khakistan movement.. just days back.. Khalistan slogans were raised in the Golden Temple.. holiest Sikh shrine..
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