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China invades "Japanese" territorial waters

Russia will not side with CCP and South Korea is US ally. Stop your dreaming and correct your aggressive behavior which is good for China and small countries around SCS.

So you think the West will get involved and risk World War Three over these rocks? At the same time putting Russia, Taiwan and South Korea's claims are at stake? Now who is the one dreaming? :lol:
China needs to increase her influence in the region and this step might be part of the counter great game strategy........ Go China! You tell these abnoxious Americans and their stooges that who's the boss here.

China had already 4 ICBMs showoff tests for USA, whether they can beat us in a conventional war or not, it will result the mutual destruction for both nations 100%.

Diaoyu Island is China's redline, not USA's redline, for China there is no retreat room, but we will fight our sovereignty till death, but there is a lot of retreat room for USA, so they won't fight China for Diaoyu Island.

Who is holding islands now?

Previously Japan, now China.
China had already 4 ICBMs showoff tests for USA, whether they can beat us in a conventional war or not, it will result the mutual destruction for nation 100%.

Diaoyu Island is China's redline, not USA's redline, for China there is no retreat room, but we will fight our sovereignty till death, but there is a lot of retreat room for USA, so they won't fight China for Diaoyu Island.

Your missile tech is not even equivalent to russia :) and U.S is decades ahead of you :) ..

i dont know where u live in la la land and even in conventional warfare,their navy can eat your entire airforce and navy too ...

You just have numbers,not tech...so keep farting on it...
Your missile tech is not even equivalent to russia :) and U.S is decades ahead of you :) ..

i dont know where u live in la la land and even in conventional warfare,their navy can eat your entire airforce and navy too ...

You just have numbers,not tech...so keep farting on it...

We didn't need to show off the 1970s missile tech like your country did, and let's move back to the topic.
Taiwanese protest against Japan as Hong Kong activists set sail for disputed islands



So you think the West will get involved and risk World War Three over these rocks? At the same time putting Russia, Taiwan and South Korea's claims are at stake? Now who is the one dreaming? :lol:

the japanese, vietcongs and indian cheerleaders!

you got big mouth like your govt.......So China entered in Japs water....now what....are you going to attack......lets see China's guts here....

we have told you many times to wait for your turn for spanking! dont jump queue! We can also do it three birds one stone to prematurely end your daily misery!
So you think the West will get involved and risk World War Three over these rocks? At the same time putting Russia, Taiwan and South Korea's claims are at stake? Now who is the one dreaming? :lol:

Only CCP is taking these aggressive steps here always talking about war, Russia and Taiwan are not that aggressive. The question is
Is Resource hungry and territory grabber CCP ready for a war on senkaku Islands??

these rocks are the military bases for CCP to assert its domination after the Island Chain then they will start claiming much more.

there won't be a world war if China goes for war with Japan, The only ally who will follow blindly behind CCP is pakistan, do you call it a world war :rofl:

the japanese, vietcongs and indian cheerleaders!

We are not cheerleading any one here, we are talking about facts, If Chinese are that much confident and superior why they are asking for defense agreement with US?? :rofl:
Only CCP is taking these aggressive steps here always talking about war,

Are you saying Japanese are not aggressive in its claims? Russia, Taiwan and South will jointly disagree.

The question Is Resource hungry and territory grabber CCP ready for a war on senkaku Islands??

Are you saying the Japanese are not hungry for resource and not trying to steal from China, Russia, Taiwan and South Korea? :lol:

these rocks are the military bases for CCP to assert its domination after the Island Chain then they will start claiming much more.

Are they not if the Japanese gets its hands on it?

there won't be a world war if China goes for war with Japan, The only ally who will follow blindly behind CCP is pakistan, do you call it a world war :rofl:

Pakistan will not get involved. It has nothing to do with them. But if the West gets involved. It will result in Russia and the rest with claims getting involved with Japan one way or another. The West knows better than you in this regard. Besides, they already have enough problems in the ME. Things are flaring up there as we speak.
Calm down peeps, a war is not going to happen here, at least not anytime soon due to various circumstances.

Nothing to see here, move along...:laugh:
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