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China gifts Pakistan mega nuclear power plants

A nuke plant close to karachi and that too based on chinese tech? I hope you guys know what you are doing.

no one else will sell you nuke tech doesnt mean that you go with whatever's available, I doubt pakistan even has a liability clause for any mishaps.
Nothing is FREE in life and there are no FREE LUNCHES.

Pakistan has contracted to buy five 1000 MW Nuclear Reactors from China and these are under IAEA Safeguards.

Indians should just relax and stop having NIGHTMARES.

Both China and Pakistan comply with International Standards and Rules.

We are already relaxed . We have already developed nuclear Traid. We are very much in a position to survive and retaliate any nuclear attack which is unacceptable to enemy.
Karachi needs two 1.5GW N-Power plants one in East and West of Karachi urgently.
1 Giga watt is equal to 1000 Mega Watts

We already had been looking for completion of 1280 mw Nuclear plants since 2007


Year 2008
Nuclear power plants of 1280MW: Pakistan to seek financing from China

Year 2010
Pakistan to buy two nuclear power plants from China?

I think this is old news but just has become releavant because someone used the terminology
GIGA WATT vs 1000 Mega Watt

However thank you China for the addition of 1 Giga watt energy to our grid soon and hopefully second project will complete soon as well

The new item in todays / recent post is that the GIGA watt energy initiative has been deemed as a gift
I'm optimistic that our power problems will be solved in the very near future.

I'm also happy that our plan to produce 15,000 nuclear warheads is well on its way. :devil:.

The Chinese NPP's use French NPP designs as a basis ...

You'd be surprised as to how many folks don't actually know that. The old "Chinese build" quality argument is the typical retort of the ignorant. Not that the poster was, just that I have seen it used many a time.
China is building two nucllear plants of 2200mw in Karachi, will be completed by 2019.
Wow!! :woot: I've started crapping in my pants already! Pakistan is going to destroy us (and live to tell the tale of victory!!)

I'm heading for them caves in the hills.. Cheerio!


And still the world thinks that these indian analysts are credible(MADHAV NALAPAT New Delhi | 2nd Aug 2014).:lol: Pak cant destroy or eradicate yr kind completely nor can u.
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Thank you Jew to post same material like a good slave and perfect copy paste.


Indian reaction .....

View attachment 42020

Well they are getting nuclear deals from "other sources" ....... they should not be worried about their peaceful neighbours after all "BRIC" is the future .....

You should write Sexy Indian Reaction :-)

Thats because Pak considers India as it's greatest enemy & all the extremists/ jihadists occasionally threatens capturing Pak Nuclear Arsenals & using it against U.S & its allies. So we ( India & U.S) are really worried.

Don't worry. ALL IS WELL
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