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China invasion of Johnson Reef of Vietnam on March 14th 1988

Which land have Xia, Shang, Zhuo people in ancient time ?

Viet Thuong was commendatory of Hung Kings of us. Its stated in our History book.

So let Japanese invade to China and destroy you.

We would let the Japanese invade us again, but them being weak is well kind of a stumbling block, but other than that, good plan.
Hahaha...I'm trolling. But you seem to be so scared that you pissed in your pants, why so serious? Don't worry, we will destroy both of you.

so don't troll again. he, he, ...

Without intervention of Soviet Union and two nuke of US in WW II, Japan Emperor is Golden Family of China like ManChrian did in the past and Chinese can speak Japanese fluently now to the 滿大人 ( mandarin ) language instead.
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Don't lie,

you are true Two Cent commentator made in China.

In San Francisco Conference after WW II, Chinese claim was rejected by UN by voting.

Lying is symbol characteristic of Chinese.

By Geneva Accord 1954 signed by North Vietnam and China, Islands belong to to South Vietnam.

North Vietnam Govt don't have rights to Islands of South Vietnam. However, the letter of PVD didn't said about Islands, it stated that North Vietnam respected 12 mile of coastline of China related to North Vietnam only.

Could North Korea agree that Dokdo Island belong to Japan ?

Its a big lie and shame for China when China propaganda is lying about nature of this letter.
I like how you spill fabricated information to deflect the real truth. We never attend the San Francisco Conference and our claim was not reject. Don't lie, my Vietnamese friend.

You need to learn history more. The oldest record the island was known came from us. It is easy to see. We had the biggest navy and most powerful navy in Asia during those times. We explored the world back in Ming Dynasty. Flash forward to 20th century. The French annexed that from us. At the time, you were a colony of French. Japan later invaded and retook the Island from France. After WWII, Japan ceded back to Nationalist Party of China which controlled half while France-South VN colony controlled the other half. In mid of our Civil War, France took all and after Vietnam gained independence from Franc, the South Vietnamese regime controlled it. You claimed, we claimed, the world don't care. The key is the North Vietnamese regime admitted it belongs to us. And currently the North Vietnamese regime is your OFFICIAL government. Whether the islands under South or North is irrelevant. It's common knowledge to know you gain asset after you win the war. The North VN won and you cannot go back on your words. North Korea didn't controlled full Korea now so they have no right to decide anything. Had the North won the war, yes Dokdo Island can be considered belonging to Japan. I took your words that North Korea actually admitted Dokdo to Japan. I doubt it's true given your Vietnamese tendency to fabricate.

Sorry, my friend, the rest of the world can understand this logic.
I like how you spill fabricated information to deflect the real truth. We never attend the San Francisco Conference and our claim was not reject. Don't lie, my Vietnamese friend.

You need to learn history more. The oldest record the island was known came from us. It is easy to see. We had the biggest navy and most powerful navy in Asia during those times. We explored the world back in Ming Dynasty. Flash forward to 20th century. The French annexed that from us. At the time, you were a colony of French. Japan later invaded and retook the Island from France. After WWII, Japan ceded back to Nationalist Party of China which controlled half while France-South VN colony controlled the other half. In mid of our Civil War, France took all and after Vietnam gained independence from Franc, the South Vietnamese regime controlled it. You claimed, we claimed, the world don't care. The key is the North Vietnamese regime admitted it belongs to us. And currently the North Vietnamese regime is your OFFICIAL government. Whether the islands under South or North is irrelevant. It's common knowledge to know you gain asset after you win the war. The North VN won and you cannot go back on your words. North Korea didn't controlled full Korea now so they have no right to decide anything. Had the North won the war, yes Dokdo Island can be considered belonging to Japan. I took your words that North Korea actually admitted Dokdo to Japan. I doubt it's true given your Vietnamese tendency to fabricate.

Sorry, my friend, the rest of the world can understand this logic.

In the peace document of San Francisco conference stated that Japan shall been given up all rights over Korean, Taiwan and Pinghu island to China.

In San Francisco conference presented to Vietnam, PM Tran Van Huu of Government of King Bao Dai, he is an official delegate of Vietnam attended, protested claim of China over our Island (made by ROC 1948). By the voting delegates from rest of world have been rejected claim of China with the votes 48/1.

In the history Vietnam regained Independence from China by the Battle of Bach Dang river in the year 938 ACE. Chinese navy was defeated by Vietnam navy by our King Ngo Quyen.

In the past Chinese book stated that there is Jiao Zhi sea, the sea of Jiao Zhi people, today called as Vietnam. and so the Islands it was stated Islands belong to Southern country. And also The Full map of man Qing Emperor printed in China, it stated that the last point of China is Hai Nan Island.

Geneva accord 1954 signed by China and North Vietnam, there is two states in Vietnam, Islands belong to South Vietnam. North Vietnam don't have right to The Island of South Vietnam. After Vietnam war 1975 Islands OFFICAL belong to South Vietnam liberation Front Government. United Vietnam from 1976 has right of South Vietnam to claim sovereignty of Dai Nam Kingdom from Nguyen Dynasty.

There was no so called "condition of help of China'" in cold war. In the past China said there is "voluntary help". China stop lying about the nature of letter of PVD, and also he don't have right to do that.

I reminder you that Lee Dang Hui president of Taiwan affirmed that Senkaku belong to Japan, could you considered that there is OFFICIAL statement of China ?

Chinese are biggest liar in the world.
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I understand what you mean. Massacre is big issue, it's about 300 thousand people's live. How about 1988? It's totally different. For example, Sino-Japanese naval battle in 1895 is a shame to corrupted Qing Dynasty, I don't care, because we can fight back some day, but Nanjing Massacre is a shame to all the Chinese people. Do you understand the weight of the two things?

I'm not saying your people's life is worthless, I mean it's a small dispute, people from both country died.

I appreciate Vietnamese govt's effort in searching for the crashed plane, good job. Let's stop here bashing each other.

if it should be small dispute, both side sit down and solve this matter base on rules of international laws, no one will lose his face. But chine believe that she is stronger than Viet Nam, so china try to kill Vietnamese to threaten and bully us and apply jungle rules in policy. This is animal mentality.
Wow...reading this topic is like comedy. How are you guys supposed to live with each other when all you do is insult each other?
if it should be small dispute, both side sit down and solve this matter base on rules of international laws, no one will lose his face. But chine believe that she is stronger than Viet Nam, so china try to kill Vietnamese to threaten and bully us and apply jungle rules in policy. This is animal mentality.

I can tell you two things:

First, nothing is 100% fair, it's true in your life, it's also true in international affairs.

Second, to defend his home country, everyone is reasonable and understandable.

So this is an endless topic, will you go on?
I can tell you two things:

First, nothing is 100% fair, it's true in your life, it's also true in international affairs.

Second, to defend his home country, everyone is reasonable and understandable.

So this is an endless topic, will you go on?
China is bully, for vietnamese, China should abondan SCS, it vietnam keep the island it occupied, that's the international rules, Because China is stronger, and bigger, China should give in, or we are bully, that's its international rules.

Sit down and solve the matter peacefully? hehe, that's its dream, also its hope, because only with these, it can keep occuping the islands,
No matter how old or weak the robber who rob your creature, always preparing fist for him, it want "international" rules, you know why?
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China is bully, for vietnamese, China should abondan SCS, it vietnam keep the island it occupied, that's the international rules, Because China is stronger, and bigger, China should give in, or we are bully, that's its international rules.

Sit down and solve the matter peacely? hehe, that's its dream, also its hope, because only with these, it can keep occuping the islands,
No matter how old or weak the robber who rob your creature, always preparing fist for him, it want "international" rules, you know why?

Yeah, leave the so called international law alone, it's bullsh1t, it's against China. Things are decided by whoever can be in charge of this region. If everything could be dealt peacefully by talking, why need army。。。I'm curious, Vietnam already occupied the majority islands of SCS, Vietnam should be satisfied, why keep yelling China's invasion?

When people do things that are contrary to their personal beliefs – outside their normal behavior – they provide an argument to make the action seem like it is in line with their moral and ethical beliefs. This is how international law was born. China is the victim of the so called international law maker: western invaders.
Yeah, leave the so called international law alone, it's bullsh1t, it's against China. Things are decided by whoever can be in charge of this region. If everything could be dealt peacefully by talking, why need army。。。I'm curious, Vietnam already occupied the majority islands of SCS, Vietnam should be satisfied, why keep yelling China's invasion?

When people do things that are contrary to their personal beliefs – outside their normal behavior – they provide an argument to make the action seem like it is in line with their moral and ethical beliefs. This is how international law was born. China is the victim of the so called international law maker: western invaders.

stop blaming the west for,own failures. China is part of the west now since it is part of the system.
stop blaming the west for,own failures. China is part of the west now since it is part of the system.

It's hilarious, I am just talking about the past, I'm too modest that gave you the illusion that you are always the winner, we always fail. Wake up, my son.
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Boys, just take a break.

There is only defensive war exists. No invasion.

Hope there's no defensive war II. That will be tragedy.

I can imagine my fellow men's appearance just like some monkey like kids throw mud to your face. Just stand for it and have fun.
Oh, monkey, you know the difference between animal and humankind? woo, you are a special kind of monkey.

You as a monkey, know human law? your monkey obeying international law?
You rob the islands, then let us obey "international" law, hehe, after we kicking your all monkey out of SCS, then you obey the "international" law.

Oh please why all the monkey comments? We are all human beings, that means we are all monkeys. Why you use monkey as insult? Humans are a minkey species or what do you think you are? a reptile?
Oh please why all the monkey comments? We are all human beings, that means we are all monkeys. Why you use monkey as insult? Humans are a minkey species or what do you think you are? a reptile?
Why just criticising me? you vietnamese friend do well?
Stay away, it is not your business, know nothing, so shut your mouth up, ok.
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