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China is the fulcrum of Pakistan's National Security Policy

My referance is Chinese who just arrive off the flights - mostly middle class students. My son runs a student property company and almost exclusively caters to Chinese from mainland. He spent 6 months in China as exchange student and made lots of contacts which he has leveraged into a businesss model. The Chinese are fantastic tenants. No trouble, pay upfront and like quality apartments.
Believe me, the rose-tinted glasses come off. Once upon a time, I was a McFreedom and Dumbocracy drone. Yes, me.

I look at xenophilic Chinese people with contempt, but I also recognize the hypocrisy in that. I was once like them and it was a rather long journey for me to see the truth. The West is extremely good at gaslighting and deception; it's had centuries of practice at it.

That will change in time as China becomes a developed country and its people cultivate a confidence in the own culture and identity. Ironically, the best way for that to happen is for them to travel more and see the West for what it is.
This guy is suspicious, I feel he serves an ulterior purpose here...

Exaggerates a lot of things and severely underplays India's capability

Doesn't it remind u of anyone here?
Now, this sweeter than honey drug is the fault of the corrupt elite of Pakistan who are so incompetent that they have to change the entire budget for 1 billion USD of tranche from IMF.
Not only is it cringe as f#ck, but it is harmful, makes the population brain dead

Doesn't it remind u of anyone here?
Not sure who you are referring to bro... Are they a mod?
Not only is it cringe as f#ck, but it is harmful, makes the population brain dead
I'm not too fond of that rhetoric myself, but it's become a tradition. Changing it now would be difficult. But I think that everyone understands that despite the cultural distance, China and Pakistan are bound by deep and enduring common interests and that their strategic partnership serves both sides well.
Our elites' investments are in the West and they have an affinity for the Western culture and lifestyle. It is also our colonial legacy, which our current PM talked about that unlike Pakistanis, Afghans were able to break the chains of mental enslavement.

The populace only has economic interest in wanting to go to the West.
I have some Pakistani friends (PAF personnel to be exact, based out of Beijing) in real life and we are negative towards the west. What I have described is based on years' of experience here on PDF (I believe we all have seen many), well I do know it's not a perfect sampling of all Pakistani people. Some Chinese members here are also very offensive, they are not representative either.

Like I told you friend. PDF attracts a lot of people including maggots which are truly a fringe minority. They don't represent Pakistan. The Pakistani army, the Pakistani masses and all political leaders unequivocally support China.
Tell me which 'unfriendlies' do you guys need guarding in Pakistan. I mean entire security divisions have been raised to guard few Chinese inside Pakistan. Is this threat from overseas Pakistani's?

A Chinese is far more safer in countries that are hostile to them, in UK, USA, India etc. But need guarding in Pakistan from surfiet of love.

Think about this contradiction please ....

Well that is not reserved for chinese. Even if u come to the areas where chinese work in western clothes with nice trucks and all, ull be probably killed or taken hostage.
There is also an enemy that is targeting chinese when possible and its well known. The point was about general population and the general population of Pakistan overwhelmingly supports china. Anyone living here actually knows it.
Slaves need to be capable. Our local education system produces unproductive people who are only good at memorising things and Britain has no need for such incapable slaves.
They need to revise a national singular curriculum of high quality.

Take inspiration from Britain, America, China, etc. Include the essentials. And provide a high standard of teaching to the masses, this is the only way we can break out of the mess we are in right now.

This country needs a shit ton of reforms. We have clowns running it...
Look at the recent outburst regards to Hyundai pakistan.
First of All Hyundai Pakistan is a Pakistani Company set up by a Local Business Group other then Name as they have acquired the franchise, under which they are making cars from Hyundai iit has nothing to do with Hyundai.

Indian can make as much noise they want, local group does not give a sdhit to the sensitivities of India.

Now coming back to the your post.
It is a choice out of no choice.
I would advise you to read the history of Pakistan and China relations, you might not be aware

- When the the relation of India and China were at peak and Indian & China both used to raise slogans of Hind-Chini Bhai Bhai (India and China are brothers) in whole of the South Asia and world stage.

Pakistan maintained close relations with China even at that time. There was NO COMMON ENEMY AT THAT TIME.

- Not only this US asked Pakistan to provide base for the spying activity against China which Pakistan denied, keep in mind at that time strategic relations of Pakistan with China were non-existence.

- When US was fighting war in Vietnam and China was supporting North Vietnam, US repeatedly asked Pakistan to provide troops for the deployment in Vietnam we even at the time when we had very close relations with the US (might be at the same level as we now have with China) denied to participate in Vietnam war.
Keep in mind we were part of SETO and CENTO

- The foundation of Pakistan and China relationship from day one was built upon grounds of respect for each other Territorial Integrity and non-Interference in internal matter, and leadership of both the countries throughout history respected these basic principles.

These were the events of distant past, but I know some other incidents from recent history (after the start of WOT) where we helped China officially and unofficially (both ways).
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They need to revise a national singular curriculum of high quality.

Take inspiration from Britain, America, China, etc. Include the essentials. And provide a high standard of teaching to the masses, this is the only way we can break out of the mess we are in right now.

This country needs a shit ton of reforms. We have clowns running it...
I am appalled by the lack of importance being given to English in this new national singular curriculum. Whether we like it or not English is the language that allows us to communicate with the rest of the world, it opens so many doors for us. If it was up to me I would also make it compulsory to teach Mandarin in national singular curriculum. Seriously how hard is it to copy Cambridge O & A levels especially when it is being widely taught in our cities major cities?
Pakistan maintained close relations with China even at that time. There was NO COMMON ENEMY AT THAT TIME.

- Not only this US asked Pakistan to provide base for the spying activity against China which Pakistan denied, keep in mind at that time strategic relations of Pakistan with China were non-existence.

- When US was fighting war in Vietnam and China was supporting North Vietnam, US repeatedly asked Pakistan to provide troops for the deployment in Vietnam we even at the time when we had very close relations with the US (might be at the same level as we now have with China) denied to participate in Vietnam war.
Keep in mind we were part of SETO and CENTO

- The foundation of Pakistan and China relationship from day one was built upon grounds of respect for each other Territorial Integrity and non-Interference in internal matter, and leadership of the countries throughout history respected these basic principals.

These were the events of distant past, but I know some other incidents from recent history (after the start of WOT) where we helped China officially and unofficially (both ways).
Talking about establish of diplomatic r/s with China is different from shifting of national strategic alliance from previous US to China. Pakistan used to be very close with US, if not , PA and PAF wouldn't even equipped with so many US made weapons.

Its undeniable India bigger market and economy is a big magnet for American, Something which Pakistan is not gonna match it. US is gonna be more willing to listen to India than Pakistan request. Pakistan strategic shift to China is a circumstances created situation rather than a decision made choices.

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I am appalled by the lack of importance being given to English in this new national singular curriculum. Whether we like it or not English is the language that allows us to communicate with the rest of the world, it opens so many doors for us. If it was up to me I would also make it compulsory to teach Mandarin in national singular curriculum. Seriously how hard is it to copy Cambridge O & A levels especially when it is being widely taught in our cities major cities?

Give English the same importance that it has in Japan or Korea. They're successful.
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Pakistan is our neighbor, it has a population of 200 million, and it is a transportation hub connecting Central Asia, South Asia, East Asia, the Middle East and the Indian Ocean. The history of mankind will be very long, and we also need to get along with the Pakistani people for a long time, so we must become good friends with the Pakistani people.
Now we are indeed friends with the Pakistani people. But now the friendship is not stable, because our friendship is based on military and strategy, there is a lack of sufficient economic ties and interest binding between us. Economic relations determine political relations, and political relations determine military relations. Our relationship with Pakistan is that military relations affect political relations, and political relations affect economic relations. This is an opposite causality, which is unreliable, so we need to establish more economic ties through CPEC.
The relationship between Pakistan and USA is not a problem. In the near future, China and USA are indeed in a period of strategic competition, and the relationship between China and USA is not good. But in the long run, the economic foundations of China and USA complement each other, once the fields of competition between the two sides produce results, China and USA are bound to return to normal. On the contrary, the economic foundations of USA and India are actually in conflict, the only common interest of both sides is China, which is unreliable. With the development of Indian economy, the relationship between USA and India will break up sooner or later. India's true and reliable ally is Russia, which is complementary to India's economic base.
China should position its relations with Pakistan as a "bridge". A bridge connecting China and the Indian Ocean, a bridge connecting China and the Islamic world, and a bridge connecting China and USA. So we need Pakistan to be more open and proactive in international politics, rather than choosing sides between China and USA.

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