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China Jet Engines' Bumpy Journey``Chinese must read`!


Jan 5, 2011
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我们的航空发动机,建国前,是空白,比白纸还白,一穷二白。五十年代从朝鲜战争起,开始修发动机,战后,由于我们志愿军将士的英勇牺牲,我们在老大哥那里,基本上属于有栽培潜力的了。随后的156个项目,是人类历史上最激烈,最彻底的工业化。沈阳的黎明厂(有幸在那实习了一个夏天,沈阳的狗肉和试车的轰鸣,一起记录在我们青春的回忆中) 就是156之一。


可是,知其然不知其所以然。老大哥一撒手,我们就抓了瞎。对于原设计的任何改动,都会引发多米诺骨牌式的连锁反应。加上文革的折腾,我们用了20年,才在 80年代初,成功地吃透了MIG21和涡喷7的技术,并推出了成功的改进型号。歼7G被誉为世界上改的最好的MIG21。可惜晚了二十年。

即便是在被封锁的最严的60,70 年代,TG从来没有放弃引进技术。两个中队的歼6从埃及换来了MIG23,从MIG23上仿制的WP15至今是TG最大推力的涡喷,只是一直没有合适的机型。花巨额外汇(当年)引进的斯贝生产线,使得西安的430一直是三机部加工工艺最好的工厂。(老大哥当年的工艺就不如约翰牛)Spey也是没有装机。但是,WP15和Spey都给了我们很多启发和具体技术,工艺上的提升。



TG野路子走惯了,从来不按牌理出牌。在蜜月期,也没有闲着搞小动作。民航买了一批737,装CFM56,其核心机就是GE的F100(两台装F-15)的核心机。核心机就是高压压气机,燃烧室,高压涡轮组成的,又叫燃气发生器。都模块化后,可以和外围的风扇,低压压气机组成一个系列的型号。这个 CFM56买的,也是我们摆事实,讲道理,美国国会和巴统特批的。批之前,就有人说,TG要是偷我们的技术怎么办,blah, blah. 可是哪有卖飞机不给卖备用发动机的?波音的游说集团,我们朋友大大的。









为什么美苏都不设防三哥?就他那点基础,还不用功,给他抄,给他把家教请来都不灵。歼6到强5,MIG21 到歼7G,歼8,Su27到歼11,TG从来就不是甘心居人篱下的主。借用虎哥一句话,只要我们自己不崩溃,成圣是早晚的事。我们要考虑的是,成圣之后,如何防止历史的循环,坠入英帝,美帝的宿命。太祖在西柏坡是怎么说的?


所以,CFM56 也只是给了TG一个大致的方向。整个核心机的尺寸,一模一样。小子不才,本科毕设的题目就是10A的所有叶片的动力相应分析。所有分析,计算,试验,材料,工艺的攻关,90年代全面展开。我的两位在沈阳的师兄个自有重任在肩。














TG从来就没间断过从国外引进人次的努力,近年来,越来越多高层海龟的回流,也是一个因素。不过,在这些敏感领域,作基础研究的海外人才会的多些。真正做型号的,怕是本来就没有几个。局外人往往低估了美帝对我们的防范,美帝的保密制度,不亚于TG。设计具体的型号,那是要top level national security clearance的,要查祖宗三代,直系,旁系亲属,所有社会关系的。不是本土出生的,基本上很难进入这个圈子。李文和对于美帝,就是非我族类,其心必异的典型。我当年在 Georgia Tech Aerospace program, 系里组织参观Lockheed 在Marietta 生产F22 的工厂,所有学生,除了中国和俄罗斯的,都可以去。我的同学在NASA Lanley中心做研究员,也只能接触非常非常基础的研究,不可能涉及到型号,当然,NASA也没有型号任务,就是和型号相关的预研,也有不同等级的保密条例。



用两弹一星的精神和投入来发展航空业,河里不是第一次提出来的。当年满腔热血的要为祖国的航空事业献身的我们,我们也知道我们的航空落后于世界,因为文革嘛,哪有不落后的呀。但当被告知我们的航空发动机技术落后美帝35年左右时,那份打击,那份透心凉,那份郁闷,至今栩栩如生。35年?我们90年才有美帝 55年的技术?我,我倒!





秦岭就是国产化的SPEY,当初因为载机下马,SPEY国产化的事也就搁下了。70年代末,80年代,军工只保证最低需求,没谱的SPEY,更是后娘的孩子。知道海航坚持要歼轰7,库存的50台原装SPEY不够用,才又开始国产化。不好意思的是,也是磕磕绊绊过来的国产SPEY,在寿命和性能上,和60年代末的原装货,还有一些差距。这就是我们的工业底子,这就是我们在材料,工艺上的差距。老牌帝国主义还是有些老底子的。顺便提一句,SPEY的厂商,就是 Rolls-Royles,香港人叫劳斯莱斯的,比房子都贵的车,也是他的一个分部生产的。






hope someone can translate this into english for others to read`
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You can not speak Chinese? :what:

lol, i speak fluent chinese, just not sure about my english`i red through the whole article it was quite nice and thorough. just wonder anyone can translate it into english to share with others thats all``:cheesy:

High-tech, cutting-edge technology and more, why is the aircraft engine industry flower? Space technology, rocket technology, nuclear technology, microelectronic technology, have their own characteristics and difficulties, why they are not the flower industry?

Let be a metaphor, the country's second industry (from metallurgical processing to manufacturing to design) is a pyramid, China Aviation Development Foundation is the pinnacle of the pyramid, it involves virtually all of the industrial and technological projects, and to use to the highest technical achievements in these areas. In fact, the AIDC technology, in driving the progress of the entire industry.

Here, imagine if we had one day of air engine technology leads the world, then we TMD is an absolute superpower, does not want to recognize not work. Even as the Americans do not have to lead them as long as we are technically equal, even if the dream of rejuvenating the Chinese nation is not run by.

AIDC technology from the large surface that involves: metallurgy, materials, machining, machinery manufacturing, thermodynamics, aerodynamics, fluid mechanics, cybernetics, and so on and so on it, basically it, you put all engineering disciplines count, 75% have their own dedicated aircraft made the highest achievement.

The words of the nineties introduced Su27 production line in China, their J-11 in production volumes. Third brother jealous, and also want a production line. Westerner heart that sell to not sell, give money on the line, then the third brother to send expert inspection of industrial facilities, considering reception point set in there. Toss for half a year, the Group's view is that the third brother was from the existing industrial metallurgical start over again, within two decades, not their own production. (Thus, Big Brother fifties how our aid is important, basic, basic ah)

Eighties, minibuses equipped with F-16, we came out a see a little help it, all there was. We had the industrial base, is to have a full range of technical information, but also made do not come out ah. Unless the United States as the old year and plan the honeymoon period, as the overall reconstruction by the United States supporting the plant. Year, F-16, the fear is more than half of the parts, we have not even material, let alone the process. Even today, we may still some gaps in material and workmanship. Not help it, poor foundation ah. Learn good class, but also is one of several old capitalist power, the gap between industry, really have many years of practice can have immortal.

Here, tell a little story, when the 863 program, all materials, an Air Ministry, powder metallurgy turbine disk. The metal powder is in proportion to (Oh, but the country this ratio confidential) on the container, high temperature and pressure into alloys. With good crystalline order can be high temperature, strength 也好. F404 on the high-pressure turbine disk is like this, we will go according to dipper gourd painting it. The project 350 million RMB, is also good, get, large and small celebration will also open a lot. With new materials, we also came to a? On a lathe, from the heart to drive side dish, F404 is the knife to go in the end, so as to ensure that no traces of tool change generated when, (the seeds of the future is the crack), but the problem is not material to our turning tools, a knife does not go End to wear did not, and have ATC. This time only to find that we have to be another research project.

Therefore, our buckets, each board long enough, the bucket is our industrial capacity, we are focusing on, heightening each board, especially those relative to a shorter board. Bombs and one satellite is a relatively independent project, you can concentrate on doing big things, (even so, there are many examples of indigenous methods.) The upgrading of the industrial capacity, how can concentrate on doing big things what?

(B) awkward period

Our engine, before the founding, is empty, than white, poor and white. Fifty years, from the Korean War, the engine began to repair the war, as soldiers of the heroic sacrifices of our volunteers, we have Big Brother there, basically there is potential for the cultivation. 156 subsequent projects, the most violent in human history, the most thorough industrialization. Shenyang Liming plant (lucky in that a summer internship, Shenyang's dog and commissioning of the roar, recorded with the memories of our youth) is one of 156.

Less than a decade, we have the surface (note that on the surface) to catch up with the world advanced level. Mig21 imitation early 60s success, we are also in the turbojet engine has a dual-rotor axial-flow turbojet advanced level.

However, know these not the why. Big Brother is a wash, we caught a blind. Any changes to the original design, will lead to a domino-like chain reaction. Toss together with the Cultural Revolution, we used 20 years before in the early 80s, the successful and thorough understanding of the MIG21 7 turbojet technology, and launched a successful improvement models. J-7G changed the world's best known as the MIG21. Unfortunately, two decades later.

Even in the most tightly blocked 60,70, TG never give up the introduction of technology. Two squadrons of F-6 from Egypt in exchange for a MIG23, MIG23 on the imitation from the WP15 has a maximum thrust of the Turbojet TG, but had no suitable models. Spend huge foreign exchange (current year) introduction of the Bay production lines, making Xi'an 430 has been the best three machines no processing plant. (Big Brother process is not as good that year John Bull) Spey is not installed. However, WP15 and Spey gave us a lot of inspiration and concrete technology, technology advancement.

Next chubby copy not on the job long, and we in the late 70s and the best students in the class formed a one to one, a pair of red, dazzling work of the United States students, each question have to spend big Price was to copy, half past one would not know good that question first copy. (NND, we Qionga)

To the spring and summer storm, we are an example of the problems of peace was copied and a half, Americans fell out, this is our job deducted. However, we still aim the eyes at any rate, generally thought to know his problem-solving (the U.S. standard, design, aviation design standards issued by the Ministry of later, is simply the subject of translation of the U.S. military.)

TG used to go wild ways, never starts acting strangely. In the honeymoon period, is not standing still playing tricks. 737 to buy a number of civil aviation, mounted CFM56, the core machine is GE's F100 (two loaded F-15) core machines. Machine is the high-pressure core compressor, combustor, high pressure turbine components, and also known as gas generators. Are modular, you can and the outer fan, low pressure compressor to form a series of models. The CFM56 bought our facts and reason, the U.S. Congress and the special approval of Batumi. Approved before, some people say, TG stealing our technology if the how to do, blah, blah. But how can there be to sell aircraft spare engines not to sell it? Boeing's lobbying group, our friends greatly.

These engines, sealed in the box, the United States comes in once every six months. (NND, remember you Hughes satellite, 3 CIA24 hours day and night guard, and ultimately did not go under the hand), it can be hard to live our heroic Chinese people?

Devanning, number, directly transported Shenyang, mapping, modeling, assembly, shipped back to Beijing, seals, less than five months, get.

(B) outside the field of U.S. imperialism chapter book send a punitive expedition engine

Such a large project, do not know the strange, the people's intelligence is not to eat cooked rice. However, he is no evidence, no, no, that is, no, you see? Between countries, often communication is the kindergarten level.

Know that one day, we took the U.S. imperialists to send a punitive expedition Aviation Ministry official documents, the document entitled "Mapping on the good work CFM56 core machine instructions", I, I would! Who did this!

Imagine, TG was still very passive, particularly in the 90's, still in relation to the stage of repair and people, remember the cool down Zhuzong trip it? To put now, I was done, how do you with it? Specifically how these things compounding, and I can not know the. In short, startled Jiang, Jiang was very angry, very serious consequences. General Secretary personally instructed, "let the traitor-ism", three months after the central United States small cities, car accident, a middle-aged man died on the spot.

(C) of the Taihang fruition

That said, cut, copy a job and is still struggling. That you are the outsider, and to copying know these, but also know why they should be copying the next problem, I will do my own, and not just copy the answer, have copied one side, while pondering people's problem-solving ideas also have to fill the knowledge never learned before. TG peasants and soldiers as a gift good students, the high number of class do not understand, Chao Zuoye clearance, can go home put the middle and high school textbooks all turned out, cramming ah.

Why did the Soviet Union are undefended third brother? On the basis of his points, not hard, give him a copy, do not invite him to tutor the Spirit. J-6 to strong 5, MIG21 to the J-7G, J-8, Su27 to the J-11, TG who has never been willing to fence under the main residence. Huge borrow a word, as long as we do not crash, is a matter of holiness. We have to consider is that holiness, how to prevent the cycle of history, plunged into the British Emperor, the fate of U.S. imperialism. Dynasty in Xibaipo is how to say?

The topic.

Therefore, CFM56 TG only gives a general direction. The size of the core engine, exactly the same. Kid Fucai, the subject of college graduates is the set of all leaves 10A of the power accordingly. All the analysis, calculation, test, materials, technology research, 90 in full swing. Two of my brothers in Shenyang heavy tasks of its own.

Match the low pressure turbine fan and have the new design, new materials (powder, single crystal blades) new alloys and new processing technology (welding, electron beam welding), the new calculation method, the new test method, the new test Taiwan, China's air force who, busy as nearly two decades, our gap from the world's advanced level reduced from 35 years to 20 years. Taihang stereotypes pushed to 8 basically reached the performance.

During this period, full authority digital flight control system issued (FADEC), Advanced Computational Fluid Laboratory (my brother is a spread of academic leaders), a complete test system is the first time completed. Future development is the acceleration.

It is said that the U.S. imperialists 10 years, can develop a new model, why are we two years? Do not forget, the representative of U.S. imperialism is the highest human level of technology so far, and his complete industrial system, he leads the world on virtually all the technical sub-projects, so he could look his integration of existing technologies to spell out the best products. And we may research, in research, each sub-project of the research of failure will directly delay the development of the project.

This is like building a house, others are readily available all the PowerTool, also presided over the development of the existing building standards, but also inside the house with all the subsystems of the highest technology (air conditioning, materials, noise, etc.), but also led the construction industry the new trend. We do, just beginning to build a house, wood is not good, tool does not work, but also construction workers is transferred from the farmers, more worse, where we have to find what their own material, how much, had to grope from scratch . How a hard Zile.

Remember as a child to learn? Is an acceleration of the process, the content of high school students enrolled in any school, primary school for one month could not finish.

It was in this condition, we step by step to catching up. We are from France, Russia are not qualitatively different, and catch up with them just a matter of time. We looked at them from the U.S. can not pull away, but to follow step by step, the total catch of the day. In the end, there are also leading his own difficulties, technological development is not so fast.

(C) outside the chapter: What is the key technology development?

Talent of course, is technology an important factor in the development, but only a necessary condition for it. For the industrial technology is a strong, sustained investment, more important than talent. Can even be said to be a sufficient condition. Frankly speaking, the inside is throwing money to continue. As long as the direction is correct, then there is continued investment, and the practical requirements of models, technologies and personnel can all be trained.

To see the former Soviet Union, large-scale, sustained investment to train the team, talent and technology. After the disintegration, not the input, the brain drain, technology stagnation, the team also dispersed. We also scattered a number of 80 teams.

Look at China Aerospace, the general direction is correct, putting money, talent, technology, models, 10 years of efforts have been.

So, Jian Shi and too much more than a line model, through which reserves the technology, trained personnel, the line became a team. Continuity is very important technological development, the East, a hammer, a stick on the development of Western technology, not good to rely on the accumulation of many years of sustained, profound knowledge ah. So the line was called, is to take in the war, TG arduous struggle in the Taihang Mountains area to mark the difficulty of its R & D process.

While ago, someone exclaimed, saying that Mr. Wu Zhonghua If you have been persecuted during the Cultural Revolution of each of China's engine technology how how confused the theory of industrial technology development and system development. Mr. Wu has been good if the conditions may be the development of fluid mechanics we make a greater contribution, but China's industrial base, is to tell his elderly to death, nor is there any qualitative change.

Substantial annual funding NASA, did not say remove the waste and bring U.S. imperialism is unmatched in the aerospace world leading technology.

TG had never stopped the efforts of people collected from abroad in recent years, more and more high-level turtles return, also a factor. However, in these sensitive areas, for basic research will more overseas talent. Really do model, fear is already not a few. Outsiders tend to underestimate our guard against U.S. imperialism, U.S. imperialism in secrecy, as much as TG. The design of specific models, it is to top level national security clearance, and to investigate the three generations of ancestors, lineal, collateral relatives, all social relations. Than native-born, basically difficult to enter the circle. Wen Ho Lee and the U.S. imperialism, that is not my race, its heart will be different typical. I was in Georgia Tech Aerospace program, visit the Department has organized the production F22 Lockheed plant in Marietta, all students, in addition to China and Russia, can go. My students do research fellow at the NASA Lanley center, can only touch a very, very basic research, not related to the model, of course, NASA did not model the task, that is, pre-and model-related research, there are different levels of confidentiality regulations.

Finally, still have to be based on domestic, on your own. Fortunately, we are not short of money, as long as the right direction, technological breakthroughs just a matter of time.

(D) of the Kunlun Mountains, the Taihang and the status of the Qinling Mountains

With bombs and one satellite input to the development of the spirit and the aviation industry, the river is not the first time put forward. Then filled with blood of the country's aviation industry for our dedication, we also know that our air behind the world, because the Cultural Revolution Well, how can we avoid the backward ah. But when told of our aero-engine technology is about 35 years behind the U.S. imperialists, the share of combat, share and cool, would the depressed, has lifelike. 35 years? We have 90 years of technology 55 years of U.S. imperialism? I am, I would!

The eighties, our aircraft have healthy hair is: F 7 with a single WP7, J-8 with two WP13, J 6 and 5 with two strong WP6, H-6 with two WP8.

WP7 we have a thorough understanding of the basic, in the end is the end of 50's technology, we also contacted a number of how many new technologies, that have some room for improvement. Improve the thermal efficiency of the engine thrust, and one way is to increase turbine inlet temperature, but the turbine blades to withstand great stress and thermal load, the effective cooling technology and new materials are two break points. We drilled in the blade center of 9 holes, bleed air from the compressor cooling blades. Later discovered that the hot blade root stress concentration problems, will develop into cracks. Also into three large irregular holes, with no margin directly casting molding. To these words, is the result of countless research, calculation, test, spend endless myriad of educating people (we have two labs, Dr. Master and the related 5).

Kunlun is the WP14, from the project to the stereotypes, but also for 15 years. From a performance point of view, progress is not, why so long? Because we go to U.S. imperialism from the Big Brother system, the first model system, all the design standards, manuals, test bench, test methods and means, must now move from scratch. Thus, outsiders can not see these results, but the real time basis, for future research and development is essential.

In addition, WP14 in life, reliability, surge margin, there has been a qualitative improvement. After two WP14 bye in use, performance, or has made significant improvement, and 10,11 to form an effective match.

Qinling is the localization of SPEY, as carrier aircraft did dismount, SPEY localization will put aside the things. The late 70s, 80's, the military can only guarantee the minimum requirements, off the mark SPEY, is stepmother of the child. JH insisted that HNA 7, inventory of 50 original SPEY not enough, it began to localization. I'm sorry that is stumbling over the domestic SPEY, in the life and performance, and 60 of the original shipment late, there are some gaps. This is our industrial base, this is what we in materials, workmanship gap. Old imperialism, or some old grounding. Incidentally, SPEY manufacturers, is Rolls-Royles, people called the Rolls-Royce, expensive cars than houses, but also a division of his production.

Taihang, is a now represents the highest level of Xiaohan Road TG turbofan. And the Westerner's AF-31 is basically a level, (AF-31 in the pungent nature of Shang Hao, life and economy of line is too good with minor). Can be fitted to the old one ten, or two to the old XI.

Also in the study was too derivative of the line models. Chen Wen great detail, I will not trespass the.

U.S. imperialism's F-120 and F-119 have to push than the 10 level, the absolute first echelon. TG and the Westerner has active than the 8-level push, considered the second echelon. France's Rafale seems to push the ratio of less than 8, too lazy to check out. British fighters are unable to independent research and development, so the engine will put down the military, RR used to maintain civil aircraft engine technology. Other countries are not on the number.

GE and Pratt & Whitney aircraft in the research, are pushing more than 20 levels, as U.S. imperialism that the new materials (ceramics, composite materials, etc) will be broken and the development bottleneck, and can greatly improve the turbine before the temperature and reduce body weight. We do not have to step off the with, or an inattentive, the United Students may pull away.

The way, I humbly believe that we stand on the financial crisis or a team. U.S. imperialism is the curse immortal curse, not only curse die, very strong, there is vitality. We have to first take second place to sit firmly secured, Lianhaoneigong. Taizong as expected, by 2050, our citizens are too similar on the day and developed countries, we are can not think of the first, for fear that people in the world do not agree. As of: shine
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Why you add a word to force Chinese member to read it?

Bad habbit from domestic forum


Forget it!
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Translation tools has no effect.
This article has too much slang and acronyms, I think only the Chinese can be translated.
Why you add a word to force Chinese member to read it?

Bad habbit from domestic forum


Forget it!

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yeah i tried to read that too, well, ne ways congrats china, any fortay into tech that a nation has no experience in before has problems,
. . .
i can read some chinese but i have no idea what the slangs and idioms mean either =(
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