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China-India Geopolitics: News & Discussions

This database misses important countries.

Like which ones? I put in the countries in your ranking from 2013 that were ranked above India up to South Korea. The jump to top 4 (Germany upwards) is quite big and established so I didn't include those in the link.

The outranking is happening in such short period because many of the more developed countries industrial and manufacturing outputs are declining in dollar terms over last few years. Larger scale, accelerated sustained organic growth (in USD terms) like seen earlier in India will need completion/implementation of more reforms and improvement of NPA scenario which is still ongoing right now.

If you have a better database for the recent years up to 2016, lets see it.
Like which ones? I put in the countries in your ranking from 2013 that were ranked above India up to South Korea. The jump to top 4 (Germany upwards) is quite big and established so I didn't include those in the link.

The outranking is happening in such short period because many of the more developed countries industrial and manufacturing outputs are declining in dollar terms over last few years.

If you have a better database for the recent years up to 2016, lets see it.
Incomplete data
what have you been smoking, India in the field of high manufacturing? in you wild delusion kid```India is a factor driven primitive economy accroding to WIPO annual reports, and according to WB annual statistics India's high-tech exports are like 10% of S.K and China is 2 times of the U.S`````what nonsescial propaganda you've been fed by your funny media?
there are two biggest lies in 21st century
1: 40% scientists are Indian in NASA
2: India is an IT powerhouse
you people are really have no shame of lying with straight face, arent you?

Why r they so proud of those Sikh, Tamil, etc abroad who are not even indian citizens?
Isn't that proves their own country is a disaster?
China must avoid arrogance over India's manufacturing: Chinese media

BEIJING: It will be a "very dangerous venture" if China adopts an arrogant attitude towards India's manufacturing surge and ignores the country's competitiveness, state-run Chinese media warned today.

China should pay more attention to India's increasing manufacturing competitiveness, an article in the website of the state-run Global Times said, cautioning the Chinese industry against complacency.

"Scholars should make a careful analysis about the soaring growth to find out whether this is merely a flash in the pan or a result of subtle changes in competition in the manufacturing sector," it said.

"Although it is too early to say that India will replace China as a manufacturing giant, as it is not easy to form a complete industry chain from screw to commercial airliner in a short time, increased competitiveness from Indian-made products should be closely watched," it said.

"Official data showing India's January exports to China soared 42 per cent year-on-year was overlooked by most Chinese analysts, but it will be a very dangerous venture if China adopts an arrogant attitude toward India's increasing competitiveness," it said.

Official data showing India's January exports to China soared 42 per cent year-on-year which was overlooked by most Chinese analysts, but it will be a "very dangerous venture" if attention is being paid to bright points in the country's economy, the article said.

"What cannot be overlooked is the increasing competitiveness of the manufacturing sector in India," it said.

The sudden increase in India's exports is a surprise for the Chinese as India's trade continued to jump year on year. It soared to over USD 46 billion in over USD 70 billion bilateral trade.
recently US labor department has published the DATA of profession of various ethnicity in US. Indians are top as software programmer, Engineers and doctors while chinese are top in in the profession of chefs, labor and clerical jobs. We are famous as doctors, engineers and IT professional and not as Piza boys running here and there to deliver the Piza before it becomes cold in lust of few sent tips.
and yet, reality tells otherwise, India is still a factor driven primitive society, has no position on world's tech fields```

besides the data showes those are American Indian, has nothing to do with primitive India. for top 100 most used apps, webs, softare, games, industrial designing kits, data processing software/hardware and AI technology companies, you cant find any Indian company or Indian architects that actually designed/made/implemented them. Because they are all dominated by Chinese, Japanese, German, Dutche, American, Swedish and Finnish companies.

bottom line is, you are living in a delusion, that is so grandiose that will be a laughter for many years to come. your country is a complete joke to be honest
wow, another thread created to deliberately humiliate India, so many anti-india false flaggers!
I have a funny feeling many Indians here are Pakistanis and others pretending to be Indians by posting these articles making India the butt end of jokes.
China must avoid arrogance over India's manufacturing: Chinese media

BEIJING: It will be a "very dangerous venture" if China adopts an arrogant attitude towards India's manufacturing surge and ignores the country's competitiveness, state-run Chinese media warned today.

China should pay more attention to India's increasing manufacturing competitiveness, an article in the website of the state-run Global Times said, cautioning the Chinese industry against complacency.

"Scholars should make a careful analysis about the soaring growth to find out whether this is merely a flash in the pan or a result of subtle changes in competition in the manufacturing sector," it said.

"Although it is too early to say that India will replace China as a manufacturing giant, as it is not easy to form a complete industry chain from screw to commercial airliner in a short time, increased competitiveness from Indian-made products should be closely watched," it said.

"Official data showing India's January exports to China soared 42 per cent year-on-year was overlooked by most Chinese analysts, but it will be a very dangerous venture if China adopts an arrogant attitude toward India's increasing competitiveness," it said.

Official data showing India's January exports to China soared 42 per cent year-on-year which was overlooked by most Chinese analysts, but it will be a "very dangerous venture" if attention is being paid to bright points in the country's economy, the article said.

"What cannot be overlooked is the increasing competitiveness of the manufacturing sector in India," it said.

The sudden increase in India's exports is a surprise for the Chinese as India's trade continued to jump year on year. It soared to over USD 46 billion in over USD 70 billion bilateral trade.

Exaggerated title on a heavily doctored content published on India media doesn't make it "Chinese Media". So typical!

In general, Chinese do not adopt an arrogant attitude toward India's true competitiveness, but we do have an "attitude issue" toward your tendency to exaggerate, to boast and to brag.
Exaggerated title on a heavily doctored content published on India media doesn't make it "Chinese Media". So typical!

In general, Chinese do not adapt an arrogant attitude toward India's true competitiveness, but we do have an "attitude issue" toward your tendency to exaggerate, to boast and to brag.
I could never find the Chinese article the lying Indian news quote from. India news is not telling the truth. Fake news.
I have a funny feeling many Indians here are Pakistanis and others pretending to be Indians by posting these articles making India the butt end if jokes.
I agree.
Some indians I know in person (who have experienced the reality in China) are very sensible, unlike those false flaggers.

Exaggerated title on a heavily doctored content published on India media doesn't make it "Chinese Media". So typical!

In general, Chinese do not adapt an arrogant attitude toward India's true competitiveness, but we do have an "attitude issue" toward your tendency to exaggerate, to boast and to brag.
Bragging on nothing is sometime we should learn from those false flaggers.
and yet, reality tells otherwise, India is still a factor driven primitive society, has no position on world's tech fields`

But your president took pride as an Asian nation while we launch mission to Mars. For us primitive society is not an offense because our ancestors invented Zero and mathematics and many placatory motions fact when you guys used to live in caves.
besides the data showes those are American Indian, has nothing to do with primitive India. for top 100 most used apps, webs, softare, games, industrial designing kits, data processing software/hardware and AI technology companies, you cant find any Indian company or Indian architects that actually designed/made/implemented them. Because they are all dominated by Chinese, Japanese, German, Dutche, American, Swedish and Finnish companies.

Who gave you this information. Was you taught all this in reeducation camp of CPC? Do you know that all those techies were educated in india including some small and big universities in India?

naturally I can understand your envy because you can not give a single name of a Chinese head of Multinational corporation against 10 name I could give.
bottom line is, you are living in a delusion, that is so grandiose that will be a laughter for many years to come. your country is a complete joke to be honest

This itself shows your knowledge and your born and bought. I need not say anything more. When you guys open your mouth, you tell a lots of things about yourself.
First time. The writer is being overly cautious . Look like we will see more news where Indian reporters just provide their opinion about a Chinese news piece lol.

We tend to give more credit to our opponents than what they actually worth, so called ”料敌从宽 预己从严“,but it is a good thing to alarm ourselves not to let our guard down.
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