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China-India Geopolitics: News & Discussions

so now will the chinese companies who have set up business to manufacture in India going back to china.
What is the purpose of such ill-informed articles? Why not tell the truth so that people can be really stimulated to make efforts?

This is not optimism.
This is false information to make people stupid and ignorant.
I could assume it is the Chinese government that finances such news websites.

The biggest enemy a country could have is the compatriots themselves who are the biggest hindrance to a country's development.

This narrative is built on doctored economic statistics. A GDP/FDI based evaluation of economic performance can lead to such distortion wherein the numbers don't match the reality we see all around us.

Up until now, there was little premium on economic indices in India, because they were not a politically important issue. So while there can be a debate on the quality of the statistical data and methods of computation, there was no incentive and no reason for the government to tamper with figures. However, in recent years, a much larger number of people are taking interest in performance indicators and therefore the need to "show" better performance.

In this, we are actually late in the game.
so now will the chinese companies who have set up business to manufacture in India going back to china.
Stupid argument.

Chinese companies have manufacturing bases all around the world to make money in each domestic market as to support a highly competitive manufacturing chain in China. I am never proud of made in China iPhones, but I am proud that our own smart phone brands such as One Plus and OPPO could grasp an increasing share of India's domestic market.

The bigger success they have abroad, the higher China's key component manufacturers climb the lucrative manufacturing chain. A China-East Asia-ASEAN manufacturing chain is never so strong and unconquerable.

Welcome to join this chain!

India needs to beat rising SEA countries first to vie for high quality investment as it offers very little value in terms of logistics, human resources, bureaucracy etc.

With its low-wage labor advantage, it needs to compete against the likes of Bangladesh, Vietnam, Cambodia to ensure that low-end production such as textile and plastics would flow to India.

Hence, their meager 50+ investment means little in terms of value generated.

China does not particularly stand on a perfect foot, either, but, it has much much better environment for investment from every angles other than cheap labor. That explain the over time changing make up of FDI flow into China from low end to high end.

India plays in a much lower league and competition there is cut-throat. FDI to India increases or decreases does not really concern China because the two are in two different levels of development. China has long passed Make in China stage.

For instance, FDI to labor intensive industries is decreasing while technology and services are growing. In 2014, FDI to capital-intensive industries was about 34% if the total FDI to China.

It has probably dropped even further while the overall amount increased.
You r absolutely right.

We are in completely different levels of FDI, technology, innovation, scientific researches, etc.

Now, what we are doing is centering around automation, IoT industry, cloud-based technology and high-end equipment manufacturing.

What we have witnessed is an unprecedented (unpresidented?) surge in investments of robots, tunnel boring machines, precision instruments, nano materials, graphite batteries, high-speed trains, 5G communication, quantum communication, super computers, civil and military drones, new-energy vehicles, etc.

These two countries do not compete in such areas at large.
No competition and no overlap in most sectors.
Our major competitors are countries like South Korea, Japan and Germany
in the fiercely competitive tech revolution which is not incoming but ongoing.
We are talking about manufacturing 4.0, 2025, 2050.
We are not talking about preliminary assembling lines and hand-made clothes.

Manufacuring value added.png

TBMs for Sydney Metro
We are not in a race of low labor cost goods. We are in a race of high skilled labor jobs such as software development, R & D, management, Education, Designing and manufacturing high tech goods etc.
what have you been smoking, India in the field of high manufacturing? in you wild delusion kid```India is a factor driven primitive economy accroding to WIPO annual reports, and according to WB annual statistics India's high-tech exports are like 10% of S.K and China is 2 times of the U.S`````what nonsescial propaganda you've been fed by your funny media?
there are two biggest lies in 21st century
1: 40% scientists are Indian in NASA
2: India is an IT powerhouse
you people are really have no shame of lying with straight face, arent you?
Stupid argument.

Chinese companies have manufacturing bases all around the world to make money in each domestic market as to support a highly competitive manufacturing chain in China. I am never proud of made in China iPhones, but I am proud that our own smart phone brands such as One Plus and OPPO could grasp an increasing share of India's domestic market.

The bigger success they have abroad, the higher China's key component manufacturers climb the lucrative manufacturing chain. A China-East Asia-ASEAN manufacturing chain is never so strong and unconquerable.

Welcome to join this chain!

You r absolutely right.

We are in completely different levels of FDI, technology, innovation, scientific researches, etc.

Now, what we are doing is centering around automation, IoT industry, cloud-based technology and high-end equipment manufacturing.

What we have witnessed is an unprecedented (unpresidented?) surge in investments of robots, tunnel boring machines, precision instruments, nano materials, graphite batteries, high-speed trains, 5G communication, quantum communication, super computers, civil and military drones, new-energy vehicles, etc.

These two countries do not compete in such areas at large.
No competition and no overlap in most sectors.
Our major competitors are countries like South Korea, Japan and Germany
in the fiercely competitive tech revolution which is not incoming but ongoing.
We are talking about manufacturing 4.0, 2025, 2050.
We are not talking about preliminary assembling lines and hand-made clothes.

View attachment 382425 View attachment 382427

TBMs for Sydney Metro

Please stop using 2013 data.

Have a look at 2015 now:


India is ranked 6th after South Korea and estimated around 310 billion USD of current dollar MVA output.

India ranked 5th in total industrial value added in current dollar:


Besides we do not care that much what the US dollar demand is for our production right now compared to getting our production from its very low levels pre 90s. We do not have US dollar price levels inside India neither do we have their specific consumption basket.

Thus physical consumption levels matter much more....we can worry more about about nominal rankings once trade becomes more important to us, if it ever does. For now push realised physical consumption (PPP) and chart nominal behind is as much as possible (but not priority). There is a long road behind us and a long road ahead of us....but I do remember the days our industrial output was less than Sweden's (we were ranked way below 20 even 30). Now its bigger than the UK's. By 2020 onwards it will only continue to grow and outrank first Germany and then Japan over time....albeit more slower outranking time since there are fewer countries above us.
Indians collectively suffer from Grandiosity, a classic symptom of bipolar disorder.

Grandiosity refers to an unrealistic sense of superiority—a sustained view of oneself as better than others that causes the narcissist to view others with disdain or as inferior—as well as to a sense of uniqueness: the belief that few others have anything in common with oneself and that one can only be understood by a few or very special people.[1] It also occurs in reactive attachment disorder.[2]

Grandiosity is chiefly associated with narcissistic personality disorder, but also commonly features in manic or hypomanic episodes of bipolar disorder.[3]


The term "grandiosity" is used to describe the larger-than-life feelingsof superiority often experienced by those in a manic or hypomanic episode.Jul 14, 2016.


We common people call these folks nutcases !!!
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I feel happy that Indians believe in Dalai's lies, because Dalai can do nothing but waste our enemy's money.

I feel unhappy because that stupid indian may cheat our Pakistani brother.

So,I want to explain what the picture talking about.


March 17, 2008 (according to the global network reported), BBC published a picture on the website, that is China police help medical staff injured in an ambulance scene, but the picture is given that BBC wrote: "there are a lot of troops in Lhasa". In addition, the British "times" and other media also reported in the use of "military repression", "force control", "Tibetans killed hundreds of people," and so the distortion of the truth of the text.


March 18, 2008 (according to the global network reported in Germany), "Berlin morning news" will be a Chinese police rescue was attacked the masses that is in the photo "collection"; a picture of the FOX said, "China soldiers" protesters to pull the truck, but the picture is shown in India police. German NTV television station reported in the incident occurred in Tibet, Nepal was used by the police to arrest protesters of the TV screen.


German RTL television reported false


The women in this picture is a drug traffickers and human traffickers. In addition, she is Han nationality, this event happened in Henan Province,not in 2008, but nearly 30 years ago (This gun is really old).


You think the Han people put the fire, smashed the car, do damage?






98.2%of the damage was caused by the Zang (Tibetan) nationality.
You can easily find that Lama carried a weapon,police carried a shield.
Who is the murderer?


The same time,87% of the firefighters are Han nationality. Look at their face, you can easily find that.


Look at their face,and make comparison with the picture under


People in first picture is the Han nationality,the second is the Zang (Tibetan) nationality,their hats and clothes were totally different.

What they were doing was the same:Slaves who had been oppressed and enslaved for a long time were in control of their own destiny. They were burning usurious and loan personal attachment.

You can see the smile on their face,these picture happened in December 1949 (picture1)and July 1959 (picture 2)
First off, welcome to the forum.
2nd, you can't convince the people who do not want to be convinced. They are hardwired to believe anything against China. So it's waste of time to engage them. Having said that, it's a real value for a neutral spectator.
wow..this topic is going for 8 page...Amazing...

I feel happy that Indians believe in Dalai's lies, because Dalai can do nothing but waste our enemy's money.

I feel unhappy because that stupid indian may cheat our Pakistani brother.

So,I want to explain what the picture talking about.


March 17, 2008 (according to the global network reported), BBC published a picture on the website, that is China police help medical staff injured in an ambulance scene, but the picture is given that BBC wrote: "there are a lot of troops in Lhasa". In addition, the British "times" and other media also reported in the use of "military repression", "force control", "Tibetans killed hundreds of people," and so the distortion of the truth of the text.


March 18, 2008 (according to the global network reported in Germany), "Berlin morning news" will be a Chinese police rescue was attacked the masses that is in the photo "collection"; a picture of the FOX said, "China soldiers" protesters to pull the truck, but the picture is shown in India police. German NTV television station reported in the incident occurred in Tibet, Nepal was used by the police to arrest protesters of the TV screen.


German RTL television reported false


The women in this picture is a drug traffickers and human traffickers. In addition, she is Han nationality, this event happened in Henan Province,not in 2008, but nearly 30 years ago (This gun is really old).


You think the Han people put the fire, smashed the car, do damage?






98.2%of the damage was caused by the Zang (Tibetan) nationality.
You can easily find that Lama carried a weapon,police carried a shield.
Who is the murderer?


The same time,87% of the firefighters are Han nationality. Look at their face, you can easily find that.


Look at their face,and make comparison with the picture under


People in first picture is the Han nationality,the second is the Zang (Tibetan) nationality,their hats and clothes were totally different.

What they were doing was the same:Slaves who had been oppressed and enslaved for a long time were in control of their own destiny. They were burning usurious and loan personal attachment.

You can see the smile on their face,these picture happened in December 1949 (picture1)and July 1959 (picture 2)

Honestly, i am least worried what is happening in Tibet. This is something between China and Tibet people will decide..Dalai Lama is not fighting a terrorist movement like you are facing in your Muslim majority province....If you think Dalai Lama is doing it, then you should take some corrective action so that violence should not be a means to get independence...India is alligned with you...But what is the big fuss about Dalai Lama visiting to different parts of our country...Do not we have enough issue to deal with it rather than dealing with Dalali Lama??? When China feels that Masood Azhar is a saint, then it is hilarious to see your complain about Dalai Lama....
what have you been smoking, India in the field of high manufacturing? in you wild delusion kid```India is a factor driven primitive economy accroding to WIPO annual reports, and according to WB annual statistics India's high-tech exports are like 10% of S.K and China is 2 times of the U.S`````what nonsescial propaganda you've been fed by your funny media?
there are two biggest lies in 21st century
1: 40% scientists are Indian in NASA
2: India is an IT powerhouse
you people are really have no shame of lying with straight face, arent you?

recently US labor department has published the DATA of profession of various ethnicity in US. Indians are top as software programmer, Engineers and doctors while Chinese are top in in the profession of chefs, labor and clerical jobs. We are famous as doctors, engineers and IT professional and not as Piza boys running here and there to deliver the Piza before it becomes cold in lust of few sent tips.

Delusional you are. :disagree:
Labor intensive low cost manufacturing is exactly what India need to suck up all your unskilled demographic.

Low skilled jobs are always good for employment but read my post carefully. I said that we are not in race means if those jobs come here it is fine but our core competence is high skilled jobs delivered at lower cost compared to anywhere in the world.
Indians collectively suffer from the Grandiosity, a classic symptom of bipolar disorder.

We common people call these folks nutcases !!!

You know whats way worse? Being from a group of people that project false genocide claims (as high as 3 million), that cannot be questioned or challenged (by law!).... to hide the fact they basically suck at warfare and higher level thinking.

Don't know what that is a symptom of, but its quite a peculiar one.

Then one of those talking about who is suffering from grandiosity (that too as a collective nation no less instead of specifying defence/online sort of people)...is quite rich. :lol:
Not really.

There are just too many delusional Indians.

I just read an article that said that India is way ahead of China in Space, Software, and IT!!!

This is indeed an interesting phenomenon. In a country that prides itself for its free press, shouldn't people develop the basic skill of critical thinking?
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This is indeed an interesting phenomenon. In a country that prides itself for its free press, shouldn't people develop the basic skill of critical thinking?
They have never heard of the term "critical thinking".

@AndrewJin, another false-flagger trying to defame India.
Yes, such members under indian flag make stupid comments as to humiliate india as a country....
Real patriotic and informed indians are not like that.

Please stop using 2013 data.

Have a look at 2015 now:


India is ranked 6th after South Korea and estimated around 310 billion USD of current dollar MVA output.

India ranked 5th in total industrial value added in current dollar:


Besides we do not care that much what the US dollar demand is for our production right now compared to getting our production from its very low levels pre 90s. We do not have US dollar price levels inside India neither do we have their specific consumption basket.

Thus physical consumption levels matter much more....we can worry more about about nominal rankings once trade becomes more important to us, if it ever does. For now push realised physical consumption (PPP) and chart nominal behind is as much as possible (but not priority). There is a long road behind us and a long road ahead of us....but I do remember the days our industrial output was less than Sweden's (we were ranked way below 20 even 30). Now its bigger than the UK's. By 2020 onwards it will only continue to grow and outrank first Germany and then Japan over time....albeit more slower outranking time since there are fewer countries above us.

This database misses important countries.
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