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China has responsibility to not shield Pakistan: US


Aug 22, 2018
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United States
China has a responsibility not to shield Pakistan, a senior Trump administration official has said, expressing deep disappointment over Beijing's decision to block a bid in the UN to designate Jaish-e-Mohammed chief Masood Azhar as a "global terrorist".

Pakistan-based terror group Jaish-e-Mohammed (JeM) led by Azhar claimed responsibility for the February 14 terrorist attack in Kashmir's Pulwama district which killed 40 Indian security personnel.

"We think China has a responsibility to also not shield Pakistan and join the international community in calling on Pakistan to take action against terrorists operating on its soil," the senior Trump administration official said on Wednesday.

After the Pulwama attack, the US, France and Britain moved a resolution in the UN Sanctions Committee of the Security Council to designate Azhar as a "global terrorist".

The move suffered a setback as China put a "technical hold" on the proposal for the forth time, a move India termed as disappointing.

"We believe that China and the US share a mutual interest in achieving regional stability and peace. And that any failure on the Security Council as part to designate Masood Azhar as a terrorist would run counter to this mutual goal that China and the United States have," the official said.

"We don't really understand this. China should not be shielding Pakistan's support for known terrorist organisations. So, we're hoping that we can work together on a mutual goal in terms of countering terrorism and upholding our security council responsibility," the official said.

The Trump administration's view on China's decision on Azhar came as Germany initiated a move at the European Union to list the JeM leader as a global terrorist.

Noting that it was not the first time the JeM attacked India, the official said this was the reason the Trump administration thinks now is the time for Pakistan to crackdown on the terror group.


This has been made very clear to the leadership of Pakistan, said the official who spoke on condition of anonymity.

This same group was responsible for other attacks in India like the 2001 Parliament attack, which resulted in a six-month India-Pakistan mobilisation, the official said.

The US is also working at the United Nations, urging Pakistan to uphold its responsibilities pursuant to its UN Security Council commitments to deny safe haven and support to terrorists and to freeze the funds and financial assets of entities on the UN Security Council 1267 sanctions list.
First Published on Mar 21, 2019 09:27 am
China has a responsibility not to shield Pakistan, a senior Trump administration official has said, expressing deep disappointment over Beijing's decision to block a bid in the UN to designate Jaish-e-Mohammed chief Masood Azhar as a "global terrorist".
They are licking their own spit. This is what the US has done not very long ago, when Pakistan introduced a resolution to the UN security council to put ISIS khurasani on a global terrorist list. Guess what! it was the US that shot down the resolution by vetoing it.
They are licking their own spit. This is what the US has done not very long ago, when Pakistan introduced a resolution to the UN security council to put ISIS khurasani on a global terrorist list. Guess what! it was the US that shot down the resolution by vetoing it.
was there any media coverage for this?
US blocks UN sanctions on Khurasani
Baqir Sajjad SyedUpdated May 10, 2018
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ISLAMABAD: The United States is believed to have blocked a Pakistani request with the UN Security Council’s sanctions committee for listing of Jamaat-ul-Ahrar (JuA) leader Abdul Wali, commonly known as Umer Khalid Khurasani.

Although Pakistan has still not been notified about the development by the sanctions committee, the Foreign Office has informally learnt that the process has been held up because of an objection by the United States, a senior diplomatic source revealed.

Take a look: Afghanistan-based terrorists behind Swat attack, Kabul told

The US objected to Pakistani request for Khurasani’s listing because of his location that has been mentioned as Afghanistan.

Washington accused of double standards in taking action against terrorists

The US move comes amid deteriorating ties with Pakistan, which have been on a steep downslide since the announcement of the new South Asia and Afghanistan policy by the Trump administration last August.

“The Americans inject politics into the sanctions regime and practice double standards. They are not listing the leader of a terrorist entity who is targeting Pakistan. Merely because he is operating from Afghanistan,” a Pakistani official told Dawn.

“Instead of supporting Pakistani request for listing a terrorist, the US raised an objection. The US needs to act fairly to root out terrorism. Such actions by the US undermine the credibility of the UN sanctions list,” he added Pakistan had made the request almost nine months ago as Khurasani was the leader of JuA that had been listed earlier on Pakistan’s request on July 6, 2017 with its base identified as Lalpura, in Nangarhar province of Afghanistan.

JuA was listed for “participating in the financing, planning, facilitating, preparing, or perpetrating of acts or activities by, in conjunction with, under the name of, on behalf of, or in support of, otherwise supporting acts or activities of and either owned or controlled, directly or indirectly by, or otherwise supporting Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan and Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant”.

JuA is one of the splinter groups of the banned TTP and is believed to be the most lethal terrorist group that has claimed to have carried out several major attacks including a suicide blast at Wagah; the October 2014 twin bombing in Mohmand Agency; the March 2015 attack on Youhanabad Church in Lahore; the March 2015 Easter Sunday attack on a children’s park in Lahore; the March 2016 attack with IED on a vehicle carrying a US Drug Enforcement Administration team at Sangar in Mohmand Agency; the March 2016 bombing attack on Shabqadar (Charsadda) District Court; the bomb attack in Warsak Colony, Peshawar; and a February 2017 attack in Lahore.

The group is suspected to have carried out over 150 attacks against diverse targets since its creation in 2014.

Khurasani is the mastermind of the Army Public School carnage and the Easter Sunday attack.

JuA in a statement sent to journalists welcomed the US move to block Khurasani’s listing.

Published in Dawn, May 10th, 2018
I hope the Chinese pay in the same coin.
US blindly supports Israel in its occupation of Palestinian lands. This sounds even funnier because Republican Evangelical Christians blindly support Israel because they are waiting for their Messiah to come in Israel so in their view all Palestinians must be killed or driven out of ''Holy Land''. So who is a terrorist now? who supports a terrorist occupying country running the world's largest concentration camp i.e Gaza?
US blocks UN sanctions on Khurasani
Baqir Sajjad SyedUpdated May 10, 2018
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ISLAMABAD: The United States is believed to have blocked a Pakistani request with the UN Security Council’s sanctions committee for listing of Jamaat-ul-Ahrar (JuA) leader Abdul Wali, commonly known as Umer Khalid Khurasani.

Although Pakistan has still not been notified about the development by the sanctions committee, the Foreign Office has informally learnt that the process has been held up because of an objection by the United States, a senior diplomatic source revealed.

Take a look: Afghanistan-based terrorists behind Swat attack, Kabul told

The US objected to Pakistani request for Khurasani’s listing because of his location that has been mentioned as Afghanistan.

Washington accused of double standards in taking action against terrorists

The US move comes amid deteriorating ties with Pakistan, which have been on a steep downslide since the announcement of the new South Asia and Afghanistan policy by the Trump administration last August.

“The Americans inject politics into the sanctions regime and practice double standards. They are not listing the leader of a terrorist entity who is targeting Pakistan. Merely because he is operating from Afghanistan,” a Pakistani official told Dawn.

“Instead of supporting Pakistani request for listing a terrorist, the US raised an objection. The US needs to act fairly to root out terrorism. Such actions by the US undermine the credibility of the UN sanctions list,” he added Pakistan had made the request almost nine months ago as Khurasani was the leader of JuA that had been listed earlier on Pakistan’s request on July 6, 2017 with its base identified as Lalpura, in Nangarhar province of Afghanistan.

JuA was listed for “participating in the financing, planning, facilitating, preparing, or perpetrating of acts or activities by, in conjunction with, under the name of, on behalf of, or in support of, otherwise supporting acts or activities of and either owned or controlled, directly or indirectly by, or otherwise supporting Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan and Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant”.

JuA is one of the splinter groups of the banned TTP and is believed to be the most lethal terrorist group that has claimed to have carried out several major attacks including a suicide blast at Wagah; the October 2014 twin bombing in Mohmand Agency; the March 2015 attack on Youhanabad Church in Lahore; the March 2015 Easter Sunday attack on a children’s park in Lahore; the March 2016 attack with IED on a vehicle carrying a US Drug Enforcement Administration team at Sangar in Mohmand Agency; the March 2016 bombing attack on Shabqadar (Charsadda) District Court; the bomb attack in Warsak Colony, Peshawar; and a February 2017 attack in Lahore.

The group is suspected to have carried out over 150 attacks against diverse targets since its creation in 2014.

Khurasani is the mastermind of the Army Public School carnage and the Easter Sunday attack.

JuA in a statement sent to journalists welcomed the US move to block Khurasani’s listing.

Published in Dawn, May 10th, 2018
I hope the Chinese pay in the same coin.
So I guess no international coverage then. :(
a country is supreme man if ISI is honest with pakistan they should themselves kill masood and hafeez . so no one can blackmail Pakistan
a country is supreme man if ISI is honest with pakistan they should themselves kill saeed and hafeez . so no one can blackmail Pakistan
Pakistan need find a way to get international coverage of these type of issues so that when something comes up people can instantly see the duplicity
Pakistan need find a way to get international coverage of these type of issues so that when something comes up people can instantly see the duplicity
nighter hafiz nor masood running kashmiris fight now kashmiris are fighting for own war . pakistan can not hand over these guys to anyone . last option is we should sacrifice them here by our own . so no one can blackmail us it will take some 20 years to india for create more guys like them .after all country is the first .
The nerve these people have. They bless terrorists all the time and make up silly s#it when it suits them. They should be the last to lecture others.

Its quite straightforward in Afghan negotiations things have gone 180 and for that they want to squeeze Pakistan. But IT'S NOT GOING TO WORK!
was there any media coverage for this?
no....why would they do it. Have you seen Imran Khan's speech where he said that Iraq and Afghanistan were American mistakes, right after the threat of escalation? It was heavily censored in the West. They were clapping for the statesman like gesture, they acknowledged that war would be folly, but they did not report the part about Afghanistan and Iraq.
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