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China gains edge in Sri Lanka

Every 3-4 weeks there is plenty of news on TV,
China did this, China signed another project, Chinese project about to complete, China to improve military support etc etc Most common name on TV recently.
True...lets be realistic and back off. India is at the weakest point in history in influencing SL.

What incentive can India give SL. According to their PM, they wanted India to develop that Hanambota port, but our netas and babus were of the opinion that this port will not be profitable. SL went to China and she happily obliged. If China have a naval base tomorrow at SL, we can only blame ourselves.
I think we should do the opposite, increase your relation with neighboring countries especially when you have somewhat good economy and influence on world scenario. Why let China make their seaport as naval base where we can do that?

We are investing $ 2 billion in Afghanisthan which is too far and Pakistan lies in between, where as there are countries like Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh and Myanmmar.

Lets offer so much assistance to them they remain as our satellite(additional) states. It will increase our influence. At least we have to learn to become a leader of these country than as for permanent membership in UN. Mauritius is giving two islands, take it, develop it, establish base in Maldives, you will have another "unsinkable aircraft carriers" like Andaman and Nicobar near to Africa (near Arabian Sea).

Its the only way we can establish over influence on Indian Ocean which is going to be major factor in 21st century. We are churning out so many ships and aircrafts that by 2030, we may have 2-3 additional defense forces of size of small country like Bangladesh.
Srilanka does have a great influence in Indian Ocean just because of its location, and china would love to have a best relationship with them. Srilanka is important in terms of getting having a nevy base there, remember as pakistan is important for a transit to middle east, SL too is transit for Indian Ocean. If china is really working on string of pearl, then SL stop is very important.

As far as srilanka is concern, they won't deni chinese money if its for their development. Its their right to grow, and they can decide whatever they want. But whatever china can do India will have a good position in srilanka as far as trade is concerned. Don't forget SL is much closer to India and it takes only 30-40 minutes for Indian products to travel to SL. Whereas it will take 3-4 days for chinese products to reach there.

So its just an article, which should be taken as an alarm not as a situation...
I think we should do the opposite, increase your relation with neighboring countries especially when you have somewhat good economy and influence on world scenario. Why let China make their seaport as naval base where we can do that?

We are investing $ 2 billion in Afghanisthan which is too far and Pakistan lies in between, where as there are countries like Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh and Myanmmar.

Lets offer so much assistance to them they remain as our satellite(additional) states. It will increase our influence. At least we have to learn to become a leader of these country than as for permanent membership in UN. Mauritius is giving two islands, take it, develop it, establish base in Maldives, you will have another "unsinkable aircraft carriers" like Andaman and Nicobar near to Africa (near Arabian Sea).

Its the only way we can establish over influence on Indian Ocean which is going to be major factor in 21st century. We are churning out so many ships and aircrafts that by 2030, we may have 2-3 additional defense forces of size of small country like Bangladesh.

I agree whole heartedly..we should taken the offer of building Hanambota port. Our babus & netas fail miserably when dealing with our neighbours. So we have no one to blame than ourselves if China has a base in Hanambota port tommorrow.

Every 3-4 weeks there is plenty of news on TV,
China did this, China signed another project, Chinese project about to complete, China to improve military support etc etc Most common name on TV recently.

Good for you..but how are you financing these projects. AFAIK, China is not giving you aid.
I agree whole heartedly..we should taken the offer of building Hanambota port. Our babus & netas fail miserably when dealing with our neighbours. So we have no one to blame than ourselves if China has a base in Hanambota port tommorrow.

Good for you..but how are you financing these projects. AFAIK, China is not giving you aid.

Even with a terrorist issue, JVP violence and Tsunami in 2004 we are the coolest country in South Asia in most of stats & lists. SL is capable of handling these financial matters, otherwise we can't come to the position what we are enjoying today. If we able to keep this developing rate above 7% for next 5-6 years then we are automatically entering to much more perfect track for development!
Even with a terrorist issue, JVP violence and Tsunami in 2004 we are the coolest country in South Asia in most of stats & lists. SL is capable of handling these financial matters, otherwise we can't come to the position what we are enjoying today. If we able to keep this developing rate above 7% for next 5-6 years then we are automatically entering to much more perfect track for development!
No doubt SL is currently fastest growing south asian country. But you need to spread your loan resources, allowing only 1-2 country to rule on you, will make you its slave.
See they don't offer you aid they give you loans at low rate..someday u will have to pay..
growing steadly is the best way for any country..
it seem some indian perform sour grapes,interests of the state is not be a balance among the powers,if a country enough strong to protect it and help his people live better,why they govt refuse?
we chinese dont want make Sri Lanka be a toy of power,we just want to help Sri Lanka people live better,if indians put down prejudice against china,we glad to cooperate with you in any field.
No doubt SL is currently fastest growing south asian country. But you need to spread your loan resources, allowing only 1-2 country to rule on you, will make you its slave.
See they don't offer you aid they give you loans at low rate..someday u will have to pay..
growing steadly is the best way for any country..

you even refuse to give loan,why you so worry about it?
in our chinese culture,if people need help,we will glad to help.
because there is chinese proverb,more blessed to give than to receive.
and when we need help,i believe Sri Lanka people will do same thing.
and i send you a chinese prover,Don't do unto others what you don't want others do unto you. (己所不欲勿施于人)
you even refuse to give loan,why you so worry about it?
in our chinese culture,if people need help,we will glad to help.
because there is chinese proverb,more blessed to give than to receive.
and when we need help,i believe Sri Lanka people will do same thing.
and i send you a chinese prover,Don't do unto others what you don't want others do unto you. (己所不欲勿施于人)
I didn't mentioned china anywhere dude, not even your culture. Indian culture is same too man.
I was posting about the loans they are getting from other countries..
I didn't mentioned china anywhere dude, not even your culture. Indian culture is same too man.
I was posting about the loans they are getting from other countries..

dont tell me your "they" not including china?dude
Chinese Naval base in Bangladesh. Chinese Naval base in Sri Lanka. Chinese naval base in Gwadar, Pakistan.

Hmmm, looks like the noose around Indian Chicken Neck is tightening ?
Chinese Naval base in Bangladesh. Chinese Naval base in Sri Lanka. Chinese naval base in Gwadar, Pakistan.

Hmmm, looks like the noose around Indian Chicken Neck is tightening ?
And guess what, military base in pakistan (US) drone attacks every day.. looks like noose around pakistani chicken is already tighten and its dead...Ready to eat...:rofl:

Don't forget, Vietnam, philipines,SK,Japan,Russia etc ....
Chinese navy is not a problem, AN island command will keep good eye on them think of yourself buddy :woot:

dont tell me your "they" not including china?dude
:lol: China is not the only country which give them loan.. I said my "they" because I was also talking about India and rest of the world..
Japan had given them aids also, why your cheaps doesn't get that and thinks that chinese investment is the only one there..
Say a deep good bye to srilanka ..they are getting complicated day by day ..ignore them ,we have so many states which are bigger than srilanka and with bigger problems ..let them dance whoever they want to ..untill it reaches critical point where our security is being compromised we should ignor their blackmail.. If they act overly smart then we have enough options to discipline them ...
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