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China justifies construction of road in Sikkim sector, says area not disputed

U assume and imagine whatever u been brainwashed. Our identity is Hinduism and 80% + population are Hindus ...It may be different political units over modern history. We are one nation of Hindus. Think of it if u are allowed to think like this.

About our forces on border, once our roads and rail network is made...Like u did.. we will keep our Army at equivalent distance and will keep home guards on border. Till than mamu majboori hai
hahahahhh CPI- Maoists think so?

As far as I know, there are two countries where the main forces are concentrated in the border areas. One is Poland in 1939, one is India..
How do we invade somewhere which rightly belongs to China? Technically, it's capturing back or liberating Chinese territory. :lol:. Thanks for understanding chickens cannot kill few thousand Indians and they only cluck like what you just did...:lol:

So you admit that India has been holding on to chinese territory all this while and you have been too scared to do anything about it :lol:

cluck ..... cluk...........cluck. ...... so when are you "liberating" chinese territory you chicken ???? :lol:
So you admit that India has been holding on to chinese territory all this while and you have been too scared to do anything about it :lol:

cluck ..... cluk...........cluck. ...... so when are you "liberating" chinese territory you chicken ???? :lol:
Yup of course I am admitting it, that's why it is disputed, genius. Not sure when we are liberating it though since India is now America's bit*h. Need to wait America to be distracted then we slap this b*tch again. :lol:

Hmm, chicken makes that kinda sound and i don't seem to be making it tho. :lol:
cluck ..... cluk...........cluck. ...... so when are you "liberating" chinese territory you chicken ???? :lol:

LOL, Indians calling China a chicken?

Do you realize what happened the last time that India thought China was a chicken?

You guys blame Nehru, but he was clearly way smarter than you. At least he tried to bait China into a fight when we were in the middle of our worst ever famine (Great leap forward), Indians are still trying to bait China today when we are at our most powerful position in the last few hundred years.
who cares what china justifies , the entire west shuns china to any of "their tibet" claims . hell USA literally stated arunanchal pradesh is a sovereign territory of India few months ago, to a greater extension territorial claim of Bhutan too
If 2 countries start arming your separatists you won't find a corner..

Apart from that, most of your neighbours will be happy...

Be it Pak,China,Nepal or Sri Lanka..

Failed people only give sloppy verbal threats, but there won't be any action. As the saying goes Empty vessels make more noise. You go around the world making noise, neither we nor the world take your threats or words seriously.

Year after year you will make the same threats, we will arm the Khalisthani, Maoist, Tamil, Naga, etc. After 10 years also you will be giving threats of we losing corners when you would have lost many more of your corners like Bangla desh, Siachen, Kargil, Sir Creek.

India gained control over 1800 Km of your territories after 1965 war & 13000 Km of land was seized in 1971 war which was returned back only due to Pakistani moaning & crying with America & west. It was returned because India didn't have any oppressive or occupationist mindset. It was done as a measure of promoting "lasting peace" and is acknowledged by many observers as a sign of maturity by India.

Instead of appreciating India's peaceful gesture & making peace, you have kept fanning the hostile & revengeful attitude towards India for every humiliation.

Pak and china resolved our border issues .. we swapped territory.

As for slave .. the problem with you clowns is that after over 1000 years of humiliation.. slavery had become your mindset.

You are a group of timid people with big mouths... and little grey matter... and slavery has been diluted in your blood.

So much shyt.

We have history far far beyond 1000 years.

Hindu, Jain, Buddhist & Sikh are the religion of the sub-continent, all of which are peaceful in nature. Even today, where ever they go, they assimilate with the other culture & look at adding value to the land they belong. Through out history nobody involved in forceful conversion or killing in the name of religion or destroying others religious scripts or structure to impose our beliefs. All the sub-continent religions are based on Ahimsa & Non-violence & it also spread through love.

It's our tolerant practices which allowed foreign cultures to come & integrate in to our society. A common man never bothered about who & how the Kings were. They just obeyed the King or leader, who ever they were, be it Hindu, Buddhist, Sikh, Muslim or Christian. Our beliefs were, you will get good or bad result as per your karma. That's not slavery. It's just invaders exploited our beliefs using sword.

The people who converted are the actual slaves, who converted due to fear or to please the invaders. Your behavior will always be like your beliefs. That's reason, you don't hear of any terror or violence overseas from all the religions of the sub-continent.

A king's role is to implement Dharma Rajya, which comprises of duties, rights, laws, conduct, virtues and ‘‘right way of living’’ with utmost freedom & justice. The mindset of the invaders was selfish, manipulating, exploiting, barbaric & imposing in nature. Many things were unjust & unlawful like taxes on non-believers. They invaded because they had the attitude to loot, exploit women & enjoy the spoils on their Aiyyashi.

With time people started opposing these policies of injustice. The Sikhs emerged only to fight these oppressive regimes. The Maratas also fought to throw these heinous invaders, who were corrupting the heritage & culture of the land. Today all invasions are repulsed ruthlessly, so the present day invaders beat the drum of their by-gone rule as slavery to conceal & cover their humiliating defeats. If we did the same to the invaders long ago, no person would exist today to utter such fantasized nonsense

The invaders had lost all the power in most of the sub-continent by the time the British came. So this continuous song of slavery by Pakistan is just a fiction. If we were slaves there won't be Hindus in India & that too in such huge majority. For centuries, You are used to loot or free money & promote violence & conspiracies. We don't cheat or loot. We work hard for our growth. And we are not living on others money even today, so decide who were & are slaves.
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It was done by referendum. 97.5 % people voted for it to be part of India. The 2.5% includes the neutral ones & some who voted against are just the Kings family & his forced loyals, who were abusing the natives & illtreating other ethnic groups of the state. India has had no problems with Sikkim in last four decades of its merger unlike Tibet, Xinjiang, Mongolia or Baluchistan where there has been continuous civil unrest.

Ask Tibetans who came as refugees & today living in India, They will proudly say they are Indians. They have never created trouble for India unlike Afghans in Pak. One day, If China loses the power it holds today, we will also invade Tibet & rout the Chinese out of the territory & have referendum. If they vote to be with India we will merge it with India like Sikkim or make it an independent state.
Add Kashmir to the list as well. Do a referendum there please as well. Before your bla bla bla lecture. Junagarh, Hyderabad, Bantva manavadar, Kashmir and finally in East Pakistan. History knows who is the invader and occupier under different excuse every next time
Still waiting for the promised plebiscite from Mr Nehru
EXCLUSIVE: China releases new map showing territorial claims at stand-off site

The Chinese trijunction, marked by an arrow that claims it is under the 1890 Britain-China treaty, is at the Mount Gipmochi.

Your parents teach you that as well?
Listen Indian trolls, don't ever quote me again until you are able to provide "FACTS" not "TRASH" i've enough of your internet open defecation
Can't really blame them. They are so used to open defecation and their lack of toilets.
At least he tried to bait China into a fight when we were in the middle of our worst ever famine (Great leap forward),

This is the umpteenth time you are quoting this clear lie.

How was any country supposed to know you were having a famine? Mao went to great lengths to keep exporting grain (and actually felt people dieing in the millions would help China's population burden...esp as long as his twisted desire to hold onto absolute power was maintained)....tell me how was anyone supposed to know China was literally resorting to cannibalism in many areas? We had satellites up there watching? There was a massive foreign intelligence network within China? There were world reporters on the ground covering it and disseminating this as standard news internationally? Or we only can look at what China and its govt projects to everyone on the matter (normal and even increased grain shipments as usual to other countries)?

Nehru didn't "bait" anyone....and certainly didn't plan it to coincide with some famine he knew about in China (because quite simply he couldn't have known about it...China made sure of that internationally...argument ends there I'm afraid)....sorry he is a great many things....but he is not a psycho like the leftist extremist authoritarian types like Hitler, Stalin and Mao....who put a great many useless futile things ahead of basic human life.

If anything Nehru stripped down his miltary greatly on purpose (he was near perfect globalist in thought) and then stupidly demanded a forward action policy from the very same beyond the himalayan ridge expecting either a miracle or brow beating a country with real recent war experience and plenty of use for it even internally at the time..... instead of just negotiating better for land that is strategically useless for India in the first place (and inherited from british claims). That is not baiting at all....he was just not a pragmatic realistic fellow (and it stems from his own stubborness and foul nature on many other issues) when it came to international policy esp using the military. Anyway it was very good for India that his globalist idealism was defeated early on before we had much more to lose later in our wars with Pakistan....I actually thank China for that. Thus its quite foolhardy to compare India's action in 1962 (whole situation is different) to today....in fact if anything its India with the recent significant war experience.

But for this recent skirmishing, sorry but China isn't getting anywhere with it. Your teams have been ejected from the plateau and you will posture now over the media a bit. This specific area is well supplied by India compared to China, its well in the ridge area and just below where India holds massive conventional superiority. PLA knows much better (they already knew way back in 1971 even with much US goading), they were simply testing the limits here and they got a result on it. They will move on and leave face-saving to your media and however much your govt wants to invest into it. But we are not "baiting" you this time either (its clearly disputed territory between you and Bhutan and we have a security guarantor relationship with Bhutan...plus our own strategic concerns regarding the plateau in question)....you can watch the next few days and months to confirm that (PLA does absolutely nothing and whole thing winds down as has happened in recent past).
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This is the umpteenth time you are quoting this clear lie.

How was any country supposed to know you were having a famine? Mao went to great lengths to keep exporting grain (and actually felt people dieing in the millions would help China's population burden...esp as long as his twisted desire to hold onto absolute power was maintained)....tell me how was anyone supposed to know China was literally resorting to cannibalism in many areas? We had satellites up there watching? There was a massive foreign intelligence network within China? There were world reporters on the ground covering it and disseminating this as standard news internationally? Or we only can look at what China and its govt projects to everyone on the matter (normal and even increased grain shipments as usual to other countries)?

Nehru didn't "bait" anyone....and certainly didn't plan it to coincide with some famine he knew about in China (because quite simply he couldn't have known about it...China made sure of that internationally...argument ends there I'm afraid)....sorry he is a great many things....but he is not a psycho like the leftist extremist authoritarian types like Hitler, Stalin and Mao....who put a great many useless futile things ahead of basic human life.

If anything Nehru stripped down his miltary greatly on purpose (he was near perfect globalist in thought) and then stupidly demanded a forward action policy from the very same beyond the himalayan ridge expecting either a miracle or brow beating a country with real recent war experience and plenty of use for it even internally at the time..... instead of just negotiating better for land that is strategically useless for India in the first place (and inherited from british claims). That is not baiting at all....he was just not a pragmatic realistic fellow (and it stems from his own stubborness and foul nature on many other issues) when it came to international policy esp using the military. Anyway it was very good for India that his globalist idealism was defeated early on before we had much more to lose later in our wars with Pakistan....I actually thank China for that. Thus its quite foolhardy to compare India's action in 1962 (whole situation is different) to today....in fact if anything its India with the recent significant war experience.

But for this recent skirmishing, sorry but China isn't getting anywhere with it. Your teams have been ejected from the plateau and you will posture now over the media a bit. This specific area is well supplied by India compared to China, its well in the ridge area and just below where India holds massive conventional superiority. PLA knows much better (they already knew way back in 1971 even with much US goading), they were simply testing the limits here and they got a result on it. They will move on and leave face-saving to your media and however much your govt wants to invest into it. But we are not "baiting" you this time either (its clearly disputed territory between you and Bhutan and we have a security guarantor relationship with Bhutan...plus our own strategic concerns regarding the plateau in question)....you can watch the next few days and months to confirm that (PLA does absolutely nothing and whole thing winds down as has happened in recent past).

Tell us how much chance India will win the war over Bhutan theater? and China can very well have a regime change to Bhutan and sign another security guarantor treaty with a new puppet government in our favor...sound right to you? :dirol:
Tell us how much chance India will win the war over Bhutan theater? and China can very well have a regime change to Bhutan and sign another security guarantor treaty with a new puppet government in our favor...sound right to you? :dirol:

Why don't you just watch this play out first? Or you already annoyed and frustrated at what the likely result's going to be?

All out war is the last thing both sides want (internet trolls are a small fraction of whole population...even their correlation with what they say online and actually believe is realisable is pretty low).

Your team got ejected and we are waiting for any further response now (on the ground).

Only thing we all have equal access to in the end is time, so you can just sit back and watch and decide for yourself on what actually unfolds.
Why don't you just watch this play out first? Or you already annoyed and frustrated at what the likely result's going to be?

All out war is the last thing both sides want (internet trolls are a small fraction of whole population...even their correlation with what they say online and actually believe is realisable is pretty low).

Your team got ejected and we are waiting for any further response now (on the ground).

Only thing we all have equal access to in the end is time, so you can just sit back and watch and decide for yourself on what actually unfolds.

lol I see you're skating, tell us then what happen if China sign a new security guarantor treaty with new Bhutan puppet regime, are you guys gonna accept? :lol:
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