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China gifts Pakistan mega nuclear power plants

"Each giant power reactor can generate enough waste for up to 40 bombs each year" ---- If that happens then the western world will sanction already unstable Pakistan & Pak Economy will collapse paving way to disintegration of Pakistan.

BS story. These reactors are for civil use only. For nuclear weapons program we have Khushab reactors.
="Lord Aizen, post: 6014628, member: 159464"]Yes u are. Please note that i was replaying to a hypothetical report which says Pak is gonna make 40 Nuke from each reactor ( just assume u guys made 5 reactors ) every year. That means Pak is gonna produce 5* 40= 200 nukes every year. This is certainly gonna worry NATO & others. And there is a hell of difference Between Pak & India

Last I checked India has the missiles that can hit Europe and further ? Pakistani missiles on the other hand only cover India .

Indian navy with air craft carriers and nuclear powered subs are going to be much more worry for NATO, then Pakistani power reactors.

And you can create what ever you like in your head and consider yourself superior, ground realities will not change. Indian nukes are much more of a concern for west then Pakistan.

Last I checked India has the missiles that can hit Europe and further ? Pakistani missiles on the other hand only cover India .

Indian navy with air craft carriers and nuclear powered subs are going to be much more worry for NATO, then Pakistani power reactors.

And you can create what ever you like in your head and consider yourself superior, ground realities will not change. Indian nukes are much more of a concern for west then Pakistan.
So can Russia & China ... But Pakistan is a different case. Every one is worried about Pakistan falling into the hands of extremists.
So can Russia & China ... But Pakistan is a different case. Every one is worried about Pakistan fialling into the hands of extremists.

Russia and China are closer in range to Pakistan's arsenal than the US. If this was the case, they'd be voicing some concern as well - wouldn't they? Only the US and India are concerned - and that's because they don't get to bully us anymore.
One gigawatt = 1000 megawatt.

China does have a number of reactors and several in making or planned for 1GW output it seems. List of nuclear reactors - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Nothing to bother about , certainly an Indian writer will not write that a thousand MW cheep electricity will ease out power situation. Surely a troll writer.



Google them......
Russia and China are closer in range to Pakistan's arsenal than the US. If this was the case, they'd be voicing some concern as well - wouldn't they? Only the US and India are concerned - and that's because they don't get to bully us anymore.
Thats because Pak considers India as it's greatest enemy & all the extremists/ jihadists occasionally threatens capturing Pak Nuclear Arsenals & using it against U.S & its allies. So we ( India & U.S) are really worried.
China is about to operationalise a 1 GigaWatt (GW) nuclear power reactor at Karachi in Pakistan, highly-placed sources within the scientific community warn. Two more are in the pipeline in Karachi and three more in other parts of the country. This represents a quantum leap from the much smaller reactors hitherto supplied by Beijing to Islamabad, and is also the first time that such advanced technology has been demonstrated globally.

The scientists warn that the accounting process for nuclear waste materials is very lax on the Pakistan side, and hence there exists a significant risk that nuclear waste from the plant will not be wholly accounted for. A senior scientist pointed out that the protocols for determining nuclear waste in standard (and much smaller) reactors would not be applicable to the 1 GW reactor, and hence it would be easy for the Pakistan side to siphon off large quantities of nuclear waste for re-processing. "Each giant power reactor can generate enough waste for up to 40 bombs each year", a scientist warned, adding that the Karachi reactor soon to be commissioned was only the first of three such reactors planned there by the Chinese side. Together with three more mega reactors at Chashma, there would be enough spent fuel to load onto to 200 nuclear bombs.

Defence sources say that the Pakistan army has been working on a doctrine of massive first strike, that would incapacitate India before this country has a chance to strike back. Such a devastating first strike would degrade, if not destroy, Delhi's ability to launch a retaliatory second strike. The capacity for such retaliation is what is believed to be responsible for the very few occasions during which the Pakistan army has threatened the use of nuclear weapons against India.

"Should they develop the capacity to launch a devastating first strike, the fear of retaliation would diminish to a level that may encourage the use of nuclear weapons in combat", a senior official warned. He added that unlike the case in India, where nuclear weapons have been kept in civilian hands, "in the case of the Pakistan army, even Corps Commanders have (tactical) nuclear weapons at their disposal and the ability to use them without reference to any civilian authority". Although Beijing claims that the nuclear reactors and assistance supplied to Pakistan are fully safeguarded under IAEA guidelines, the reality is that there have been multiple occasions when that agency has discovered loopholes in the way in which nuclear materials are being handled in Pakistan. Thanks to the protection given by China, a permanent member of the UN Security Council, inspectors have not been allowed into key Pakistan nuclear facilities, while inspections have been less than rigorous, in large part because the Pakistan side decides what facilities to show, and when.

Officials from multiple countries tracking such developments point out that China is in the process of supplying 1 GW mega nuclear power reactors to not just Pakistan but Bangladesh as well, which is negotiating for two, as is Myanmar. Even Sri Lanka is in the process of working out an agreement with Beijing for the supply of a mega nuclear power reactor. However, none of these countries carry the proliferation risk that Pakistan does, and Islamabad is to get more mega nuclear plants (with attendant nuclear waste capability for re-processing into weapons-grade material) than Dhaka, Colombo and Nyaypidaw put together.

Interestingly, the Karachi I reactor (to be followed by Karachi II and Karachi III) represents a significant upgrade of the existing capacity of the plant. "When combined with the rapid expansion of the Pakistan army's nuclear arsenal and the ongoing upgrade of their missile systems, the delivery of such advanced nuclear facilities to Pakistan presents a grave risk to India's security", a senior official warned. He added that thus far, "neither the IAEA nor countries such as Ireland, New Zealand and Australia that are always talking about the Indian nuclear deterrent have bothered about Pakistan except in a very diluted fashion". The 1 GW mega nuclear reactor is a light water reactor whose design has yet to be tested through operating the power plant. "Hopefully the reactor design will be safe, as otherwise a nuclear accident in such a large plant can be much more deadly than Chernobyl", a scientist warned, adding that "the radioactivity would spread to Iran, India and the GCC countries".

Although there have been suggestions in the past that re-processing of spent fuel be done outside Pakistan, this demand has always been rejected by Islamabad, with the consequence that "a huge capability that is in effect unsafeguarded has been built up in Pakistan to re-process nuclear materials", a senior official warned, adding that "evidence exists that North Korean designs and processes are still finding their way into Pakistan through a third country".

Oddly, despite the fact that proliferation of nuclear technology from Pakistan has been documented multiple times, China is intensifying its assistance to Islamabad under the excuse of carrying out existing contracts. "The supply of 1 GW reactors cannot in any way be called a continuation of existing agreements, as it represents a new technology", a senior official pointed out, adding that "despite open Chinese assistance to Pakistan as well as to other countries such as North Korea and Iran, both France and Russia collaborate with Beijing to improve existing technologies". Interestingly, both Rosatom (Moscow) and Areva (Paris) have huge partnership programmes in China, the effect of which has been to upgrade Chinese technology sharply. "Very soon the Chinese will be able to compete and win against the same French and Russian nuclear plant manufacturers who are helping them", an engineer pointed out.

An expert on nuclear reactor technology pointed out that "China has mastered the 1 GW reactor technology and therefore moved far ahead of India". At the same time, he warned, "they are working on 1.5 and 2 GW reactors and expect to make them operational in five years". Once, as expected, the reconditioned Karachi I mega nuclear plant comes on stream, experts warn that it will only be a matter of time before Pakistan develops not only an incapacitating first-strike capacity against India, but a possible second-strike option as well. "At that point in time, expect the level of adventurism across the border to be as high as it was in the late 1980s and the early 1990s (when the Punjab and Kashmir insurgencies were boiling over)", a security expert warned, adding that "expansion of India's own defence capacity is the only deterrence against this".

The supply of 1 GW reactors to Pakistan from China, followed by the delivery of similar systems to other neighbours of India, is changing the security dynamics in South Asia.

China gifts Pak mega nuclear power plants
well some people are saying that it will be under IAEA and others do you seriously think it would stop us from producing war heads and if this will have 5 major plants than if not 200 than between 100 to 150 nuclear warheads in a year because Pakistan would produce a lot more and to some extent I thinks yes its no gift Saudi money is behind it
Thats because Pak considers India as it's greatest enemy & all the extremists/ jihadists occasionally threatens capturing Pak Nuclear Arsenals & using it against U.S & its allies. So we ( India & U.S) are really worried.

The US has publicly claimed on multiple occasions that its confident of the safeguards in place for our nuclear weapons. The only time India should expect a Pakistani nuke is during a full scale war - which is exactly what our nukes are there to prevent.
So can Russia & China ... But Pakistan is a different case. Every one is worried about Pakistan falling into the hands of extremists.

LOL PAKISTANI nukes falling into extremist hands is like saying India just voted Religious Hindu extremist party into power and Indian nukes are already in extremist hands.?

Only people concerned about Pakistani nukes is Indians and their lobbyist . Pakistani nukes pretty much neutralized Indian nukes. But as I said before Pakistan doesn't have air craft carriers or nuclear powered subs with missiles lunching capabilities plus missiles that can reach Europe as Indian does and is a threat to NATO . And just as NATO has nukes pointed t Russia and China . I am pretty sure they have them pointed at India .
Thats because Pak considers India as it's greatest enemy & all the extremists/ jihadists occasionally threatens capturing Pak Nuclear Arsenals & using it against U.S & its allies. So we ( India & U.S) are really worried.

Lol dont lump India with US, US has shown confidence on Pakistan's command and control and has been an ally for years now.

Little Man this is what you call a real concern to world ; mainstream politicians talking of nuclear war like its a joke, this doesnt happen anywhere in the world.
If Pak doesn’t behave, then Sena points to N-button - The Hindu

We need two more years to defeat Pakistan | Subramanian Swamy
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Yet another day, yet another Indian crying, yet more anti Pakistan propaganda filled with lies.

For example.

"He added that unlike the case in India, where nuclear weapons have been kept in civilian hands, "in the case of the Pakistan army, even Corps Commanders have (tactical) nuclear weapons at their disposal and the ability to use them without reference to any civilian authority"

Keep lying, its in your blood and soul.
The US has publicly claimed on multiple occasions that its confident of the safeguards in place for our nuclear weapons. The only time India should expect a Pakistani nuke is during a full scale war - which is exactly what our nukes are there to prevent.

I can give give enough proofs my dear ...

Pakistan's nuclear weapons bigger worry than Iran: US official
Washington: Nuclear weapons of Pakistan poses more danger to the global security than "over-exaggerating" threat from Iran, a former US official has said.

"Are we endangering our own safety and that of Israel by over-exaggerating the nuclear threat posed by Iran while drastically under-estimating the growing threat posed by Pakistan? Someone in authority had better answer that question before it’s too late," said Douglas MacKinnon a former White House and Pentagon official and author of the memoir 'Rolling Pennies In The Dark' in an op-ed on the Fox News yesterday.

"Day after day, week after week, and now literally year after year, we hear constantly about soon to be unleashed nuclear threat from Iran," he said.

MacKinnon said, in a somewhat bizarre moment of candour from President Barack Obama -- as related by actor George Clooney -- when Clooney asked Obama several years ago what kept him awake at night, President Obama eventually answered "Pakistan."

Strange that he would admit that to Clooney and not the American people, but no matter, how right the president was and is to fear the multiple threats emanating from that nation, he wrote.

"Going back to the media and politician hype regarding Iran, it is almost always coupled with a mention of the State of Israel. During my time in the Pentagon, I had the opportunity to work with the Israeli Defence forces. Today, I fear President Obama is moving further and further away from
supporting our best ally and friend in the Middle East for reasons known only to him," he said.

"As that reality is upon us, some of the leaders and people of Israel seem to be getting caught up in the same "Iran hype" which floods our media and losing sight of the more lethal threat to their safety," he said.

According to MacKinnon, addressing that real threat, a journalist in Israel recently sought to remind his nation of the dangers posed by Pakistan.

In his piece, he quoted Tarek Fatah, founder of the Muslim Canadian Congress who has said: "The nuclear threat from Iran is a real one, but the nuclear threat from its neighbour Pakistan is just as dangerous if not more so... Pakistan has emerged as the world’s number one source of jihadi suicide bombers and ground zero for the training of Islamic terrorists around the world."

A few months earlier, Dr Rafael Ofek, a former senior researcher and analyst in Israeli Intelligence and an expert in the technology of nuclear power, warned of the same threat, the former White House official said.
I can give give enough proofs my dear ...

Pakistan's nuclear weapons bigger worry than Iran: US official
Washington: Nuclear weapons of Pakistan poses more danger to the global security than "over-exaggerating" threat from Iran, a former US official has said.

"Are we endangering our own safety and that of Israel by over-exaggerating the nuclear threat posed by Iran while drastically under-estimating the growing threat posed by Pakistan? Someone in authority had better answer that question before it’s too late," said Douglas MacKinnon a former White House and Pentagon official and author of the memoir 'Rolling Pennies In The Dark' in an op-ed on the Fox News yesterday.

"Day after day, week after week, and now literally year after year, we hear constantly about soon to be unleashed nuclear threat from Iran," he said.

MacKinnon said, in a somewhat bizarre moment of candour from President Barack Obama -- as related by actor George Clooney -- when Clooney asked Obama several years ago what kept him awake at night, President Obama eventually answered "Pakistan."
Strange that he would admit that to Clooney and not the American people, but no matter, how right the president was and is to fear the multiple threats emanating from that nation, he wrote.

"Going back to the media and politician hype regarding Iran, it is almost always coupled with a mention of the State of Israel. During my time in the Pentagon, I had the opportunity to work with the Israeli Defence forces. Today, I fear President Obama is moving further and further away from
supporting our best ally and friend in the Middle East for reasons known only to him," he said.

"As that reality is upon us, some of the leaders and people of Israel seem to be getting caught up in the same "Iran hype" which floods our media and losing sight of the more lethal threat to their safety," he said.

According to MacKinnon, addressing that real threat, a journalist in Israel recently sought to remind his nation of the dangers posed by Pakistan.

In his piece, he quoted Tarek Fatah, founder of the Muslim Canadian Congress who has said: "The nuclear threat from Iran is a real one, but the nuclear threat from its neighbour Pakistan is just as dangerous if not more so... Pakistan has emerged as the world’s number one source of jihadi suicide bombers and ground zero for the training of Islamic terrorists around the world."

A few months earlier, Dr Rafael Ofek, a former senior researcher and analyst in Israeli Intelligence and an expert in the technology of nuclear power, warned of the same threat, the former White House official said.
A link to the source would make your effort worthwhile, however here's something reported by your own media.

US confident that Pakistan is aware of its nuclear responsibilities | The Indian Express
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