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China eyes military base on Africa's Atlantic coast: report


Dec 17, 2014
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United States
This would be a significant move by the Chinese if they are able to pull it off, but is Equatorial Guinea ready for the global attention this would attract?

China eyes military base on Africa's Atlantic coast: report

China is looking to create its first permanent military presence on the Atlantic Ocean, on the coast of the small African nation Equatorial Guinea, according to a report in The Wall Street Journal based on classified U.S. intelligence.

Though officials did not describe China's plans in detail, they said China's presence on Africa's Atlantic coast would enhance the possible threat to the U.S., as it would give Chinese warships a place to rearm and refit opposite the East Coast, the Journal reported.

Gen. Stephen Townsend, who serves as commander of U.S. Africa Command, told the Senate in April that China's “most significant threat” would be “a militarily useful naval facility on the Atlantic coast of Africa.”

“By militarily useful I mean something more than a place that they can make port calls and get gas and groceries. I’m talking about a port where they can rearm with munitions and repair naval vessels,” Townsend added.

Jon Finer, President Biden's principal deputy national security adviser, traveled to Equatorial Guinea in October in an effort to convince President Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo and his son Vice President Teodoro “Teodorin” Nguema Obiang Mangue to reject China's proposal, the newspaper reported.

“As part of our diplomacy to address maritime-security issues, we have made clear to Equatorial Guinea that certain potential steps involving [Chinese] activity there would raise national-security concerns,” a senior Biden administration official said, per the Journal.

Obiang is the longest-serving president in the world, having ruled for more than 40 years. Human Rights Watch and other groups have complained of "relentless repression" of civil society during his reign, along with "staggering corruption that has siphoned off the country’s oil wealth."

I think Cuba would be the better alternative. If US can keep its bases in SK and Japan, then China can justify having a base in Cuba.
I think Cuba would be the better alternative. If US can keep its bases in SK and Japan, then China can justify having a base in Cuba.
Maybe they are looking for an intermediate stop (from Djibouti on the way to Cuba)
This would be a significant move by the Chinese if they are able to pull it off, but is Equatorial Guinea ready for the global attention this would attract?

Not happening, Equatorial Guinea is in US hands
This is why maybe the coup happened in this specific country
Correct; what noone on this forum has picked up is the massive indian base being constructed in Mauritius.
That we know about, with the base with long runway in the Seychelles. It was mentioned here on PDF a while ago. A lot of listen posts there and on multiple islands in the vicinity. they are sharing access to French posts and probably even Diego Garcia (with the US) in the southern Indian Ocean; probably for ASW purposes as their primary mission, against the PLAN, but for the Indians against the PN subs.
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Another debt trap? hahaha. They are trying to encircle United states. This is a big game.
That we know about, with the base with long runway in the Seychelles. It was mentioned here on PDF a while ago. A lot of listen posts there and on multiple islands in the vicinity. they are sharing access to French posts and probably even Diego Garcia (with the US) in the southern Indian Ocean; probably for ASW purposes as their primary mission, against the PLAN, but for the Indians against the PN subs.
seychelles is not mauritius; they are far away.
They were also talking to nigeria. Lers see what happens. Tje US having bases all around the world should not cry.
Guinea is on the Altanic facing the americas this is why they are some what concerned
Guinea is on the Altanic facing the americas this is why they are some what concerned
There is no concern; just hot air; their leader is a despot who gets fat fat wads of cash flown in directly from Houston courtesy of Halliburton and other oil companies such as Shell. So much for trying to enforce non-corrupt practises.

His entire family is running that place and having lavish lifestyle in Paris as well.

It wont be an issue for Halliburton or others get Exec Outcomes to get him out on behalf of CIA if required. So, rest assured, not much in this report to write about. If they were really that interested Cuba and Venezuela are far better located.
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