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China-India Geopolitics: News & Discussions

still waiting for the 1st shots to be fired.

Excited to see the PLA in new delhi.

wont happen soon. Xi still in Russia and there will be a meeting with modi, if this border issue hasn't settle yet after the meeting between Xi and modi, then very highly we will settle this using military.
Its not Fantasy.
Here is 1 pic for you, but looks more like trying to suck his own dick rather than putting his head into his ARSE. Hope its not you.
View attachment 408108

Cant blame you Chinese cheerlady, with the dual slanted slits on your face that you call eyes , you can have issues in interpreting the image.

My sympathies for you, chinese cheerlady.
This time we will make sure we "liberate" Tibet. 4

How many of your "soldiers" are from one child family ? :lol: ........ hope you will not turn into a country of old men.

Or else India will be balkanized :lol:, I rather interested on how much body bags each side will have to carry back, one child family is irrelevant.

I like how your politicians cry about nanking every time they talk about japan , i see you remember your nippon masters very well

Sure your government dare not to cry of what Winston Churchill did to India over Bengali Famine because you guys still show respect to your white master :lol:
War with India possible if matter not solved: China


BEIJING: China will resolutely safeguard its sovereignty in the border conflicts with India even at the cost of war, Chinese experts warned today, amid a standoff between the two nations in the Sikkim sector.

As the standoff at the Doklam area continued for the third week, the longest between the two countries, the official media and the think-tanks here said that 'war is possible if the conflict between India and China is not handled properly'.

Of the 3,488-km-long India-China border from Jammu and Kashmir to Arunachal Pradesh, a 220-km section falls in Sikkim.

China will resolutely safeguard its border sovereignty in conflicts with Indian troops even at the cost of war, state- run Global Times daily quoted Chinese experts as saying.

"China is also different from what it was in 1962," Wang Dehua, a professor at the Shanghai Municipal Centre for International Studies told the daily reacting to Defence Minister Arun Jaitley's comments that India of 2017 is different from what it was in 1962.

"If they are trying to remind us, the situation in 1962 was different and the India of 2017 is different," Jaitley had said.

"India has been treating China as its biggest competitor since 1962, as both countries share many similarities. For instance, they are both developing countries with huge populations," Wang said.

"There could be a chance of war if the recent conflict between China and India is not handled properly, observers said, noting that China will resolutely defend its territoryand safeguard the border," the Global Times report said.

"In 1962, China fought a war with India after the latter encroached on Chinese territory, resulting in the deaths of 722 Chinese troops and 4,383 Indian soldiers," the daily said.

Experts called on both sides to resolve the conflict through dialogue and negotiations, it said.

"Both sides should focus on development rather than conflict or war," Zhao Gancheng, director of the Centre for Asia-Pacific Studies at the Shanghai Institute for International Studies, told the newspaper.

"A conflict between the two may give other countries a chance to take advantage, for example, the US," he said.

"India should change its hostile attitude toward China as a good relationship is beneficial for both sides," Wang said.

The Chinese experts also took exception to reports that India's Defence Ministry is surveying the China-India border in order to build an "all-weather railway corridor" with broad-gauge network for swift movement of troops and weaponry.

"India is trying to catch up with China in the construction of frontier defence," Zhao said.
Don't worry war is not happening. Granted China is more powerful and all and that is undisputed. However, history suggests that even big power USA etc hesitate to attack decent powers. India will defend in case of attack. China knows that we have the ability to significantly damage them, so they have to decide what they want to do. While currently, China must be happy about what it is doing but it's doing long term mistake. They really do not have a need to piss people off but they are doing it. India was moving towards being friends with China and what did they do. Piss us on everything, even little things. This will bring China to focus and already has done so. India will make choices because of this situation which they would not have done otherwise. I really do not get it, why China follows this senseless policy.

56inch waist not chest ask modi.
Why bring in any other country? If China goes to war against India you'll be fighting alone just like last time, against a vastly superior military. :P
We know that and stating the obvious is not required. However, no matter how powerful you are, it is absolutely stupid to pick enemies for now reason. Whatever you might think, it will not be a war without any repercussions for China.
Why bring in any other country? If China goes to war against India you'll be fighting alone just like last time, against a vastly superior military. :P
Vastly superior army like vastly superior launch vehicle which falls every month.

China should send it's warships in Arabian sea to block indian terrorists supply lines. Refueling can be done in Pakistan and if India attacks pakistan than pakistan will jump in war too. Pakistan's army is 15 years battle hard.
We have more Brahmos than China has warships in number and no need to say that only one Brahmos is enough for each Chinese warship..
There is so much SENSATIONALISM and ALARMIST rhetoric from India's news media these days concerning China:

Or else India will be balkanized :lol:, I rather interested on how much body bags each side will have to carry back, one child family is irrelevant.

You of all people should know that India does not care about Body bags but only about fighting for what is right.

To put it in perspective, in the battle of Mahabharat, a Billion Hindus died fighting for a "cause". So only one of us will be counting "body bags" and it will not be us.
You of all people should know that India does not care about Body bags but only about fighting for what is right.

To put it in perspective, in the battle of Mahabharat, a Billion Hindus died fighting for a "cause". So only one of us will be counting "body bags" and it will not be us.

Good for you but funny thing it's that we captured more Indians than kills in 1962, it must have a rational explanation, these Indians soldiers care of their live after all.
Good for you but funny thing it's that we captured more Indians than kills in 1962, it must have a rational explanation, these Indians soldiers care of their live after all.

Caring for their lives does not mean having the fear to die for a cause.

It just means they care for a high purpose than their lives.

Its funny that you do not grasp such simple reality.
:tup: ..... is that what the Red Book says ? :lol:
red book?what is the red book?I never seen it before.

Caring for their lives does not mean having the fear to die for a cause.

It just means they care for a high purpose than their lives.

Its funny that you do not grasp such simple reality.
what were their high purpose?go back to rape and have a baby?
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