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China invasion of Johnson Reef of Vietnam on March 14th 1988



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Mar 8, 2014
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On March 14th, 1988, China used force to occupy the Johnson Reef of Vietnam. China's navy used heavy arms to massacre underequipped Vietnamese sailors. Such brutal acts were strongly condemned by international community. However, China seemingly has not drawn any lessons from the Johnson Reef event, as they continue to use force to carry out its conspiracy to turn the whole South East Asia Sea into its home pond.


  • China invasion of Johnson Reef of Vietnam on March 14th 1988.txt
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No. We kicked the little thief's *** and took back what belong to us from him.

China never controls the Reef before, so their massacre to Vietnamese on it show us they are killers and robbers.

Prove China ever controlled the Reef, before, if you can !!!
UN authorised China to build a weather observation station on the reef. For some unknwon reason Vietnamese representative actually voted for it. Vietnam did try to negate its vote the next day, but it was too late. Following that Vietnam sent four ships to the reef to preventing China from building the weather station. The rest is history.
UN authorised China to build a weather observation station on the reef. For some unknwon reason Vietnamese representative actually voted for it. Vietnam did try to negate its vote the next day, but it was too late. Following that Vietnam sent four ships to the reef to preventing China from building the weather station. The rest is history.
Exactly. It shows how delusional and manipulative the Vietnamese can be. Even their Communist North Vietnam agreed Paracel belong to us in condition we helped them in the Vietnam war. This two face government must not remember anything.
No conscious government or any organization in the world admit your nonsense claim on the Paracels and Spratlys. Just imagining some fake maps with some said-by-nobody statements, looking for some “right” causes to invade other country’ territory . That’s how China did to forcefully convince the world believe in the unbelievable.
Stop spewing nonsensical crap and refer to the facts presented by posters above you
UN authorised China to build a weather observation station on the reef. For some unknwon reason Vietnamese representative actually voted for it. Vietnam did try to negate its vote the next day, but it was too late. Following that Vietnam sent four ships to the reef to preventing China from building the weather station. The rest is history.

Don't lie,

you are true Two Cent commentator made in China.

In San Francisco Conference after WW II, Chinese claim was rejected by UN by voting.

Exactly. It shows how delusional and manipulative the Vietnamese can be. Even their Communist North Vietnam agreed Paracel belong to us in condition we helped them in the Vietnam war. This two face government must not remember anything.

Lying is symbol characteristic of Chinese.

By Geneva Accord 1954 signed by North Vietnam and China, Islands belong to to South Vietnam.

North Vietnam Govt don't have rights to Islands of South Vietnam. However, the letter of PVD didn't said about Islands, it stated that North Vietnam respected 12 mile of coastline of China related to North Vietnam only.

Could North Korea agree that Dokdo Island belong to Japan ?

Its a big lie and shame for China when China propaganda is lying about nature of this letter.
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China never controls the Reef before, so their massacre to Vietnamese on it show us they are killers and robbers.

Prove China ever controlled the Reef, before, if you can !!!

We don't want to prove anything, we just want to invade and destroy you.

So let Japanese invade to China and destroy you.[/quote]

They tried many times in history but failed every single time.
Which land have Xia, Shang, Zhuo people in ancient time ?

Viet Thuong was commendatory of Hung Kings of us. Its stated in our History book.

So let Japanese invade to China and destroy you.

Hahaha...I'm trolling. But you seem to be so scared that you pissed in your pants, why so serious? Don't worry, we will destroy both of you.
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