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China has humiliated India on the Ladakh border by acquiring Indian territory

We don't want the entire India. We just want what is ours. Fair and square.
India, Pakistan, Afghanistan are fake countries made by the British empire with messy borders and no actual historical background whose borders are shaped by foreign religions. This is the harsh truth. Can't blame China for not having any of this bs. The fact that India has border disputes in 21st century blows my mind. Should have resolved back in 1960s.
Globalvillagespace .com
Acceptable it seems......
hey dumbo, light of stupidity,
GlobalVillageSpace is Media Partner of PDF owner. in any case for references it is using ITV, newsx and sunday guardian all linked to/owned by pajeet m j akbar the RSS boy formerly of congress. you freaks should be glad instead of exposing your propaganda organs needlessly. morons!
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