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China insulting Iran in the Asian games


Nov 16, 2009
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
i think the gulf is neither iranian nor persian, so it be called either way, chinese chose to write arabuan gulf, americans write persian gulf, big deal man!!!!, dont fight over a fcuking name man!!!!, persians own the gulf as much as arabians do
i think the gulf is neither iranian nor persian, so it be called either way, chinese chose to write arabuan gulf, americans write persian gulf, big deal man!!!!, dont fight over a fcuking name man!!!!, persians own the gulf as much as arabians do

I know right? The lady doth protest too much.
i think the gulf is neither iranian nor persian, so it be called either way, chinese chose to write arabuan gulf, americans write persian gulf, big deal man!!!!, dont fight over a fcuking name man!!!!, persians own the gulf as much as arabians do

"persian gulf" is the historical name
it was always like this
Just get some education. If you check carefully it was not an arab land before in front of us but persian land. that's what it was like that.

Yes now it is arab and persian lands .
But the name "persian gulf" is a name which was always used in the maps.
The will to change is a will to make a hell...
Yes... you're the one who loves to bash China over human rights, even though you come from Iran. :rolleyes:

And I couldn't care less what they call it. If Iran wants to feel offended then go ahead.

You're such a fanatic. You need to find a story completely out of subject to say your country does something good

It is better to judge on the topic here ( i didn't bash China so it is better you learn to read before you do easy comments)
and the topic is : China insults Iran by putting Arabian Gulf

What do you have to say about this?
"persian gulf" is the historical name
it was always like this
Just get some education. If you check carefully it was not an arab land before in front of us but persian land. that's what it was like that.

Yes now it is arab and persian lands .
But the name "persian gulf" is a name which was always used in the maps.
The will to change is a will to make a hell...

what you gonna achieve by name it persian gulf anyway????, ok in stone age it was persian gulf, now it isnt big deal, no buddy in south asia fights over the name of arabian sea but the major land mass which touches this sea is of the sub continent???
Dear Hussain, IMO...It's not that big deal to be considered as insult.
I don't think China may have any problem in changing writing Persian gulf.
You just need to approach them in sensible way.
Dear Hussain, IMO...It's not that big deal to be considered as insult.
I don't think China may have any problem in changing writing Persian gulf.
You just need to approach them in sensible way.
Batman salam,

I guess emirates money much helping again to consider to change the name to "arabian gulf"

At least if they wanted be neutral (meaning they change the name that was always used even before the stoning age that the guy above speaks about ) they could use another name like "the gulf"

Persian Gulf - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The United Nations Secretariat on many occasions has requested that only "Persian Gulf" be used as the official and standard geographical designation for the body of water.[43] Historically, "Arabian Gulf" has been a term used to indicate the Red Sea.[1][44][45][46][47] At the same time, the historical veracity of the usage of "Persian Gulf" can be established from the works of many medieval historians.[1][48][49][50][51]
At the Twenty-third session of the United Nations in March–April 2006, the name "Persian Gulf" was confirmed again as the legitimate and official term to be used by members of the United Nations.[52]
China naming some water is the last thing Iran should be worried about.
i was just banned for using accedently voting for arabian gulf, because i didnt even know they had any name in the persian gulf, i just knew it was called khalej :S, now thats we called strange iranians :S :rofl::rofl:

calling arabian gulf is not taking away abu musa oil profit from iranians or is it :S
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