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China invasion of Johnson Reef of Vietnam on March 14th 1988

The Jiaozhi Sea definitely does not match Vietnam's revisionist claims to the entire South China Sea :)
do you realise that what you are telling here is nothing more than lie and fake? It appears you took the text from a Chinese blog.
I believe it is a typical Chinese mentality.

I suggest you to read the history from other sources.

you are low IQ monkey not knowing that Jiao Zhi and Tonkin refer to different terms and meanings? Google it!
I let the international community to seek the truth. Purely based on logic alone will tell that. How can we not know about the island first when we are simply the most capable NAVY country in Asia?

In the peace document of San Francisco conference stated that Japan shall been given up all rights over Korean, Taiwan and Pinghu island to China.

In San Francisco conference presented to Vietnam, PM Tran Van Huu of Government of King Bao Dai, he is an official delegate of Vietnam attended, protested claim of China over our Island (made by ROC 1948). By the voting delegates from rest of world have been rejected claim of China with the votes 48/1.

In the history Vietnam regained Independence from China by the Battle of Bach Dang river in the year 938 ACE. Chinese navy was defeated by Vietnam navy by our King Ngo Quyen.

In the past Chinese book stated that there is Jiao Zhi sea, the sea of Jiao Zhi people, today called as Vietnam. and so the Islands it was stated Islands belong to Southern country. And also The Full map of man Qing Emperor printed in China, it stated that the last point of China is Hai Nan Island.

Geneva accord 1954 signed by China and North Vietnam, there is two states in Vietnam, Islands belong to South Vietnam. North Vietnam don't have right to The Island of South Vietnam. After Vietnam war 1975 Islands OFFICAL belong to South Vietnam liberation Front Government. United Vietnam from 1976 has right of South Vietnam to claim sovereignty of Dai Nam Kingdom from Nguyen Dynasty.

There was no so called "condition of help of China'" in cold war. In the past China said there is "voluntary help". China stop lying about the nature of letter of PVD, and also he don't have right to do that.

I reminder you that Lee Dang Hui president of Taiwan affirmed that Senkaku belong to Japan, could you considered that there is OFFICIAL statement of China ?

Chinese are biggest liar in the world.
I repeat, none of the stuff you said is true. Provide source so the world can read and see if it's true.

Here is the bold part where your whole argument is flaw and laughable by world communities. Lee Dang Hui is president of who?
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I let the international community to seek the truth. Purely based on logic alone will tell that. How can we not know about the island first when we are simply the most capable NAVY country in Asia?

I repeat, none of the stuff you said is true. Provide source so the world can read and see if it's true.

Here is the bold part where your whole argument is flaw and laughable by world communities. Lee Dang Hui is president of who?

Study more, boy ! Lee Teng-hui, He was the President of the Republic of China and Chairman of the Kuomintang (KMT), he said that the Senkaku Islands are part of Japan.


"Japan also alleges that China and Taiwan only started claiming ownership of the islands in 1971, following a 1969 United Nations report that large oil and gas reserves may exist under the seabed near the islands. Japan further claims that former president of Republic of China, Lee Teng-hui, said that the Senkaku Islands are part of Okinawa."

Senkaku Islands | Nihongo News

Note that, my opinion is that: statement of Lee Teng Hui is not OFFICIAL, it was not ratified by National Assemble of united China.
Study more, boy ! Lee Teng-hui, He was the President of the Republic of China and Chairman of the Kuomintang (KMT), he said that the Senkaku Islands are part of Japan.

"Japan also alleges that China and Taiwan only started claiming ownership of the islands in 1971, following a 1969 United Nations report that large oil and gas reserves may exist under the seabed near the islands. Japan further claims that former president of Republic of China, Lee Teng-hui, said that the Senkaku Islands are part of Okinawa."

Senkaku Islands | Nihongo News

Note that, my opinion is that: statement of Lee Teng Hui is not OFFICIAL, it was not ratified by National Assemble of united China.
First, it was an allege statement from Japan. Two, Lee Teng-hui is a Japanese's dog. Three, Lee Teng-hui is president of ROC, who is not official government and representation of the current China Nation, known as PRC. His words is the equivalent of a rat mouth like you claiming Philippines belong to the USA. Do you understand how laughable you just make yourself look by citing Lee Teng Hui? LOL
Wow...reading this topic is like comedy. How are you guys supposed to live with each other when all you do is insult each other?

Nothing will ever get solved here on PDF. Just people constantly recycling the same arguments and claims over and over again.
Exactly. It shows how delusional and manipulative the Vietnamese can be. Even their Communist North Vietnam agreed Paracel belong to us in condition we helped them in the Vietnam war. This two face government must not remember anything.
You can´t use the document for your claim. First, at that time North Vietnam had neither administration nor control (that means sovereignty) over the Paracels. Thus the government of North Vietnam had no say. Otherwise today Vietnam can "cede" Hainan to a third party, for instance Japan.

Second, the note did not declare to give up Vietnam’s sovereignty over the Paracel and Spratly Islands.

Third, only the parliament of North Vietnam had the right/ authority to declare/ decide questions on sovereignty, not the government.

here more from the analyse
Paracel and Spratly Islands Forum: Analyzing the Diplomatic Note of Pham Van Dong
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Wow...reading this topic is like comedy. How are you guys supposed to live with each other when all you do is insult each other?
well, Chinese and Vietnamese are not living together. We go different ways since more than 1,000 years.

The forgotten battle in South China Sea – Truong Sa Sea Battle

Source: paracelsovereignty

On Mar 14, 1988 a fierce sea battle took place between Vietnamese soldiers and Chinese troops around Co Lin, Len Dao and Gac Ma, which are part of the Truong Sa (Spratly) archipelago.
However, few people know the details of this battle.
The Vietnamese soldiers’ extraordinary gallantry and dogged determination to safeguard the nation’s territory was defeated by Chinese state-of-the-art weaponry and ruthlessness. Since then Gac Ma Island has been illigimately occupied by China.
The immediate cause
In response to the imminent, illegitimate occupation of Truong Sa by the Chinese invaders, prior to March 14, 1988, the Vietnamese transport ships HQ-505, HQ-604 and HQ-605, under the command of the 125 and 146 Brigades and the E83 Military Engineering Regiment, were immediately sent to the atolls of Co Lin, Len Dao and Gac Ma, where they built fortifications and other infrastructure during the CQ88 campaign, which was a relentless attempt to maintain Vietnamese ownership of Truong Sa.
The imbalanced, bloodstained battle
25 years have passed since the fight, yet that morning has been firmly imprinted in the mind of Nguyen Van Lanh, a naval soldier who took part in the battle.
Late in the evening of March 13, HQ-604 arrived at Gac Ma, while the other two ships headed for Co Lin and Len Dao, Lanh recalled.
The group led by Second Lieutenant Tran Van Phuong was in charge of pitching and safeguarding the Vietnamese national flag on the island.
Nearby, the Vietnamese flag was also flying on Co Lin island.
Lieutenant-colonel Tran Duc Thong commanded that the soldiers focus on the task despite the Chinese warships lurking in the vicinity.
At dawn on March 14, Chinese ships closed in on HQ-604. These ships were fully equipped with advanced firepower and lethal weaponry, whereas the Vietnamese vessels were merely designed to carry soldiers, food and construction materials.
The majority of the Vietnamese soldiers were sappers who specialized in carrying out construction work on the islands.

Despite the serious imbalance in power, the Vietnamese captains and soldiers unwaveringly resolved to safeguard the islands.
At around 6 am, the Chinese force sent small boats filled with armed-to-the-teeth soldiers to close in on the Gac Ma corals.
To counter this, on Gac Ma, the Vietnamese soldiers formed a circle, which was later respectfully named ‘the immortal circle’, in an unwavering attempt to guard the Vietnamese flag in the center.
As there were few Vietnamese naval soldiers on the island, Lanh and all the other sappers, armed with merely hoes and shovels, were immediately summoned to aid Phuong’s regular group.
The battle became heated in an instant. The Chinese troops landed in large numbers and tried to break the circle, but failed.
After a firefight the Chinese troops were able to approach Second Lieutenant Phuong, who was holding onto the flag for dear life.
Phuong and Lanh struggled with all their might to keep the flag until Phuong was suddenly shot in the head. He collapsed, but still tried to hold onto the bloody flag.
Lanh managed to keep the flag until Chinese soldiers stabbed him from behind and finally shot him with an AK-47.
The battle continued to rage. The Chinese ships fired heavy machine guns and 37 mm cannons at the unyielding Vietnamese soldiers.
The fight was also ferocious aboard the HQ-604 ship, which was incessantly bombarded with long-range fire power, Mai Van Hai, one of the survivors, recalled. B-40 and B-41 on the Vietnamese ship couldn’t reach the enemy.
Right after the battle began, Captain Vu Phi Tru dashed into the engine room, planning to land the ship on the Gac Ma corals. All of a sudden, the engine room was hit and burst into flames, engulfing Tru, leaving the ship unable to land, Hai added.
Hai then tried to see Lieutenant-colonel Tran Duc Thong and Captain Phong right as they were fired upon with heavy machine guns.
The Spratly Islands are a group of more than 750 reefs,islets, atolls, cays and islands in the Southeast Asia Sea. In 1998, those Chinese attacked, stole Vietnamese islands and killed their soldiers there.
Thong and Phong both perished, and the HQ- 604 ship gradually sank into the sea, taking down with it dozens of soldiers.
“A normal transportation vessel, the HQ-604 could only fire from 500 meters at most, while it was roughly 3.6-5.4 km away from the enemy ships. They were perhaps trying to steer the ship nearer to the Chinese ones to get into firing range, but it couldn’t withstand the enemy barrage,” colonel Tran Thanh Tam explained, 25 years later.
Immediately after finishing off HQ-604 off Gac Ma, the Chinese warships turned to bombard HQ-605 with heavy weaponry.
The ship burst into intense flames, and Captain Son of HQ-605 ordered everyone on board to evacuate.
EVERYONE please be aware southeastasiansea is a troll.

He opened his account only few days ago and the first thing he does is to start a thread on an event that happend in 1988.

He is here to disrupt the cooperation spirit between Asian countries as seen in the effort to find the Malaysian jet.

Don't fall for his trap and just ignore his posts.
Vietnamese people don't forget our young logistic soldiers, who were killed by Chinese invaders when they were on Island Gac Ma (Johnson reef) to protect sovereignty of country.


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Study more, boy ! Lee Teng-hui, He was the President of the Republic of China and Chairman of the Kuomintang (KMT), he said that the Senkaku Islands are part of Japan.


"Japan also alleges that China and Taiwan only started claiming ownership of the islands in 1971, following a 1969 United Nations report that large oil and gas reserves may exist under the seabed near the islands. Japan further claims that former president of Republic of China, Lee Teng-hui, said that the Senkaku Islands are part of Okinawa."

Senkaku Islands | Nihongo News

Note that, my opinion is that: statement of Lee Teng Hui is not OFFICIAL, it was not ratified by National Assemble of united China.

He was kicked out of the KMT for being pro-independence.
You can´t use the document for your claim. First, at that time North Vietnam had neither administration nor control (that means sovereignty) over the Paracels. Thus the government of North Vietnam had no say. Otherwise today Vietnam can "cede" Hainan to a third party, for instance Japan.

Second, the note did not declare to give up Vietnam’s sovereignty over the Paracel and Spratly Islands.

Third, only the parliament of North Vietnam had the right/ authority to declare/ decide questions on sovereignty, not the government.

here more from the analyse
Paracel and Spratly Islands Forum: Analyzing the Diplomatic Note of Pham Van Dong
You make too much logical error in that post. One, you are in a civil war. In a civil war, property of each side will be determined in the afterward. I kept repeating this important point to you that you fail to understand. The North won and rightfully deserved every property that they received from the South. The letter is a direct recognition of our territorial rights "including Paracel and Spratly Islands" that your government accept. You can try to use different words but the letter is clearly indicating of acceptance.

Two, when you accept a sovereignty right of another country territorial declaration, especially our declaration is clear as day, you give up the sovereignty of your territorial claims, in this case Paracel and Spratly.

Third, the parliament is an INTEGRAL part of your government body, especially in a one-party country.

Lastly, the response of condition Estoppel doctrine 2 & 3 in that article applied.

2. The country that claims “estoppel” must prove that based on that declaration or action, there are actions or inactions being carried out by that country which constitutes “reliance”, as is called in English and American law.

3. The country claiming “estoppel” also has to prove that based on the declaration of the other country, it has suffered damage, or that the other country has benefited when making that declaration.

Applying these criteria of estoppel to the declaration of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam, we can see that conditions 2 and 3 are missing. In the years 1956, 1958, and 1965, China did not have any attitude or make any changes in its attitude based on North Vietnam’s declaration. China also cannot prove that it suffered damage for relying on that declaration. North Vietnam did not benefit in any way from making that declaration. At that time, Vietnam and China saw themselves as close comrades and friends. The declaration made by PM Pham Van Dong was based on that friendship. Moreover, the wording of the declaration does not clearly and unequivocally affirm Chinese ownership of the Paracel Islands. The letter only states: “The government of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam respects this decision (the decision to determine the 12 nautical mile territorial waters of China), and will direct the proper government agencies to respect absolutely the 12 nautical mile territorial waters of China….”

First, Condition #2 you did carry out action and inaction by showing your support to us in other relevant cases such as Taiwan at the time. Secondly in Condition #3, you did gain benefits when making that declaration. We provided more supply to the North Vietnam in that war which aid you immensely in your fight.

Using your ceding example of Hainan to Japan is incredibly stupid. You were never in a civil war and are not part of our country. You have no business giving up land of other country. The North and South were one country prior to the split and it was only a temporary split. . Instead what you should cited is the KMT/CCP equivalent. This is equivalence of KMT giving up Hainan to Japan and had KMT won our civil war, and then yes Hainan should be giving to Japan.
You make too much logical error in that post. One, you are in a civil war. In a civil war, property of each side will be determined in the afterward. I kept repeating this important point to you that you fail to understand. The North won and rightfully deserved every property that they received from the South. The letter is a direct recognition of our territorial rights "including Paracel and Spratly Islands" that your government accept. You can try to use different words but the letter is clearly indicating of acceptance.

Two, when you accept a sovereignty right of another country territorial declaration, especially our declaration is clear as day, you give up the sovereignty of your territorial claims, in this case Paracel and Spratly.

Third, the parliament is an INTEGRAL part of your government body, especially in a one-party country.

Lastly, the response of condition Estoppel doctrine 2 & 3 in that article applied.

First, Condition #2 you did carry out action and inaction by showing your support to us in other relevant cases such as Taiwan at the time. Secondly in Condition #3, you did gain benefits when making that declaration. We provided more supply to the North Vietnam in that war which aid you immensely in your fight.

Using your ceding example of Hainan to Japan is incredibly stupid. You were never in a civil war and are not part of our country. You have no business giving up land of other country. The North and South were one country prior to the split and it was only a temporary split. . Instead what you should cited is the KMT/CCP equivalent. This is equivalence of KMT giving up Hainan to Japan and had KMT won our civil war, and then yes Hainan should be giving to Japan.

don't lie.

North Korea don't have right to say Dokdo belong to japan. Lee Teng Hui dont have right to say Senkaku belong to Japan. read again comments of EastSea posted above, kid.
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