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China Expressways, Highways: News & Discussions

Ground breaks on Yangtze-spanning freeway bridge
Source: Xinhua 2016-08-08 14:15:09

WUHAN, Aug. 8 (Xinhua) -- Construction began on a new freeway bridge above the Yangtze River on Monday in central China's Hubei Province.

The new bridge will strengthen the province's transport links with southeastern coastal regions.

The 2,216-meter-long bridge is the eighth that crosses the Yangtze in Yichang City, home to the Three Gorges hydropower project. Construction will take four years with an estimated investment of 3.38 billion yuan (507 million U.S. dollars).

The bridge has linkage extension lines on both sides with a total length of 13.46 km. The two-way bridge is designed to have six lanes and will allow speeds of 100 km per hour.

It is a key project for the freeway linking Yichang to Zhangjiajie City in neighboring Hunan Province, said an official with the Yichang Transport Bureau.

The bridge will contribute to creation of a high-speed route between the middle reaches of the Yangtze and the Pearl River Delta, the country's southern industrial hub, and Beibu Gulf areas, the official added.
We have lots of major bridges in this thread. Now, I want to share an historic but smaller bridge.

Luding Bridge in SW China's Sichuan

Luding Bridge, constructed in 1705 in the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911), was an important place in the Long March of the Red Army. This strategic iron-chain bridge across Daduhe River is where the Chinese Red Army won a fierce battle during the Long March.


CHENGDU, Aug. 8, 2016 (Xinhua) -- Tourists walk on the iron-chain Luding Bridge across the Daduhe River in Luding County, southwest China's Sichuan Province, Aug. 7, 2016. (Xinhua/Jiang Hongjing)


CHENGDU, Aug. 8, 2016 (Xinhua) -- Tourists on the iron-chain Luding Bridge across the Daduhe River in Luding County, southwest China's Sichuan Province, Aug. 7, 2016.


Photo taken on March 27, 2016 shows the iron-chain Luding Bridge across the Daduhe River in Luding County, southwest China's Sichuan Province.


Photo taken on March 27, 2016 shows the iron-chain Luding Bridge across the Daduhe River in Luding County, southwest China's Sichuan Province.


Photo taken on May 28, 2016 shows the Luding section of the Daduhe River in southwest China's Sichuan Province. (Xinhua/Jiang Hongjing)
Here is a bridge planned to be built in Beijing.


Ambitious, fascinating suspension bridge to be built for 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics
By Joanna Law (People's Daily Online) 04:25, August 11, 2016


Architects and engineers from Beijing and Vienna have teamed up to undertake an ambitious project of designing a suspension bridge that will span across the Gui River connecting Beijing city center to Zhangjiakou, North China’s Hubei. What’s more, this awesome bridge is specifically built for the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics.


The bridge, named San Shan Bridge, is a project of Beijing and Vienna based architecture studio Penda and engineering firm Arup. The inspiration is a combination of the Olympic symbol and its five rings, the landscape of mountains and valleys, and the structural resemblance of the bridge to the shape of a DNA.


Visitors will experience different perspectives of the bridge depending on where they stand. The main structure of the bridge is conceived as a series of the Olympic rings, which connect at their highest and lowest points.


Chirs Precht, co-founder of Penda says it is helpful to view the apparatus in a similar way as a bicycle wheel. There are 300-foot tall steel rings tilt toward each other in pairs, and the deck and cables are the hub and spokes of the wheel, respectively. Moreover, the structure aims to provide a public space, with transportation lanes and the pedestrian lanes seperated by a natural stripe of hedges and trees.
We have lots of major bridges in this thread. Now, I want to share an historic but smaller bridge.

Luding Bridge in SW China's Sichuan

Luding Bridge, constructed in 1705 in the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911), was an important place in the Long March of the Red Army. This strategic iron-chain bridge across Daduhe River is where the Chinese Red Army won a fierce battle during the Long March.

View attachment 324423
CHENGDU, Aug. 8, 2016 (Xinhua) -- Tourists walk on the iron-chain Luding Bridge across the Daduhe River in Luding County, southwest China's Sichuan Province, Aug. 7, 2016. (Xinhua/Jiang Hongjing)

View attachment 324424
CHENGDU, Aug. 8, 2016 (Xinhua) -- Tourists on the iron-chain Luding Bridge across the Daduhe River in Luding County, southwest China's Sichuan Province, Aug. 7, 2016.

View attachment 324425
Photo taken on March 27, 2016 shows the iron-chain Luding Bridge across the Daduhe River in Luding County, southwest China's Sichuan Province.

View attachment 324426
Photo taken on March 27, 2016 shows the iron-chain Luding Bridge across the Daduhe River in Luding County, southwest China's Sichuan Province.

View attachment 324427
Photo taken on May 28, 2016 shows the Luding section of the Daduhe River in southwest China's Sichuan Province. (Xinhua/Jiang Hongjing)

An expressway is being built from Ya'an to Kangding via Luding County!
This will be the first section of Chengdu-Lhasa expreesway!! (Chengdu-Ya'an is part of G5 Beijing-Kunming Expressway, the famous ladder road)

This video shows the original highway 318 around Luding County
And you can see the highway bridge over Daduhe River.
I've been to this place for many times...So I can tell, this video is about from the suburban Luding County deep in the valley, cross the river to the east, then climb up the mountain. At the end, you can see Tunnel Erlangshan. Without this tunnel, you have to spend 2 more hours on the zigzag roads. However, using the tunnel means you will miss a very good platform to view the mighty 7556m high Mount Gongga!



Concerning the new expressway and the new high bridge over the river,
here is the news and updates....

Daduhe Bridge Luding (2018) 泸定大渡河特大桥
Luding County, Sichuan Province, Western China

(919) feet high / (280) meters high
3,609 foot span / 1,100 meter span


Crossing a wide reservoir from a downstream dam just north of Luding city, the giant Daduhe suspension bridge is the largest structure on the Ya'an to Kangding expressway. Like many of China's Westernmost highways, this extension from the G5 expressway came many years after the more populous cities had already been connected in northern and eastern Sichuan Province. The Kanding route was especially difficult to construct with an amazing 82% of the road on bridges or in tunnels.

Located at kilometer 99, the alignment chosen for the Daduhe Bridge resulted in an unusual design for the east end where the anchorages had to be placed high up inside the steep mountain slope. To avoid compromising the strength of the deep underground anchorage, the engineers split the east-west lanes apart into tunnels separated by more then 100 meters, keeping the alignment off to the sides of the cable anchorage. The deck of the Daduhe Bridge is approximately 235 meters above the full lake level or 280 meters to the original level of the Dadu River.

The construction of the truss will follow an unusual pattern first implemented on the Aizhai Bridge in Hunan Province where each truss piece will be pulled and rolled along with wheel bogies that travel along horizontal wires hanging from the suspender cables. The wheel bogies travel back to the cliff side staging area to carry another truss section out and the process repeats until the truss is completed.

Luding was already one of the most famous cities in Western China for its legendary chain bridge of 100 meters that ranked among the longest suspension bridges in the world since its completion in 1701. Several historic battles have taken place at or near the chain bridge due to its strategic importance, most notably during the Long March in 1935.

The Daduhe Bridge at Luding is one of at least a dozen major suspension bridges that have opened in China since 2009 that have span lengths of approximately a kilometer or longer and deck heights of 200 to 500 meters.


Luding County
Garzê Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture

Population: 86k
Area: 2165km2
GDP per capita: $ 3500



Luding County is the gateway to Mount Gongga.
The entrance of Hailuoguo Glacier National Park is at the town of Moxi.

Moxi Ancient Town


Take the cablecar to the glacier at the foot of 7556m Mount Gongga

@Kiss_of_the_Dragon @LTE-TDD @simple Brain @Śakra @PARIKRAMA @anant_s @Bussard Ramjet @PaklovesTurkiye @litefire @Local_Legend @Götterdämmerung @Gibbs @Godman @terranMarine @Jguo @ahojunk @Gufi @waz @yusheng @hirobo2 @long_ @Three_Kingdoms @faithfulguy @TaiShang @oprih @Nadhem Of Ibelin @Stranagor @Mista @CAPRICORN-88 @itachii @Srinivas @ahojunk @Jlaw @Echo_419 @Sinopakfriend @Rasengan @Spectre @AViet @Arryn @Nan Yang @kuge @70U63 @Shotgunner51 @pher @XiaoYaoZi @Chinese Bamboo @Jguo @jkroo @Ankit Kumar 002 @The Sandman @Species @simple Brain @waz @X-2. @Danish saleem et al
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Here is a bridge planned to be built in Beijing.


Ambitious, fascinating suspension bridge to be built for 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics
By Joanna Law (People's Daily Online) 04:25, August 11, 2016


Architects and engineers from Beijing and Vienna have teamed up to undertake an ambitious project of designing a suspension bridge that will span across the Gui River connecting Beijing city center to Zhangjiakou, North China’s Hubei. What’s more, this awesome bridge is specifically built for the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics.


The bridge, named San Shan Bridge, is a project of Beijing and Vienna based architecture studio Penda and engineering firm Arup. The inspiration is a combination of the Olympic symbol and its five rings, the landscape of mountains and valleys, and the structural resemblance of the bridge to the shape of a DNA.


Visitors will experience different perspectives of the bridge depending on where they stand. The main structure of the bridge is conceived as a series of the Olympic rings, which connect at their highest and lowest points.


Chirs Precht, co-founder of Penda says it is helpful to view the apparatus in a similar way as a bicycle wheel. There are 300-foot tall steel rings tilt toward each other in pairs, and the deck and cables are the hub and spokes of the wheel, respectively. Moreover, the structure aims to provide a public space, with transportation lanes and the pedestrian lanes seperated by a natural stripe of hedges and trees.
Can they build a rollercoaster on the bridge?

An expressway is being built from Ya'an to Kangding via Luding County!
This will be the first section of Chengdu-Lhasa expreesway!! (Chengdu-Ya'an is part of G5 Beijing-Kunming Expressway, the famous ladder road)

This video shows the original highway 318 around Luding County
And you can see the highway bridge over Daduhe River.
I've been to this place for many times...So I can tell, this video is about from the suburban Luding County deep in the valley, cross the river to the east, then climb up the mountain. At the end, you can see Tunnel Erlangshan. Without this tunnel, you have to spend 2 more hours on the zigzag roads. However, using the tunnel means you will miss a very good platform to view the mighty 7556m high Mount Gongga!

View attachment 324971


Concerning the new expressway and the new high bridge over the river,
here is the news and updates....

Daduhe Bridge Luding (2018) 泸定大渡河特大桥
Luding County, Sichuan Province, Western China

(919) feet high / (280) meters high
3,609 foot span / 1,100 meter span

View attachment 324974 View attachment 324973

Crossing a wide reservoir from a downstream dam just north of Luding city, the giant Daduhe suspension bridge is the largest structure on the Ya'an to Kangding expressway. Like many of China's Westernmost highways, this extension from the G5 expressway came many years after the more populous cities had already been connected in northern and eastern Sichuan Province. The Kanding route was especially difficult to construct with an amazing 82% of the road on bridges or in tunnels.

Located at kilometer 99, the alignment chosen for the Daduhe Bridge resulted in an unusual design for the east end where the anchorages had to be placed high up inside the steep mountain slope. To avoid compromising the strength of the deep underground anchorage, the engineers split the east-west lanes apart into tunnels separated by more then 100 meters, keeping the alignment off to the sides of the cable anchorage. The deck of the Daduhe Bridge is approximately 235 meters above the full lake level or 280 meters to the original level of the Dadu River.

The construction of the truss will follow an unusual pattern first implemented on the Aizhai Bridge in Hunan Province where each truss piece will be pulled and rolled along with wheel bogies that travel along horizontal wires hanging from the suspender cables. The wheel bogies travel back to the cliff side staging area to carry another truss section out and the process repeats until the truss is completed.

Luding was already one of the most famous cities in Western China for its legendary chain bridge of 100 meters that ranked among the longest suspension bridges in the world since its completion in 1701. Several historic battles have taken place at or near the chain bridge due to its strategic importance, most notably during the Long March in 1935.

The Daduhe Bridge at Luding is one of at least a dozen major suspension bridges that have opened in China since 2009 that have span lengths of approximately a kilometer or longer and deck heights of 200 to 500 meters.


Luding County
Garzê Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture

Population: 86k
Area: 2165km2
GDP per capita: $ 3500

View attachment 324977 View attachment 324978 View attachment 324979


Luding County is the gateway to Mount Gongga.
The entrance of Hailuoguo Glacier National Park is at the town of Moxi.

Moxi Ancient Town

View attachment 324980

Take the cablecar to the glacier at the food of 7556m high Mount Gongga
View attachment 324981

@Kiss_of_the_Dragon @LTE-TDD @simple Brain @Śakra @PARIKRAMA @anant_s @Bussard Ramjet @PaklovesTurkiye @litefire @Local_Legend @Götterdämmerung @Gibbs @Godman @terranMarine @Jguo @ahojunk @Gufi @waz @yusheng @hirobo2 @long_ @Three_Kingdoms @faithfulguy @TaiShang @oprih @Nadhem Of Ibelin @Stranagor @Mista @CAPRICORN-88 @itachii @Srinivas @ahojunk @Jlaw @Echo_419 @Sinopakfriend @Rasengan @Spectre @AViet @Arryn @Nan Yang @kuge @70U63 @Shotgunner51 @pher @XiaoYaoZi @Chinese Bamboo @Jguo @jkroo @Ankit Kumar 002 @The Sandman @Species @simple Brain @waz @X-2. @Danish saleem et al
World’s longest and largest suspension bridge to be completed over the Yangtze River in E China
By Joanna Law (People's Daily Online) 21:53, August 09, 2016

Two sections of the Wangdong Yangtze River Bridge, which stretches over China's longest river, are to be joined at 10:10 in August 10, 2016 after four years of construction. The 1,250-meter suspension bridge is the first of its kind in the world to be made with composite steel concrete beams. It will also be the world’s longest bridge with its 3.608km (2.24 miles) span.

The bridge is expected to open for traffic by then end of this year, completing the Jinan-Guangzhou Expressway in Anhui province. The local commute time cross the two banks of Yangtze River will be shortened to less than 20 minutes compared to the previous 2 hours.

10 August, Anhui Wangdong bridge was joined successfully.




An expressway is being built from Ya'an to Kangding via Luding County!
This will be the first section of Chengdu-Lhasa expreesway!! (Chengdu-Ya'an is part of G5 Beijing-Kunming Expressway, the famous ladder road)

This video shows the original highway 318 around Luding County
And you can see the highway bridge over Daduhe River.
I've been to this place for many times...So I can tell, this video is about from the suburban Luding County deep in the valley, cross the river to the east, then climb up the mountain. At the end, you can see Tunnel Erlangshan. Without this tunnel, you have to spend 2 more hours on the zigzag roads. However, using the tunnel means you will miss a very good platform to view the mighty 7556m high Mount Gongga!

View attachment 324971


Concerning the new expressway and the new high bridge over the river,
here is the news and updates....

Daduhe Bridge Luding (2018) 泸定大渡河特大桥
Luding County, Sichuan Province, Western China

(919) feet high / (280) meters high
3,609 foot span / 1,100 meter span

View attachment 324974 View attachment 324973

Crossing a wide reservoir from a downstream dam just north of Luding city, the giant Daduhe suspension bridge is the largest structure on the Ya'an to Kangding expressway. Like many of China's Westernmost highways, this extension from the G5 expressway came many years after the more populous cities had already been connected in northern and eastern Sichuan Province. The Kanding route was especially difficult to construct with an amazing 82% of the road on bridges or in tunnels.

Located at kilometer 99, the alignment chosen for the Daduhe Bridge resulted in an unusual design for the east end where the anchorages had to be placed high up inside the steep mountain slope. To avoid compromising the strength of the deep underground anchorage, the engineers split the east-west lanes apart into tunnels separated by more then 100 meters, keeping the alignment off to the sides of the cable anchorage. The deck of the Daduhe Bridge is approximately 235 meters above the full lake level or 280 meters to the original level of the Dadu River.

The construction of the truss will follow an unusual pattern first implemented on the Aizhai Bridge in Hunan Province where each truss piece will be pulled and rolled along with wheel bogies that travel along horizontal wires hanging from the suspender cables. The wheel bogies travel back to the cliff side staging area to carry another truss section out and the process repeats until the truss is completed.

Luding was already one of the most famous cities in Western China for its legendary chain bridge of 100 meters that ranked among the longest suspension bridges in the world since its completion in 1701. Several historic battles have taken place at or near the chain bridge due to its strategic importance, most notably during the Long March in 1935.

The Daduhe Bridge at Luding is one of at least a dozen major suspension bridges that have opened in China since 2009 that have span lengths of approximately a kilometer or longer and deck heights of 200 to 500 meters.


Luding County
Garzê Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture

Population: 86k
Area: 2165km2
GDP per capita: $ 3500

View attachment 324977 View attachment 324978 View attachment 324979


Luding County is the gateway to Mount Gongga.
The entrance of Hailuoguo Glacier National Park is at the town of Moxi.

Moxi Ancient Town

View attachment 324980

Take the cablecar to the glacier at the food of 7556m high Mount Gongga
View attachment 324981

@Kiss_of_the_Dragon @LTE-TDD @simple Brain @Śakra @PARIKRAMA @anant_s @Bussard Ramjet @PaklovesTurkiye @litefire @Local_Legend @Götterdämmerung @Gibbs @Godman @terranMarine @Jguo @ahojunk @Gufi @waz @yusheng @hirobo2 @long_ @Three_Kingdoms @faithfulguy @TaiShang @oprih @Nadhem Of Ibelin @Stranagor @Mista @CAPRICORN-88 @itachii @Srinivas @ahojunk @Jlaw @Echo_419 @Sinopakfriend @Rasengan @Spectre @AViet @Arryn @Nan Yang @kuge @70U63 @Shotgunner51 @pher @XiaoYaoZi @Chinese Bamboo @Jguo @jkroo @Ankit Kumar 002 @The Sandman @Species @simple Brain @waz @X-2. @Danish saleem et al

These bridges look like some engineering marvels!
Driving on 3550km-long
G45 Daqing–Guangzhou Expressway


G45 Daqing–Guangzhou Expressway
marked red on the map
The entire road opened on 31 December 2015


The first section of the expressway opened in the north of Beijing in 2002. Northeast of Beijing the 210 kilometre section to Chengde was known as the Jingcheng expressway and south, the section to Kaifeng was known as the Jingkai Expressway (京开高速公路). Expressway naming was standardised across China in 2009 and the entire length from Daqing to Guangzhou became the G45 expressway.

G45 Expressway across the Yangtze River in Hubei Province

Driving on 3017km-long
G65 Baotou–Maoming Expressway



Aizhai Bridge of G65 Expressway in Hunan Province

@Bussard Ramjet @Gibbs @anant_s @PARIKRAMA @Götterdämmerung @Mista @Brainsucker @Species @PaklovesTurkiye

These bridges look like some engineering marvels!
Marvels are everywhere!
Let spread engineering marvels around the world!
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Driving in Shenzhen SEZ
A metropolis built on a fishing village within 3 decades

From the western suburbs to downtown Shenzhen on Shennan Avenue
@Odysseus @cnleio @terranMarine @Götterdämmerung @Gibbs @ito @anant_s @Star Wars @PaklovesTurkiye @Species @UKBengali @Bussard Ramjet @PARIKRAMA


Story of spring (Shenzhen, 1979)
Shenzhen's forever chief planner: Deng Xiaoping

Shenzhen today
Population: 10 million
GDP: 1.75 trillion yuan ($ 266 billion)
GDP per capita: $25,000

DJI, Huawei, ZTE, BYD, Tencent, Beijing Genomics Institute, etc.
High-speed railway; Beijing-Shenzhen HSR, Guangzhou-Shenzhen HSR, Shenzhen-Xiamen-Shanghai HSR
Expressway: numerous....
Airpot: 40 million passengers in 2015
Subway: 230km in operation (3 million passengers per day), 1000km planned
Bus: 16000 (now 50% electric, before 2020 all electric)


Shenzhen Subway 2020
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This thread is "infested" with Western China's amazing scenery and infra.
Let's have urban city air on Shanghai's city expressways!:D

Driving from Shanghai Pudong Airport to Downtown Pudong

屏幕快照 2016-08-19 00.36.34.jpg

Driving from Downtown Puxi to Downtown Pudong

@Shotgunner51 @GS Zhou So envy your city!!!:frown:

@Götterdämmerung @Gibbs @Godman @Taygibay @Spectre @Species @litefire @danger007 @simple Brain @Lure @Mista @Tiqiu @grey boy 2 @Bussard Ramjet @PARIKRAMA @Śakra @Echo_419 @proud_indian @ito @Ankit Kumar 002 @Fattyacids @terranMarine @Maira La @UKBengali @PaklovesTurkiye @Danish saleem @Kiss_of_the_Dragon @Beast @CAPRICORN-88 @Nan Yang @Local_Legend @AViet @waz @Srinivas @itachii @oprih @Nadhem Of Ibelin @ahojunk @cirr @TaiShang @Local_Legend @Jguo @jkroo @bolo @zeronet @mike2000 is back @somsak @CAPRICORN-88 @kuge @Hu Songshan @Daniel808 @Three_Kingdoms @Dungeness @Sinopakfriend @Chinese-Dragon @Chinese Bamboo @Keel @Raphael @AViet @onebyone @yusheng @Star Wars @Kaptaan @XenoEnsi-14 @Ryuzaki @Nilgiri @Areesh @Tipu7 @Devil Soul @Spring Onion @hussain0216 et al

Shanghai Municipality
Population: 24 million
Area: 6340 km2
Administration: 16 districts
GDP: $400 billion (PPP $800 billion)
GDP per capita: $16500 (ppp $30000+)

14 lines, 588km, 8.4 million passengers per day on average
Bus: 1000+ lines (30% new energy)
Expressway: 14 city rapid expressways ( roads in the two videos)
12 province-level expressways & 8 national expressways
Airport: Pudong Airport & Hongqiao Airport, total traffic volume 99 million in 2015
High-speed Railway: Shanghai-Beijing HSR, Shanghai-Nanjing HSR, Shanghai-Hangzhou-Xiamen-Shenzhen HSR

Shanghai Subway

屏幕快照 2016-08-19 01.39.38.jpg

Shanghai Lapse


@Götterdämmerung @Gibbs @Godman @Taygibay @Spectre @Species @litefire @danger007 @simple Brain @Lure @Mista @Tiqiu @grey boy 2 @Bussard Ramjet @PARIKRAMA @Śakra @Echo_419 @proud_indian @ito @Ankit Kumar 002 @Fattyacids @terranMarine @Maira La @UKBengali @PaklovesTurkiye @Danish saleem @Kiss_of_the_Dragon @Beast @CAPRICORN-88 @Nan Yang @Local_Legend @AViet @waz @Srinivas @itachii @oprih @Nadhem Of Ibelin @ahojunk @cirr @TaiShang @Local_Legend @Jguo @jkroo @bolo @zeronet @mike2000 is back @somsak @CAPRICORN-88 @kuge @Hu Songshan @Daniel808 @Three_Kingdoms @Dungeness @Sinopakfriend @Chinese-Dragon @Chinese Bamboo @Keel @Raphael @AViet @onebyone @yusheng @Star Wars @Kaptaan @XenoEnsi-14 @Ryuzaki @Nilgiri @Areesh @Tipu7 @Devil Soul @Spring Onion @hussain0216 et al
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