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China Hong Kong SAR: News and Images



Compared to their American colleagues, Hong Kong policemen are very unprofessional


Also much lagging behind England


Even can not match Sweden
Hong Kong policemen must learn more from the advanced country. It is still a long way
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US is going to embargo Japan!

The punishment will come!

Treacherous act!


Just kidding.

Don't be absurd, my Taiwanese friend.

Well it wasnt all that way bro. We were fighting not just the rag tag american militias led by general washington who was the commander in chief of the continental army but we were also fighting the french who had more allies than us throughout the war in american continent.this started when the British army from Canada was captured by the Americans, then the French entered the war as allies of the United States. The naval and military power of the two sides were about equal, and France had allies in the Netherlands and Spain, while Britain had no major allies in this large-scale war. The war later turned to the American South, where we captured an army at South Carolina, but failed we unfotunately failed to enlist enough volunteers from american loyalists(who were still un favor of our rule) to maintain/rule the city. In short there were several factors at play, aa we were fighting not just the militias of george washington but also france supported by its allies back then.

You're absolutely right, Mike-San. The American Revolutionary War did have a great many international participants. I do remember reading that the Dutch did provide a soft loan of some 5 million guilders to the American patriot named John Adams, a man from Massachusetts. The French provided military as well as economic aid. The Spanish also ended up at war with the British. No doubt the French came into the aid of the Americans to get back at the British for the disaster during the French and Indian War of the 1760's.
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About 1,000 people opposed to pro-democracy movement fight 100 demonstrators after Leung Chun-ying’s talks offer

"About 1000 people"? Low-life China hating Western scum!

Business in Hong Kong seriously affected by protests

Nearly a week of protests in Hong Kong have proved costly for the Special Administrative Region. Over two billion Hong Kong Dollars in losses already, including a number of businesses unable to function. CCTV reporter Zhu Dan reports on how a regional finance hub is taking a beating, due to prolonged demonstrations.

In Central Hong Kong, it is business as unusual these days. This watch retailer which has been here for over 40 years, reported its sharpest ever decline for sales in one week, losing as much as 39 thousand US dollars of sales on a given day.

"We have lost about 200,000-300,000 HK dollars in the past five to six days. I respect that they are fighting for democracy, but they should also understand that we will be bitter if we aren’t allowed to do business," said Gary Wai, manager of Broadway Watch and Jewellery.

For four days this store remained closed as swarms of Occupy Central protestors thronged the streets. As the crowds grew louder in their protests, business for everyone else here grinded to a near standstill.

Some of stores have been closed, also at least 21 banks say they have closed their branches, offices or ATMs. Many businesses in the central area remain shut. Schools have been closed and buses have had to change or cancel routes. ”

What was Hong Kong’s thriving hustle and bustle in central have been replaced by chanting of youths. According to ANZ, these protests have come at a cost of 2.2 billion HKD or 6 percent of total retail sales for the month.

It’s not just consumers who are backing away, even investors are feeling the jitters.

The Hang Seng Index tanked to a three-month low this week. Most financial experts believe that’s a direct impact of the current protests. US wealth management company, Merrill Lynch, estimates that the disruption caused by the protest has already caused a loss of 500 million US dollars to Hong Kong’s economy.

“I think they’re rocking the fundamental belief that HK should be ruled by rule of law. What they’re doing is exactly against the law, but they uphold this sort of democracy saying that they’re doing it for the entire HK. But I think we’ve seen the previous poll that there’re actully more people are against the Occupy Central than people who’re agree to it. Yet, I think those people who’re Occupying Central completely ignore the staistics, and they went ahead anyway,” David Lau, managing director of J.P. Morgan, said.

Hong Kong is home to more than 3700 offices for multi-national companies and economists fear that some may decide to move their business out to other cities should Occupy Central persist--That would surely dent business and consumer confidence at large.

But as for Gary Wai, who has been doing business here for 40 years, all he can do is wait and hopes the movement ends as soon as possible.
How old does someone have to be to vote in Taiwan? 18? Why not 17? Why? Democracy! Why? Why not Zoidberg? Why 17 and not democraZoidberg? Why not 8 years old boy be president of Earth? Weird? Why!? Democrafreedom!

That is the question that I want to ask.

The question asked by CNN, FoxNews, the Guardian, etc.
UK scholar: Hong Kong never had democracy under British rule

[Interestingly, the You Tube video embedded in the news cannot be viewed. You may check it here]

Martin Jacques, British author of the global best-seller “When China Rules the World: the End of the Western World and the Birth of a New Global Order”, had quite a bit to say on what role Hong Kong should take when interacting with the Chinese mainland.

In an exclusive video interview with CCTVNEWS, he said that Hong Kong under the British rule never enjoyed democracy and that Hong Kong should take the opportunity to be part of the Chinese economy, which is the world’s most dynamic and expansive one.

For a hundred and fifty five years, the British ruled Hong Kong, and they never ever introduced universal suffrage”, said the scholar.

“There’s an idealistic notion amongst a section of the Hong Kong Chinese that we should elect whoever we want to. For example, if he’s someone who’s against the Chinese government, well it doesn’t matter.”

“There were bits of suffrage, but they never introduced it, so Hong Kong under the British was never a democracy,” he said.

“It was the Chinese government that gave Hong Kong the opportunity of electing their chief executive, by universal suffrage.”

“I don’t think this is appreciated by too many Hong Kong Chinese,” he added.

Latest update: officials offer talks with protestors

Meanwhile in Hong Kong, thousands of protesters have blocked major roads in several districts since Sept. 28, to express discontent with the electoral reform package in Beijing choosing the region’s next candidate.

In response to an open letter initiated by one of the students protest groups, Hong Kong’s Chief Executive Leung Chun-ying announced late Thursday evening that he will not resign.

Instead, he will appoint Chief Secretary Carrie Lam as a government representative, to talk with students participating in the ongoing Occupy Central movement.

Leung hoped that all circles in society could continue to carry forward the constitutional reform in a pragmatic, rational and peaceful manner.


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Yes, that is why the USA is one of the most undesirable places to live and we have masses of Americans flooding into Mexico, China, India, and other countries. That is why America is so poor and why no one wants to live here. It's why we have no illegal immigrants. It's why no one ever risks their life to get to America or fight for it once they are there. It's why no one is trying to emulate America. It's why YOU obviously, don't live in America. :cuckoo:

View attachment 107621
I guess these proud new American citizens are just deluded...

America is a declining superpower. You are basically a cheerleader for America's decline. Idiots or parasites like you are worsening America.

America's educational standards are becoming less competitive, yet, you boast that everything is wonderful.

America's economy is becoming less fair, more ineffective, more wasteful, more dependent on importing low intelligence cheap labor and outsourcing jobs, and more addicted to unhealthy consumption, yet, you insist everything is good.

America's community's are suffering from increasing kids born out of wedlock, more divorces, relatively high poverty rate for a developed nation, massive police spending that struggles to deal with America's high crime rate for a developed nation, and more kids and adults on psychiatric and recreational drugs, yet, you proclaim this is ideal.

America has the world's most expensive medical system, but the average America has mediocre health, and you are ignorantly proud of this.

America's political system is becoming more corrupt with legalized bribery and outrageous election costs, low approval ratings, and more demagoguery and less practical solutions, yet, you claim it's the best.

America's foreign policy is, by far, the most costly and becoming less effective, yet, you proclaim stay the course.

America is a young nation. This is one reason for why Americans have a strong tendency to focus too much on the short-term.

Lousy Americans like you are downgrading America into a turd world nation. Unfortunately, you are too dumb to realize this.
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In response to an open letter initiated by one of the students protest groups, Hong Kong’s Chief Executive Leung Chun-ying announced late Thursday evening that he will not resign.
Instead, he will appoint Chief Secretary Carrie Lam as a government representative, to talk with students participating in the ongoing Occupy Central movement.

A very wise move by Mr. C.Y. Leung ! Best of luck to this engagement. Best of luck to Ms. Lam, as well.
If the protests continue for another whole week, are the economic losses for Hong Kong going to double or will they be exponential??
Sept. 27: Leaving Classroom to Join Front Line

Protesters, mainly students staging a weeklong boycott of classes, attempted to push back police officers at barricades outside the government headquarters in Hong Kong’s Central district on Saturday.

Protesters were surrounded by the police at the Civic Square, the public area in front of the government’s main offices.

A protester was taken away by the police after storming into the government building.
A protester was taken away by the police after storming into the government building..jpg

A protester raised a placard that read “Occupy Central” between the police and protesters outside the government headquarters.

An injured protester was treated after clashing with the police.
An injured protester was treated after clashing with the police..jpg

Protesters used barricades to block a road outside the government complex.
Protesters used barricades to block a road outside the government complex..jpg

America is a declining superpower. You are basically a cheerleader for America's decline. Idiots or parasites like you are worsening America.

America's educational standards are becoming less competitive, yet, you boast that everything is wonderful.

America's economy is becoming less fair, more ineffective, more wasteful, more dependent on importing low intelligence cheap labor and outsourcing jobs, and more addicted to unhealthy consumption, yet, you insist everything is good.

America's community's are suffering from increasing kids born out of wedlock, more divorces, relatively high poverty rate for a developed nation, massive police spending that struggles to deal with America's high crime rate for a developed nation, and more kids and adults on psychiatric and recreational drugs, yet, you proclaim this is ideal.

America has the world's most expensive medical system, but the average America has mediocre health, and you are ignorantly proud of this.

America's political system is becoming more corrupt with legalized bribery and outrageous election costs, low approval ratings, and more demagoguery and less practical solutions, yet, you claim it's the best.

America's foreign policy is, by far, the most costly and becoming less effective, yet, you proclaim stay the course.

America is a young nation. This is one reason for why Americans have a strong tendency to focus too much on the short-term.

Lousy Americans like you are downgrading America into a turd world nation. Unfortunately, you are too dumb to realize this.
Just let the Americans keep doing what your posted.
In the mean time life continues for Mainland enjoying their holiday. Economy still going strong, only citizens in HK are affected by these clueless coolies. Being used by White people to promote their hidden agenda o_O
But i have 100% faith it will be cracked down by law enforcers and the majority of the HK citizens who are fervently against these trouble seekers.
UK scholar: Hong Kong never had democracy under British rule

[Interestingly, the You Tube video embedded in the news cannot be viewed. You may check it here]

Martin Jacques, British author of the global best-seller “When China Rules the World: the End of the Western World and the Birth of a New Global Order”, had quite a bit to say on what role Hong Kong should take when interacting with the Chinese mainland.


I tell you the reason.

Just look at HK Silent Majority, that is why!

British know, that is why they never give it.
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