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China Has World’s Most Active Missile Programs, U.S. Says

HK Indian MBT

Jul 5, 2013
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China Has World’s Most Active Missile Programs, U.S. Says
By Tony Capaccio - Jul 11, 2013

China’s military has the world’s “most active and diverse ballistic missile program,” with an expanding inventory of nuclear warheads that can reach the U.S., according to a Pentagon intelligence report.
The arsenal includes a new submarine-launched JL-2 ballistic missile that will for the first time let Chinese submarines target parts of the U.S. from near China’s coast, the National Air and Space Intelligence Center said in a new assessment obtained by Bloomberg News.
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China is expanding its missile programs as the Pentagon pursues a policy of putting more emphasis on U.S. forces in the Asia-Pacific region. Source: AFP via Getty Images
Attachment: Missile Report
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A Chinese boy stands on a boat carrying sea-to-air missiles at the Military Museum in Beijing. Photographer: Peter Parks/AFP via Getty Images
China is boosting its missile program under a broader military modernization plan that’s seen the country’s defense spending more than double since 2006. China’s neighbors including Japan and the Philippines have expressed concern that its government is becoming more aggressive in the region, as the U.S. also puts new emphasis on forces in the Asia-Pacific.
Some of China’s weapons are “specifically designed to prevent adversary military forces’ access to regional conflicts,” the report said. It’s an update to one released in 2009.
China is developing and testing new missiles, upgrading older systems, forming new missile units and working on ways to counter missile defenses, the report said. The number of Chinese nuclear warheads capable of hitting the U.S. “could expand to well over 100 within the next 15 years,” it said.
China is in territorial disputes across the region, with nations including Japan, the Philippines and Vietnam. A Japanese defense report released June 9 said China is trying to change the regional status quo by force. China Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying responded by saying Japan has been “spreading the so-called China threat, creating regional tension.”
Missile Technology
The conclusions on China are part of a report that surveys world developments in ballistic-missile technology and trends, including in North Korea, Iran, India and Pakistan.
The National Air and Space Intelligence Center, located at the Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Ohio, is the Pentagon’s top provider of aerospace intelligence.
The report repeats the intelligence community’s long-standing assessment that Iran could develop and test an intercontinental ballistic missile capable of hitting the U.S. by 2015.
It also recounts Iran’s recent history of missile launches and modification of the Shahab-3 medium range missile that’s capable of reaching Israel.
Iran Ambitions
“Iran has ambitious ballistic and space-launch development programs and continues to attempt to increase the range, lethality and accuracy” of its missile force, it said.
Iranian military units “continue to train extensively in highly publicized exercises” that enable these forces to “hone wartime operational skills and evolve new tactics,” the report said.
Iran also is fielding “increased numbers of theater ballistic missiles, improving its existing inventory and is developing the technical capability to produce an ICBM,” it said.
North Korea, the report said, recently unveiled the new, road-mobile Hwasong-13 ICBM and continues to develop the Taepo Dong-2 “which could reach the United States if developed as an ICBM.”
The nation also maintains a large inventory of short-range missiles and is developing an intermediate-range weapon, said the report.
Both the Hwasong-13 and Taepo Dong-2 have maximum ranges of at least 5,500 kilometers (3,420 miles).
“Continued efforts to develop the TD-2 and the newly unveiled ICBM show the determination of North Korea to achieve long-range ballistic missile and space launch capabilities,” the report said. “North Korea has exported ballistic missile systems and will probably continue to do so.”

China Has World
The Us has the world's most active moral degradation :devil:

Contribute something positive or at best something with substance.

It is not that hard to find moral degeneration in Russia. So be careful before you start slinging stones.

it's true and runs from the common people to people in authority. No people or country is immune to people with low morals.
Everyone have their ghost in their closet. Who dare to say their country is 100% clean of all these problem??

Let who without sin, cast the first stone............

He (Snowden) is trying to make wave, it does not matter how "Heroic" you might think, he still broke the law, and the very notion of him exposing the scandal (Which we already knew in ages, just don't want to believe it) without piping the information to the news outlet or media suggest he is doing this for glory. He could have leak the info to the media under the condition of anonymity. But he didn't

You want to play but you don't want to pay, the world is not run in this way. You can't do the time, then please do not do the crime. This is what we should have learnt.
From what It sounds this is a white washing for the snowden case , definitely , it is so pathetic how the Chinese take the blame everytime some white boy decides to be james bond or when trayvon martin shoots George Zimmerman :lol: , when was the last time you herad the US blaming iran for all this?
It is not that hard to find moral degeneration in Russia. So be careful before you start slinging stones.
I'm not talking about individual cases, but about the trend. The first sign of moral decay - the justification of sexual perversion. As well as the rejection of basic Christian values.
in Russia, on the contrary Christianity intensified.
This world will be a part of heaven..........just keep aside the US policies......Just due to US policies this world is like hell..........

Syria Crises...who is behind.....US (Giving weapons to rebels to destroy the country.)
Egypt Crises....who is behind....US and Israel..
Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, everywhere there is problem who is behind....CIA (USA)..
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