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China gifts Pakistan mega nuclear power plants

Pre-fabricated at this scale ? :o:

Are these safe ? :unsure:

Pre-fabricated based on proven blueprints, in a factory environment. Which allows for high consistency and quality control.

Much safer than the old way of building it at the site, where you don't know if some of the workers are drunk or incompetent, etc.

Factory pre-fabrication is much more consistent, it's like an assembly line using industrial robotics.
Pre-fabricated based on proven blueprints, in a factory environment. Which allows for high consistency and quality control.

Much safer than the old way of building it at the site, where you don't know if some of the workers are drunk or incompetent, etc.

Factory pre-fabrication is much more consistent, it's like an assembly line using industrial robotics.

Why hasn't it taken the world by storm then ? I mean if it were really that effective those Arab countries who'd give Donald Trump a run for his money or his wig when it comes to Real-Estate development & still doing it the old-fashioned way ! :undecided:
Why hasn't it taken the world by storm then ? I mean if it were really that effective those Arab countries who'd give Donald Trump a run for his money or his wig when it comes to Real-Estate development & still doing it the old-fashioned way ! :undecided:

Well you need a lot of infrastructure and commitment to go for this kind thing.

Though it is fairly widespread across the world:

Modular building - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Theoretically much stronger and more consistent than the old building methods.

Plus, China has a need for construction greater than any other country on Earth. We produce more steel and cement than the rest of the world combined, we are trying to be the first "developed" country in the world with a 1+ billion population. :cheesy:
Yea, you must be on their advisory board, albeit you are new to the forum but do try to keep up with the times.

Published December 01, 2010
Yes it was published in 2010.... But it's from a leaked cable. It shows how the U.S really feels . What Kerry said in front of media 2014 does not really matter.
@Lord Aizen, US did try everything to threat Pakistan since 2001 along with many propagandas, we don't care what they feel or thinks about us.

Good that u acknowledge that fact ...... but the some Posters are saying things like " U.S and Pakistan are allies". U.S was always suspicious of your N- programmes.
Good that u acknowledge that fact ...... but the some Posters are saying things like " U.S and Pakistan are allies". U.S was always suspicious of your N- programmes.

I think, US is now more confident regarding Pakistan's secure nukes and our officials continue to dismiss US old propagandas.
I can give give enough proofs my dear ...

Pakistan's nuclear weapons bigger worry than Iran: US official
Washington: Nuclear weapons of Pakistan poses more danger to the global security than "over-exaggerating" threat from Iran, a former US official has said.

"Are we endangering our own safety and that of Israel by over-exaggerating the nuclear threat posed by Iran while drastically under-estimating the growing threat posed by Pakistan? Someone in authority had better answer that question before it’s too late," said Douglas MacKinnon a former White House and Pentagon official and author of the memoir 'Rolling Pennies In The Dark' in an op-ed on the Fox News yesterday.

"Day after day, week after week, and now literally year after year, we hear constantly about soon to be unleashed nuclear threat from Iran," he said.

MacKinnon said, in a somewhat bizarre moment of candour from President Barack Obama -- as related by actor George Clooney -- when Clooney asked Obama several years ago what kept him awake at night, President Obama eventually answered "Pakistan."

Strange that he would admit that to Clooney and not the American people, but no matter, how right the president was and is to fear the multiple threats emanating from that nation, he wrote.

"Going back to the media and politician hype regarding Iran, it is almost always coupled with a mention of the State of Israel. During my time in the Pentagon, I had the opportunity to work with the Israeli Defence forces. Today, I fear President Obama is moving further and further away from
supporting our best ally and friend in the Middle East for reasons known only to him," he said.

"As that reality is upon us, some of the leaders and people of Israel seem to be getting caught up in the same "Iran hype" which floods our media and losing sight of the more lethal threat to their safety," he said.

According to MacKinnon, addressing that real threat, a journalist in Israel recently sought to remind his nation of the dangers posed by Pakistan.

In his piece, he quoted Tarek Fatah, founder of the Muslim Canadian Congress who has said: "The nuclear threat from Iran is a real one, but the nuclear threat from its neighbour Pakistan is just as dangerous if not more so... Pakistan has emerged as the world’s number one source of jihadi suicide bombers and ground zero for the training of Islamic terrorists around the world."

A few months earlier, Dr Rafael Ofek, a former senior researcher and analyst in Israeli Intelligence and an expert in the technology of nuclear power, warned of the same threat, the former White House official said.
They can keep crying but we would keep increasing our nuclear arsenal and also Missiles
They can keep crying but we would keep increasing our nuclear arsenal and also Missiles
They can also impose Economic sanctions on Pakistan & it's really gonna hurt.
Why hasn't it taken the world by storm then ? I mean if it were really that effective those Arab countries who'd give Donald Trump a run for his money or his wig when it comes to Real-Estate development & still doing it the old-fashioned way ! :undecided:
pre fabrication means similar design, there would be very less deviation in the over all design
Architect have their say hence pre-fabrication becomes useless
we faced them before still kept working on our nuclear weapons and increase them so stop living in dreams so sad for uou;)
Good luck to you... If u are ready to face another Economic sanction.:-)
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