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China-India Geopolitics: News & Discussions

Bring It On ; We are ready

ya n make sure u have enough briyani and ammo for your soldiers this time round; hope they dont die from starvation and hypothermic attrition more then they died to combat action in 1962. <=== lolz

This is their last effort to issue warning before they piss in their pant and withdraw. If you have the guts then start the war. We shall teach you what we can do.

i can feel your fear and anxiety.

War from thousands of miles from your main land, that too at a time when Belt and spoke project is planned and executed, fine. Your greediness will be answered in Indian Sub continent.

Keep self-assuring yourself
China knows what's good for her.i know they will not move an inch for war .
ya n make sure u have enough briyani and ammo for your soldiers this time round; hope they dont die from starvation and hypothermic attrition more then they died to combat action in 1962. <=== lolz

i can feel your fear and anxiety.

Keep self-assuring yourself
Whatever. If you have guts, start the war. We want to teach you a lesson.
Once India loses the war, your 56 inch waist will be held for war crimes.
All you indians will be made to pick cottons for us Chinese and the Pakistanis. :rofl:
Are you one of the million army
LOL........ then why do you and your govt. sound so scared ? :lol:

Those "better off than Hindu land" will now get to taste Political freedom too.

Right now worry about Hong Kong :azn:



It's not relevant at all imagin disputes with in india first nation toilets then high to low cast people then rich to poor then states who will not leave any opportunity to get out of union like karela Assam Nagaland punjab and Kashmir.
U guys can't fight with anyone, only if u wanted people to leave their differences and join war:)
Just watch how india react after losing one game in champion trophy :)
Don't mess with ur neighbours :dance3:
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So china is asking us to withdraw our troops ?
I am curious, where are our troops our side or we are still on their side ?
If they are on our sides why is it bothering chinese so much ?
On a serious note, that's one wishful thinking. I wish PLA had the gut a keyboard warrior is showing off and grow a pair.
But what PLA is doing is so bad. They are threatening everyone. Weekly threatens Japan with war, South Korea with 'something close to war':undecided: I don't know.

But the biggest of all came when the Self promoted Supreme Commander of Army, Navy and Air force cum Party PB General Secretary Cum Chinese Premier cum.... (any other self conferred things I miss?) Xi Jing Ping (forgive my spell error if any) Threatened Filipino President Duterte with War. That was classic:lol:.
Then he went on thretening some collage kids in Hong Kong aka pro democracy protesters.
Then threatened Taiwan.
Occasionally threatens united States.

Come on man. Why are you so scared?:rolleyes: At least you could cut the threatening part. It looks Childish.

Why bring in any other country? If China goes to war against India you'll be fighting alone just like last time, against a vastly superior military. :P
make sure this time you wont be as lousy as last time````and check your munitions stockpile, ring the foreign suppliers at once in case at shortage```:lol:

China should send it's warships in Arabian sea to block indian terrorists supply lines. Refueling can be done in Pakistan and if India attacks pakistan than pakistan will jump in war too. Pakistan's army is 15 years battle hard.
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