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China invades "Japanese" territorial waters

yes we can see japan making a mockery of your territorial integrity, but we have yet to see any chinese retaliation.
apparently Chinese fishermen are braver than the soldiers

You are naive to the core!

Here is a Sun Tsu primer on you and like-kind single neuron indians:

Thus the highest form of generalship is to balk the enemy's plans, the next best is to prevent the junction of the enemy's forces, the next in order is to attack the enemy's army in the field, and the worst policy of all is to besiege walled cities.
-Sun Tzu, the Art of War
If one looks at the map, these islands surely have a strategic location. I personally feel that though the Chinese may try and avoid a war, but would react very aggressively if Japan tries to attempt an occupation.


Definitely, one can image if the US, through the proxy of Japan, builds some kind of military base here. It'll choke off China's merchant and naval fleets, from north part of the country, heading toward the Pacific. For China, I think, this strategic location and national sovereignty have much more importance than the economical benefits and she'll stop at nothing in fighting for these islands or let status quo persisted.

The message must have conveyed to the US and Japan already because the former has toned down her supports in the dispute considerably and Noda has made two moves as not to antagonize China recently: 1) stopped the nationalists from landing on the islands, 2) buys the islands as to take the ultra rightist Tokyo mayor, Shintaro Ishihara, out of the equation. But I wonder is it because of coming election or he does not have much control when the Maritime Self Defense ships were dispatched.
I personally feel that though the Chinese may try and avoid a war, but would react very aggressively if Japan tries to attempt an occupation.
What are you talking about? Diaoyudai is already under the Japanese occupation.

Definitely, one can image if the US, through the proxy of Japan, builds some kind of military base here.
No need to. What the US and Japan need is a territorial water to maneuver their warships. Without Diaoyudai, there is no excuse for the US and Japanese warships to be patrolling down there.

The message must have conveyed to the US and Japan already because the former has toned down her supports in the dispute considerably
It is in Japan's interest to not escalate and the noise not heard in international scenes because they control it. And it is in Chinese interest to escalate tensions.
What are you talking about? Diaoyudai is already under the Japanese occupation.

ignorant trouble making indian: no one is living on the island. what do you mean 'japanese occupation"!?

No need to. What the US and Japan need is a territorial water to maneuver their warships. Without Diaoyudai, there is no excuse for the US and Japanese warships to be patrolling down there.

out of delusions! only japanese coast guards are there now. no WARSHIPS because they dont have the guts to deploy their warships there - troll!

It is in Japan's interest to not escalate and the noise not heard in international scenes because they control it. And it is in Chinese interest to escalate tensions.

if you dont know anything dont troll like your countrymen!

the Japanese wants to build a jetty there! This is a big big provocation!
the Japanese wants to build a jetty there! This is a big big provocation!

My recommendation for you that YOU must standing in front of the mirror and ask "What did mine greatest China does in Paracel Islands of Viet Nam?"

See? "Fishes are able to eat ants but ants still able to eat fishes"
what Japan will do with it,thats Japan's business..but it is confirmed that japan didn't pay much heed about china and executed its plan..doesn't it??what japan is doing is making firm grip over this islands but escaping controversies,unlike china,who didn't even posses much of islands chain in scs but already controversy stalled their effort.

I beg to differ, Japan is doing this precisely because it did not want to let governor of Tokyo Shintaro Ishihara to go through with his much more provocative plan for the islands. This, as well as the fact that Japan does not allow visits or development of the islands, shows that it is paying special heed to China and Taiwan's position.
LOL ,it's hilarious reading Chinese comments about how weak Japan is. While Japanese were learning to build war planes for the world war , chinese were a bunch of tribals fighting each other with primitive tools. The only reason Japan isn't " strong" is because they obviously thought that the entire world would reach the same intellect as them and will begin to see war as futile.Thus ,they didn't waste valuable time in building an army. Give them a couple of months and they could build a nuke with enough yield to blast the **** out of every chinese on this terrestrial rock.
LOL ,it's hilarious reading Chinese comments about how weak Japan is. While Japanese were learning to build war planes for the world war , chinese were a bunch of tribals fighting each other with primitive tools. The only reason Japan isn't " strong" is because they obviously thought that the entire world would reach the same intellect as them and will begin to see war as futile.Thus ,they didn't waste valuable time in building an army. Give them a couple of months and they could build a nuke with enough yield to blast the **** out of every chinese on this terrestrial rock.

Several problems with that.

1) Japan is not weak.

2) China fighting with warlords and an underdeveloped German-trained force were able to hold off Japan in its tracks in the mainland, while the British Empire was reeling all over the place in Southeast Asia as its colonies were mercilessly conquered. Japan at its height held less than 1/3 of territory in mainland China.

3) Japan, as per their constitution, is not allowed to have an army (not that they haven't tried to change that; many Japanese right-wingers have been clamoring to change the Article to allow for Japan to have an army). So it has nothing to do with Japan not wanting to have an army for itself.

4) If nukes ever go flying the least of your problems, much less theirs, will be some islands out in the sea colonized by several hundred goats.
LOL ,it's hilarious reading Chinese comments about how weak Japan is. While Japanese were learning to build war planes for the world war , chinese were a bunch of tribals fighting each other with primitive tools. The only reason Japan isn't " strong" is because they obviously thought that the entire world would reach the same intellect as them and will begin to see war as futile.Thus ,they didn't waste valuable time in building an army. Give them a couple of months and they could build a nuke with enough yield to blast the **** out of every chinese on this terrestrial rock.

while we were fighting in WW2 for our freedom, indians were begging the anglo-saxons.

give us 5 minutes and we will exterminate the entire japanese race out of existence.
heck, give us 1 minute and we will melt the brown off your indian skins.
1962 rape of india will look like a sunday school picnic in comparison.

the PLA destroyed the japs in WW2, im sure despotic indian regime has brainwashed you their own versions :lol:

Japan wont be in existence if the PLA decided to use full force.
Funny i though you guys were have daily butt kicking session with the Japanese.
while we were fighting in WW2 for our freedom, indians were begging the anglo-saxons.

give us 5 minutes and we will exterminate the entire japanese race out of existence.
heck, give us 1 minute and we will melt the brown off your indian skins.
1962 rape of india will look like a sunday school picnic in comparison.

the PLA destroyed the japs in WW2, im sure despotic indian regime has brainwashed you their own versions :lol:

Japan wont be in existence if the PLA decided to use full force.

Dude how can you forget about your history so quick or are you living in denial.

Nanking incident is what we call Rape in our country and you takl obout 1962 as if you won any territory out of it. Remember that our soldiers are just as willing to kill as soldiers on your side. Remember we already have South Tibet.

As for the term Rape that you Chnese so often use and so liberally, remember that Nanking incident actually involved Rape and at a massive scale. Not, trying to embarass you or attempting troll, just a polite reminder that next time you type the word Rape remember what Rape actually means and what it actually feels. Also its in the Title "Rape of Nanking". Remember what Rape is and what Japanese are capable of when they get down to commit RAPE.
As for the term Rape that you Chnese so often use and so liberally, remember that Nanking incident actually involved Rape and at a massive scale. Not, trying to embarass you or attempting troll, just a polite reminder that next time you type the word Rape remember what Rape actually means and what it actually feels. Also its in the Title "Rape of Nanking". Remember what Rape is and what Japanese are capable of when they get down to commit RAPE.

And that is how the Japanese **** industry became so successful.

Maybe because of the atrocities, the Chinese deserve receiving those islands back from the Japanese, as those islands are the only piece of territory that the Japanese managed to keep from its expansion in Asia, only to keep Communist China in check.
while we were fighting in WW2 for our freedom, indians were begging the anglo-saxons.

give us 5 minutes and we will exterminate the entire japanese race out of existence.
heck, give us 1 minute and we will melt the brown off your indian skins.
1962 rape of india will look like a sunday school picnic in comparison.

the PLA destroyed the japs in WW2, im sure despotic indian regime has brainwashed you their own versions :lol:

Japan wont be in existence if the PLA decided to use full force.

LOL, no you were not fighting the world war. While we were "begging" anglo saxons for freedom , chinese were getting slaughtered like by the japanese. Is that what your communist government teaches you? That you were actually fighting? No , your only role in WW2 was getting slaughtered by the japs. Your PLA is overrated , composed of weak soldiers. Your country wouldn't be in existence if India and Japan join hands to exterminate you.

Talking of rape , 1962 was hardly a rape. 10,000 indian soldiers fought against 80,000 chinese soldiers. Result - 1350 indians dead , 722 chinese dead , which are official figures. Knowing your communist government , i'm sure much more than 722 chinese died. And you know what a real rape is ? This. Hey , your government might have blocked the page because it is the most humiliating thing that could happen to a country. Too bad

Nanking Massacre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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