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China is biggest stumbling block in India’s UNSC permanent membership

The present 5 UNSC members consist of the 4 victorious nations of WW2 with the special addition of defeated France.
Colonized India was not yet successful BEGGING FOR THEIR INDEPENDENCE.
So India was not even a nation at the time the UN was formed.

So, it was not about military and economic power and rest u already said about france.

If i am correct then during the war few were major power - US, UK, germany, Japan and Soviet. China was not a military and economy powerful country but was fighting war against Japan and later joined to the group.

And, as i said they will never allow any other country to be part of permanent member. if they will allow also but never give Veto power.

It's not about India... I am talking about any other country ....Australia, Germany, Japan etc..
It's been mentioned many times in the past by other members in the forum. The 5 countries are special and in the Permanent membership in the Security Council is based on their importance in the aftermath of World War II. They are the victors and allies in World War II. Victors made the rules!

You will not see changes unless another World War happen and power shifted. Until then everyone else can continue to dream and whine to no result. All 5 countries contributed the most in WW II with blood and money. Not one single country in the 5P will really want to share that power with the new powers of the world. It's all lip service only from the current 5P. Again, the most important thing here is Victors made the rules!

Then I would say that it is a kind of Hitler attitude.

20st century has gone and many countries are capable candidates and only 5 countries can't run the world.

They have to accept the reality sooner or later..
So, it was not about military and economic power and rest u already said about france.

If i am correct then during the war few were major power - US, UK, germany, Japan and Soviet. China was not a military and economy powerful country but was fighting war against Japan and later joined to the group.

And, as i said they will never allow any other country to be part of permanent member. if they will allow also but never give Veto power.

It's not about India... I am talking about any other country ....Australia, Germany, Japan etc..

Then I would say that it is a kind of Hitler attitude.

20st century has gone and many countries are capable candidates and only 5 countries can't run the world.

They have to accept the reality sooner or later..

That's just the reality on how things work in the world. If Germany and Japan won WW II, who do you think will be in the Permanent membership in the Security Council? :what:
That's just the reality on how things work in the world. If Germany and Japan won WW II, who do you think will be in the Permanent membership in the Security Council? :what:

To me whatever happened that happened.

21st century can't be decided based on 20th century war.
So, it was not about military and economic power and rest u already said about france.

If i am correct then during the war few were major power - US, UK, germany, Japan and Soviet. China was not a military and economy powerful country but was fighting war against Japan and later joined to the group.

And, as i said they will never allow any other country to be part of permanent member. if they will allow also but never give Veto power.

It's not about India... I am talking about any other country ....Australia, Germany, Japan etc..

Then I would say that it is a kind of Hitler attitude.

20st century has gone and many countries are capable candidates and only 5 countries can't run the world.

They have to accept the reality sooner or later..
Haha, don't blabber for the sake of blabbering.

China may not have the latest war gadgets, but being able to hold and eventually defeat the Industrially advanced Japanese after 8 long years in WW2 was no small feat.

China again showed that was not a fluke when China drove off the world Superpower the US combined with the UN forces in Korea.

As an Indian, you should have TASTED the power of the Chinese when they ROUTED THE SISSY LOW MUSCLE MASS INDIAN ARMY in 1962 in 7 days.

Why Indians Have Low Muscle Mass 33.jpg

Hindus can write as much articles highlighting their own qualities citing their own achievements, but the fact is the world knows who is the terrorists and who is not. I am sure Hindus don't read credible news organizations like foreign policy magazine who recently listed all the terror activities on Hindu govt not just in their own country, not just in Pakistan but around the world. I am also sure Hindus don't believe their 44 banks were listed under terror financiers and money launderers. Hindus like to bury their head in the sand when they poop in open air sea view toilets.
Before China India was given a chance to join as a veto power but as usual Pandit nehru the idiot gave the chance to China..... ppl here calculating Indian criteria wither it's fit to join UNSC permanent seat or not should not forget that when China joined it was also one the most BHUKKAD (hungry country) country in this world.....so nothing special about China....
Before China India was given a chance to join as a veto power but as usual Pandit nehru the idiot gave the chance to China..... ppl here calculating Indian criteria wither it's fit to join UNSC permanent seat or not should not forget that when China joined it was also one the most BHUKKAD (hungry country) country in this world.....so nothing special about China....

Mere propaganda, Nothing of that sort ever happened and had been debunked many times in numerous fora, Figment of imagination of Indian ultra nationalists and Tharoor who suffer from a identity crisis

India was never offered a seat at the UNSC and certainly not over China. It was barely a nation state by 1950, Just 3 years after the Brits left their creation of What is now India.. When the so called feeler was made by the US to test the waters

When China joined to Elite group than what was special?

Ans is nothing, still all 5 members don't want or let to join any other country. It' not about deserving but other things.
It is one of the five major nuclear power and top 5 military countries in the world. India while is still a small fry even until now, still a small fry. Stop whining about it. The current standing of 5 major power is true reflect of global leadership. Your ICBM is worst off than NK one. SSBN is a big joke with a pathetic missile range of 700km, trying to commit suicide instead having credible nuclear second strike. More than 70 percent of your military still needs import. Even the Tejas and warship heavily depend on foreign component to be workable. I don't know what Indians are complaining about? You are a joke and still even dare to ask for a permanent seat?
Before China India was given a chance to join as a veto power but as usual Pandit nehru the idiot gave the chance to China..... ppl here calculating Indian criteria wither it's fit to join UNSC permanent seat or not should not forget that when China joined it was also one the most BHUKKAD (hungry country) country in this world.....so nothing special about China....
Another BS comment. India is never offer. Permanent seats are only offer to WWII victor. India is still under British Rule when WWII ended.
Haha, don't blabber for the sake of blabbering.

China may not have the latest war gadgets, but being able to hold and eventually defeat the Industrially advanced Japanese after 8 long years in WW2 was no small feat.

China again showed that was not a fluke when China drove off the world Superpower the US combined with the UN forces in Korea.

As an Indian, you should have TASTED the power of the Chinese when they ROUTED THE SISSY LOW MUSCLE MASS INDIAN ARMY in 1962 in 7 days.

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Don't go so deep because everyone knows why Japan surrendered. And, you can give thanks to USA and their nuclear bombs. Also, to Soviet union and specially to Joseph Stalin.

Before China India was given a chance to join as a veto power but as usual Pandit nehru the idiot gave the chance to China..... ppl here calculating Indian criteria wither it's fit to join UNSC permanent seat or not should not forget that when China joined it was also one the most BHUKKAD (hungry country) country in this world.....so nothing special about China....

NO, it's not true.

It is one of the five major nuclear power and top 5 military countries in the world. India while is still a small fry even until now, still a small fry. Stop whining about it. The current standing of 5 major power is true reflect of global leadership. Your ICBM is worst off than NK one. SSBN is a big joke with a pathetic missile range of 700km, trying to commit suicide instead having credible nuclear second strike. More than 70 percent of your military still needs import. Even the Tejas and warship heavily depend on foreign component to be workable. I don't know what Indians are complaining about? You are a joke and still even dare to ask for a permanent seat?

Another BS comment. India is never offer. Permanent seats are only offer to WWII victor. India is still under British Rule when WWII ended.

You can't take care of Taiwan...forget about india.

India should make their own security council and rule the world from there then

it is not about India, UN is a useless organization as per the current situation. They have done nothing in past 70 years.. UN just became a tool and actually, only US is a country that does not care anything and she whatever wants then he does.....it does not matter "wrong or right".... the same reason she is only a super power in the world.
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Don't go so deep because everyone knows why Japan surrendered. And, you can give thanks to USA and their nuclear bombs.
Why not go DEEP?
Don't indulge too much into INDIAN VEDIC HISTORY.

China's contribution to Japan's defeat
Despite the prolonged onslaught of Japan’s modern military machine for eight long years, a divided China, mostly on its own, put up a heroic fight against steep odds, pinning down 600,000 of its troops and playing a crucial role in weakening Japan by inflicting heavy casualties on forces that were better armed, supplied and trained.

China was a quagmire that forced Japan to squander vast amounts of resources that put it on a collision course with the Allied powers and undermined its Pacific War effort.

YES, The US have to THANK THE CHINESE for the Atomic Bomb.
Without the Chinese the US may never have made the Atomic Bomb.

March 1, 2017
Chien-Shiung Wu Is the Manhattan Project Physicist Who Succeeded Where Fermi Failed

Wu actually made a breakthrough where Fermi himself had struggled—she developed a way to enrich uranium ore that helped create large quantities of fuel for the atomic bomb.

The Chinese are not the SISSY LOW MUSCLE MASS INDIANS who HAPPILY ROLLOVER EASILY for their invaders .
ONLY 3000 British soldiers were needed to COLONIZE ALL OF INDIA.
1962 SURRENDER.jpeg

Why Indians Have Low Muscle Mass 33.jpg

Why not go DEEP?
Don't indulge too much into INDIAN VEDIC HISTORY.

China's contribution to Japan's defeat
Despite the prolonged onslaught of Japan’s modern military machine for eight long years, a divided China, mostly on its own, put up a heroic fight against steep odds, pinning down 600,000 of its troops and playing a crucial role in weakening Japan by inflicting heavy casualties on forces that were better armed, supplied and trained.

China was a quagmire that forced Japan to squander vast amounts of resources that put it on a collision course with the Allied powers and undermined its Pacific War effort.

YES, The US have to THANK THE CHINESE for the Atomic Bomb.
Without the Chinese the US may never have made the Atomic Bomb.

March 1, 2017
Chien-Shiung Wu Is the Manhattan Project Physicist Who Succeeded Where Fermi Failed

Wu actually made a breakthrough where Fermi himself had struggled—she developed a way to enrich uranium ore that helped create large quantities of fuel for the atomic bomb.

The Chinese are not the SISSY LOW MUSCLE MASS INDIANS who HAPPILY ROLLOVER EASILY for their invaders .
ONLY 3000 British soldiers were needed to COLONIZE ALL OF INDIA.
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View attachment 689849

China was not a powerful that could defeat to Japan in 1940's.... It was all about USA and Soviet... read the history properly.

Don't talk about 1962, there was many reasons for india's defeat as you are trying to give credit to CHina against Japan. Both were not very simple scenarios.

Now China can't not win a war against India. I do simply say that just put 20 nuclear missiles on all major Chinese cities. They can never thought for war against India................ if india will put to stone age then need to make sure, china will also come with India to stone age.

And, Chinese cities are already under Indian nuclear missiles range and can be activated in very minimal time. This is even know by china.

The same reason I don't see any direct war between China and India......finally, no one will be winner...
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