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China is developing its own bomber


Jan 18, 2009
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China is developing a tactical bomber J-17 ("Jian-17"), similar in configuration to the impact the Russian Su-34.
According to the Central Institute of the aerohydrodynamical Zhukovsky (TsAGI), now completed bomber blowing model J-17 (similar to the Su-34) in a wind tunnel (WT).

The PRC has experience creating fighter J-11B and J-16, which are modifications of Russian Su-27 and Su-30.

According to aviation experts, the Chinese version of the Su-34 is considered as a partial replacement of and addition to the heavy bombers "Harbin» H-6 (Tu-16).

Video images obtained from spy satellites show that the number of bombers of the H-6 on Chinese airfields recently decreased markedly. This fact may indicate the decommissioning and disposal of aircraft H-6 early years of production, as well as the limited scope to modernize its fleet of aircraft.

Chinese prototype of the Tu-16 first flew in 1953

Experts point out that the creation of a new heavy bomber is a very complex task. China's aviation industry problem is compounded by the lack of powerful jet engines (TGDs) own design. It is possible that the development of a tactical bomber J-17 is in China since 1998, when the international air show in Zhuhai was shown a video depicting

aircraft model is very similar to the Russian Su-34. The Chinese version of the aircraft, according to experts, can carry a combat load of up to eight tons. Thus, the maximum lifting capacity J-17 heavy bomber slightly inferior H-6 (9000 kg) and, theoretically, can carry cruise missiles, long range.

Russia is also showing interest in export sales to China

variant of the Su-34. According to Chinese sources, the adoption of the Air Force of the PLA plane Su-34/J-17 can significantly improve the impact and potential of the country's air force military aircraft to bring the PLA to "world-leading level."

Earlier it was reported that China is also working to create a "hard version" of the fighter-bomber, J-19 based aircraft J-11B (Su-27)
Подробнее: Китай разрабатывает собственный бомбардировщик | Еженедельник «Военно-промышленный курьер»

Китай разрабатывает собственный бомбардировщик | Еженедельник «Военно-промышленный курьер»
what happened to j 16. i think Chinese friends said that j 16 is similar like f 15strike eagle. then why they are developing another bomber. even su 34 is also a russian f 15 only.
what happened to j 16. i think Chinese friends said that j 16 is similar like f 15strike eagle. then why they are developing another bomber. even su 34 is also a russian f 15 only.

The Su-34 has longer range and carries more bombs than J-16/Su-30MKK
SAC is developing a stealthy bomber alright,buit it won't be called J-17 and will have absolute nothing to do with the Su-34。

It will be an enlarged version,so to speak,of the J-31001。

Prototype and maiden flight are expected before 2015.
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