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China engineered "proof" of Vietnam Fisheries Resources Surveillence's ramming onto Chinese ships

do you know your Trung sisters get caught and sent to capital being beheaded? poor viets.
They committed suicide when defeated. Vietnam is never a coward when it fight invaders.
do you know your Trung sisters get caught and sent to capital being beheaded? poor viets.

how many chinese being headed by Mongolian, Manchurian in the past and Japanese in WW II ?
U soon will see what military tech is France transferring to VN .

Don't worry I think I already seen it. I always use it to open beer bottle.

For JP investment in VN, u can Google to find out

Old news, why don't you link the latest news about the Japanese ODA scandal.

Russia-India always keep silent even in 1988 issue, but they support VN silently as usual .

That's very good to hear. so in the future when the PLAN kick out all the Viet soldiers from the SCS, your friends will just stay silent like in 1988.

We can't handle Chinese fishing ships, but we can handle Chinese warships easily bu anti-ship missile, thats why, u dare not open fire first:pop:

Why use naval ships when fishing boats are strong enough?

China also bowed down and begged for JP-US's help in 1978 despite that JP treated Chinese even worse than cockroaches in WW2:pop:

Why do you always mention nonsense history. In the present, who is doing the begging and who will be a pawn , it is clear.
You are lazy, aren't you?

If you bother to search a bit, you will find Vietnam participated the last Pisa test with a good result.

This?Sorry,I did not find the English version.You can see [越南],it means Vietnam.
While not bad, but not good,I think it is not worth showing off.
What military tech is France transferring to VN? Swiss army knife?

Your officials stole money from Japanese ODA. Japan is now thinking about cancelling and your govt have to beg them not to.

Your Russian and Indian friend are ignoring you and keeping silent in the middle of your dispute. Nice friends you have there.

Your military is getting stronger? your ships can't even handle Chinese fishing ships.

China economic growth rate is over 7%. Yours is only around 5%.

You fight the US but now beg them to come and help you.

There I fixed it for you. :coffee:
I don't know what the French sell us, but I guess it's radar technology. Oh and Russian, Indian and Israeli anti-ship missles have been bought and stored up for quite sometimes now.

I doubt China send fishing ships to protect the rig. Too organized and coordinated to be civilian ships. Also we are talking about massive tons of steel clashing each other. Which side heavier wins, and certainly Chinese ships are bigger.

There is no eternal friendship, only eternal benefit. That's a sentence I learn from reading many Chinese books. Also we invite the US to come in as a judge, not as our supporters. If the US is around, China can't use her muscle freely, meaning less worry about the chance of war.
Old news, why don't you link the latest news about the Japanese ODA scandal.
Okay, latest news aby ODA (6 days ago)
  1. Japan reviews provision of ODA for Vietnam - News ...
    6 ngày trước - Recently, there has been public concern over news that Japan declares to stop providing its ODA for Vietnam. A group has capitalized on this ...
Black Flag said:
Why use naval ships when fishing boats are strong enough?
Strong enough for what ?? u can not take any thing from us just by ramming game :pop:
Black Flag said:
Why do you always mention nonsense history. In the present, who is doing the begging and who will be a pawn , it is clear.
Bcz it was China who begged for help from US-JP first, we just learn from u. In the present , China is still a weak pawn divided into 2 parts when VN still an united nation, nothing different :pop:
There is nothing wrong with benefiting from multiple country, everyone is doing that. Thailand is a good example of receiving benefits from both China and US(before the coup) . Vietnam is different. Your govt receive a lot of benefit from China and always talk about the VN-China friendship and brotherhood in front of China. But behind China's back, your govt make moves that undermine regional stability and China's interest. Remember it was your PM who invited the US into the SCS dispute which set a pretext for their Asian pivot. This is what you call a two face game. Thailand benefit from the US but their relationship does not undermine China or the region's stability so Thailand is not two face like VN.

The current skirmish would not have happened if your govt did not play the two face game. It back fired on them big time. The situation is now a mess for your govt and unlike the Phils or Japan (they did not play the two face game) , your country have no allies. Your govt decision is now to collaborate further with US and Japan which will only further bring your country down because you are just a pawn in their eyes.
It is a game we play: spoiling your intentions to dominate the sea lanes and the countries in the region.

You don't want peace and prosperity but intimidation and war. You don't want to negotiate but dictate.

Yes, we will keep China to what it is: a regional power. That is the price you pay for the dirty politic against Vietnam.
They committed suicide when defeated. Vietnam is never a coward when it fight invaders.
Yeah, very "brave" race, always fighting, so now China is giving your another Chance, You are welcome!

how many chinese being headed by Mongolian, Manchurian in the past and Japanese in WW II ?
Seems Mongolian, manchurian and Japanese is nothing to do with Vietnam, are they your daddy or ex-daddy?

I don't know what the French sell us, but I guess it's radar technology. Oh and Russian, Indian and Israeli anti-ship missles have been bought and stored up for quite sometimes now.

I doubt China send fishing ships to protect the rig. Too organized and coordinated to be civilian ships. Also we are talking about massive tons of steel clashing each other. Which side heavier wins, and certainly Chinese ships are bigger.

There is no eternal friendship, only eternal benefit. That's a sentence I learn from reading many Chinese books. Also we invite the US to come in as a judge, not as our supporters. If the US is around, China can't use her muscle freely, meaning less worry about the chance of war.
If I say I support you invite US, and be ally with US, do you believe that? I don't know whether you can understand why I support that, hehe.

Okay, latest news aby ODA (6 days ago)

Strong enough for what ?? u can not take any thing from us just by ramming game :pop:

Bcz it was China who begged for help from US-JP first, we just learn from u. In the present , China is still a weak pawn divided into 2 parts when VN still an united nation, nothing different :pop:
China as "weak pawn" can bully a united nation, what a loser nation!

It is a game we play: spoiling your intentions to dominate the sea lanes and the countries in the region.

You don't want peace and prosperity but intimidation and war. You don't want to negotiate but dictate.

Yes, we will keep China to what it is: a regional power. That is the price you pay for the dirty politic against Vietnam.
Vietnam can restrict China to be just a regional power?! very strong self-confidence, good, but just with self-confidence, it will not work, hehe.
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What military tech is France transferring to VN? Swiss army knife?

Your officials stole money from Japanese ODA. Japan is now thinking about cancelling and your govt have to beg them not to.

Your Russian and Indian friend are ignoring you and keeping silent in the middle of your dispute. Nice friends you have there.

Your military is getting stronger? your ships can't even handle Chinese fishing ships.

China economic growth rate is over 7%. Yours is only around 5%.

You fight the US but now beg them to come and help you.

There I fixed it for you. :coffee:

Shouting loud doesn't mean you are are showing concerned for someone.Vietnam and India relation goes back to 2nd century -



India To Train Vietnamese Sailors, Expand Ties | Defense News | defensenews.com

India and Vietnam add a punch to their ties | The Japan Times

As for the ignoring comment ,well if that is your perception of the event then good for you but in my eyes we are watching closely.

It's our policy not to interfere in others country affairs and taken any side as known as non-alignment policy and we believe Vietnam is well capable of securing it's interests and doing well by approaching as "Soft power" image against china "bully" image but Vietnamese knows where our support lies and that's the gist of it.
Yeah, very "brave" race, always fighting, so now China is giving your another Chance, You are welcome!

Seems Mongolian, manchurian and Japanese is nothing to do with Vietnam, are they your daddy or ex-daddy?

If I say I support you invite US, and be ally with US, do you believe that? I don't know whether you can understand why I support that, hehe.

China as "weak pawn" can bully a united nation, what a loser nation!

Vietnam can restrict China to be just a regional power?! very strong self-confidence, good, but just with self-confidence, it will not work, hehe.
Yes, wait until we get what we need before we slap your delusional face. Have patience.
Yes, wait until we get what we need before we slap your delusional face. Have patience.
Now we are enjoy ramming your pitiful fishing ship and coast gurad ship, our face is always there, don't let is wait for too long.

I always here, don't worry, I don't lack of patience, hehe.
China as "weak pawn" can bully a united nation, what a loser nation!
A big house dog still can bite a lonely wolf, but the house dog will die when his boss stop feeding him while the lonely and hungry wolf will always survive .

China economy is falling with higher unemployment rate when US-JP daddy shifting their companies to other countries while VN economy still OK with or without US-JP investment coz VN always find out the way to survive in hard situation :pop:
A big house dog still can bite a lonely wolf, but the house dog will die when his boss stop feeding him while the lonely and hungry wolf will always survive .

China economy is falling with higher unemployment rate when US-JP daddy shifting their companies to other countries while VN economy still OK with or without US-JP investment coz VN always find out the way to survive in hard situation :pop:
Have to say you are "expert" in economy, VCP should employ you, hehe.
Have to say you are "expert" in economy, VCP should employ you, hehe.
VCP dont need to employ me coz our economy still ok, but CCP should hire me so, maybe I can save some poor Chinese kids starving and frozen to death in winter :pop:
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