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China Internal Security - SWAT/PAP/Police/Anti-Terror

PAP or People's Armed Police (武警)is different from the the Regular Civilian Police (民警,刑警). They are paramilitary police whose duty include control of internal (domestic) riots. anti-terrorist etc kind of heavy stuff.

They are always mistaken as regular army by foreigners because they wear camo uniforms and equiped with assault rifles and machine guns like army infrantry. In times of war, they will supplement the regular army.

They don't do detetive works like CID or control city traffics or motor highway patrols.
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The People's Armed Police is more like the National Guard than any "Police" thing out there.
China has made tremendous improvements in its internal security apparatus over recent years, its apparent in the equipment upgrades received by police, swat, and pap. The rapid upgrades were stimulated by terrorism, drug gangs, and violent crime. Lets document the progress here!

Male & Female Tianjin City SWAT indoor shooting training.

Police confidence building live fire shooting.

Shanghai anti-terror response demonstration. Hostage rescue and terrorist elimination involving police, SWAT and army.

Shanghai SWAT speed shooting drill.

Huntec SWAT equiptment

Chinese SWAT MV (Pictures)

"Falcon Commandos" counter terror police at the Zhurihe 90th PLA anniversary parade. The vehicle is armed with two 7.62mm mini-guns, one 50-cal machine gun, and grenade launchers. It looks to be designed for putting down mass firepower (kinda overkill) in an urban environment.
armored vechicle column 3.PNG

Generally China's high level domestic threat placements are opposite to that of foreign threats. Domestic security emphasis is placed on west and south west regions like Xinjiang, Sichuan, Yunnan, and Guangxi where there are the most terror, drug smuggling, and violent crime activities in China. While the most advanced military assets are placed in the Northern and Eastern military command.
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All of this are remote controlled turret? Why they still got 50 cal MG, while they already have double mini-gun? This vehicles look like mini-sized Shilka to me, with those double mini gun this 'monster' will deal with anything, with proper sensors they probably can track and knock-out incoming RPG round.
All of this are remote controlled turret? Why they still got 50 cal MG, while they already have double mini-gun? This vehicles look like mini-sized Shilka to me, with those double mini gun this 'monster' will deal with anything, with proper sensors they probably can track and knock-out incoming RPG round.

From the side angle you can see that the turret is quite small, most likely a remote turret.

Yah, it does look like a mini AAA platform. I think this is an effort to centralise response to high level threats and improve reaction time. Response to a high level domestic threats in need of heavy weapons (.50-cal) used to require the local army garrison's support and coordination between many departments slowing response.

Some new security equipment for SWAT/Special Forces now include wall penetrating radars like YSR-120 穿墙雷达 developed by Beijing TBD Ltd. A similar radar was revealed in "Sky Hunter" movie during the hostage rescue scene.
Radar penetration depth: 12m
Penetrates through: Cement, gypsum, red brick, concrete, reinforced concrete, earth bricks, stucco bricks and other standard building materials.
Weight: 1.4 kg


On the software side there is great potential in AI and big data. Hikvision and SenseTime among many other security companies are developing and currently have object tracking, object identification, mood analysis, behaviour identification, behaviour prediction software. All of this placed within a system that can be sorted and searched in real time. For example: There is a lost child: 153cm tall, 12 years old, male, black baseball hat, white shirt, blue shoes. You place the search and the system pulls up all that fit the description within the network and starts tracking (building wide, city wide, province, national, global). Many people don't realise but Snapchat is a platform utilised to acquire data to help deep learning algorithms perfect facial recognition for many security companies.

DeepGlint 3-D reconstruction, movement path, "God's view".


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Xinjiang is the most volatile region in China in terms of security. With greater connectivity within China, terrorism is not only localized within Xinjiang but flows outwards to other major cities like Kunming, Beijing, Guangzhou, Chengdu etc.

Kashgar police competition inviting representatives from surrounding counties.

Baicheng county, Aksu Prefecture, Xinjiang. Red vs. Blue confrontation training using modified type 95 rifle.

Tianjin SWAT

Tianjin SWAT promotional video

Shanghai SWAT demonstrating shooting methods
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Command of Armed Police Force to be unified

2017-12-28 09:50

China Daily Editor: Zhang Shiyu

The Armed Police Force will be placed under the unified control of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and Central Military Commission starting on Monday, the first day of 2018, according to the CPC Central Committee.

The decision, published on Wednesday night, stipulated that under the new command chain, Armed Police Force units will take orders directly from the force's headquarters, which, likewise, will follow directives from the Central Military Commission. It made clear that the Armed Police will be included in the Central Military Commission system and will no longer take orders from the State Council.

It also said that central and local Party organs as well as government departments at various levels will establish a new mechanism to ask for assistance from the Armed Police and to cooperate with the paramilitary force.

The decision requests that government bodies, the People's Liberation Army and the Armed Police join hands to make sure the transfer will be smooth and orderly.

Under the current laws governing the Armed Police Force and the national defense system, the force takes instructions from both the State Council and the Central Military Commission.

On Nov 4, the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, China's top legislature, decided to suspend several clauses in the two laws that pertain to the Armed Police Force's command chain, responsibilities and deployment as of Nov 5, saying amendments to these clauses will be made when reform measures prove successful.

In an editorial published on Wednesday by People's Daily, the Party's flagship newspaper, the move was called "a significant political decision … that will strengthen the Party's absolute command over the PLA and other branches of the people's armed forces and will ensure the stability and prosperity of the Party and the nation."

The newspaper said the transfer was aimed to honor the stipulation in the Constitution that the Central Military Commission chairman leads and assumes responsibility over all of the nation's armed forces and will resolve institutional obstacles and major difficulties that hinder the Armed Police Force's development.

The history of the Armed Police can be traced to 1949, the year the People's Republic of China was founded, when its predecessor — the Chinese People's Public Security Central Column — was set up to take charge of internal security. In the following decades, the force's name and affiliation was changed, but most of the time it was administered by the Central Military Commission.

In 1982, some PLA units responsible for domestic security were merged with police forces in charge of border defense and firefighting to form a new Armed Police Force. At that time, the Central Military Commission and State Council began to share its administration.

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