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China is definitely not Middle East


May 31, 2010
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China is definitely not Middle East - People's Daily Online March 10, 2011


Turmoil in Libya has at least left more than 1,000 people deed, about 600 in the capital of Tripoli alone till February 26, according to conservative United Nations estimates, with one million people fleeing and inside country need humanitarian aid, said Valerie Amos, Secretary General for UN Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator.

Television images of waves after wave of Libyan refugees are seen fleeing their homeland to lead a vagrant life, without knowing "what could happen to them" and when they would return home. This has saddened us with a deep sign to indicate the truth that national turmoil has made ordinary locals true victims eventually.

Since the end of 2010, unrest had spread a swath of the North Africa and the Middle East, where the situation has turned fiercely chaotic, and people there suffered an immense loss. At the time when people around the world mulled the solution to conflicts in the Middle East countries, some people with sinister ulterior motives both inside and outside China attempt to divert troubled water to China and "fan flames" via the Internet in a hope also to "provoke street corner politics", so as to make China chaotic. But the country is definitely not the Middle East anyhow.

The Chinese people, like the people of other countries, yearn for the lasting peace and stability. People in China, now better fed and better clothed, are striving to pursue their still better living standards; they are fully aware that the premise for the auspicious days is precisely the national stability and a harmonious society. Over the past 60 years after the birth of new China, especially in the last 30 years of reform and opening up, the Chinese nation has initially been thriving with a remarkable rise in its overall national might and brought substantial benefits to its people.

Chinese people fear turbulence and worry about being led into troubles and so they ardently hope for peace, stability, harmony and peace. They exert themselves to seek development wholeheartedly and still better livelihoods, and most of them long for a better quality of life. Hence, the only very few trouble makers cannot randomly make a crack up in the country even if they vainly attempt to make trouble.

The leadership of the Communist Party of China (CPC) is laid on a very solid foundation in recent years. China held the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, the 2010 World Expo in Shanghai, the 2010 Asian Games in Guangzhou, all performed with flying colors. And the relief work in the 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake and the ensuing Yushu Quake rescue work, as well as the efforts to cope with the impact of the global financial crisis, and the latest Libya evacuation of more than Chinese 30,000 nationals -- All these difficult matters were done so well.

A formerly backward and impoverished nation has been turned into the second biggest economy in term of gross economic output, and the whole world holds it in high esteem. All these feats are owed to the wise leadership and scientific guidance of the CPC. Steady progress in the reform of political arrangements has inspired the standardization and institutionalization of the Party's leadership setup, from the abolition of life-long tenure of leading officials to the establishment of a national civil service...

Last year, a unique poll had been measuring the view of people around the world since 2002, and the project was conducted by Pew Research Center in 22 countries to track trends in value, political and social attitudes of their people. "Only in China," the survey reported, "does an overwhelming portion of the population (87 percent) express satisfaction with national conditions. So, "China is clearly the most self-satisfied country in the survey."

The U.S. "Time" magazine reported on March 7: "But there is a crucial difference -- and this is why expectations of a so-called 'Beijing Spring' are premature. In the Middle East and North Africa, even in countries with decent economic growth, governments are seen as the problem. In China... the 'regime' is regarded by its people as the engineer of the most spectacular economic expansion the world has even seen. Even the rest of the globe suffered during the financial crisis, China kept chugging along. Why throw the bums out when the bums keep delivering? Few Chinese, schooled as they are in the perils of revolution, would want to risk Arab-style chaos."

China has already abolished the life-long tenure of leading officials as a matter of course, and the change of leadership has become a conventional practice. There is no such phenomena that China is led by a leader entrenched for a decade, two decades, three decades or even four decades... In the meanwhile, China has set up a socialist legal system with Chinese characteristics and keeps consummating its socialist democracy system.

Furthermore, people in China enjoy freedom of participating in the practice of governance and deliberating over government affairs under the existing legal framework and democratic system. Under no circumstances should China allow "street corner politics" to incite unrest to attain the political objectives.

Chinese leaders have always complied with public will and are bent on tackling social problems emerged in the course of reform by means of development and reform. For instance, one college student used to be selected among some 100 college-aged people and, to date, the college recruit to college aged people ratio has come to 1:4. Consequently, there are such issues for college graduates, including unemployment. And there are also such issues regarding high house prices, a rise in food and other commodities prices and a gap between the rich and the poor.

In deliberating the targets of the draft 12th Five-Year Plan (2011-2015) and the government work report, NPC deputies and members of the CPPCC National Committee have been mulling ways toward resolving problems emerged during their panel discussions. Only development and reform is the only correct way to solve problems.

Of course, when existing problems are resolved, new ones will come to the fore, and society keep advancing in the process of overcoming problems. But "street corner politics" can only result in social chaos, make a mess of thins, and could only stagnate Chinese society in steady advance.

In a nutshell, China is definitely not the Middle East, and any vain scheme to diver Middle East turmoil to China is doomed to fail.

By People's Daily Online and its author is PD desk-editor Jiang Shangyu
No Shyte !:woot: whoever thinks/hopes there will be a middle east style revolution in China, is delusional.

Epic photo of Shanghai Skyline btw:enjoy:
Why does the government put this article out? What a useless article. Of course we're not some tinpot dictatorship. We're an equality oriented democracy. The US paints opposing democratic countries as dictatorships. What is Iran? Capitalism + Democracy. But then it's a "feudal theocracy" in the eyes of the US because it trades oil in euros. What's the actual feudal theocracy in Saudi? A valuable ally of the Wall Street regime.

Just because of socialism the US sees us as the #1 threat to their world domination.
we all know that know. what's new?

It only happened in ME, because of poverty and unstable corrupt government.
Why does the government put this article out? What a useless article. Of course we're not some tinpot dictatorship. We're an equality oriented democracy. The US paints opposing democratic countries as dictatorships. What is Iran? Capitalism + Democracy. But then it's a "feudal theocracy" in the eyes of the US because it trades oil in euros. What's the actual feudal theocracy in Saudi? A valuable ally of the Wall Street regime.

Just because of socialism the US sees us as the #1 threat to their world domination.

Hey friend, don't u know US has the reputation of "coining" new English words? Thay come out with new words and terms to suit their agenda.
What a useless article. Of course we're not some tinpot dictatorship. We're an equality oriented democracy. The US paints opposing democratic countries as dictatorships. What is Iran? Capitalism + Democracy. But then it's a "feudal theocracy" in the eyes of the US because it trades oil in euros. What's the actual feudal theocracy in Saudi? A valuable ally of the Wall Street regime.

Just because of socialism the US sees us as the #1 threat to their world domination.

You may be mistaken about what is going on in the Middle East - in China, the government and the party in particular, have been sensitive to the feelings of the people abot corruption and have worked hard sine the days Dung Xiaoping to create lives of Dignity (Lives of Dignity is code for lives of prosperity which creates HOPE and stability)

All these things the political leadership of middle eastern countries in which there is now turmoil, have not only failed to do, they have actually abused public sentiment.

So, if you see this article in this persepective, it seems that government may be signaling that they - as opposed to others - are vigilant, responsive and responsible.
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