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China engineered "proof" of Vietnam Fisheries Resources Surveillence's ramming onto Chinese ships

Vietnam controlled Islands from hundreds year ago, with out troubles with China.

Eleven dashes made by KMT in 1947, it is very funny map.
Controling islands from hundreds year ago? you are very "strong", hehe!

Don't talk sh!t man, only such you kind of igorant and discreditable vietnamese believe that.
Oh and the "two faces game" that you call is in fact one of the most important core principles of Vietnam's 3 Nos: No join any military alliance, No military alliance with other countries, No foreign army stationing on Vietnam soil and use a country to attack another. Since Vietnam never wants to depend on other countries military, our govt must balance out the benifit of other countries in Vietnam. Vietnam always tries to get to the "win-win" situation, both sides get benifit and can be happy. Actually Vietnam just loves to walk the rope, but not every one can success like Uncle Ho did. Later generations of leaders are not as good as the first one. In political world there is no such word as "loyalty", you know. Vietnam just balances Chinese benifits with other countries (meaning cut down Chinese benifits at some level) to be free of Chinese influence. Much like Vietnam used China to balance with CCCP, or both countries to balace with the US in the past.

There is nothing wrong with benefiting from multiple country, everyone is doing that. Thailand is a good example of receiving benefits from both China and US(before the coup) . Vietnam is different. Your govt receive a lot of benefit from China and always talk about the VN-China friendship and brotherhood in front of China. But behind China's back, your govt make moves that undermine regional stability and China's interest. Remember it was your PM who invited the US into the SCS dispute which set a pretext for their Asian pivot. This is what you call a two face game. Thailand benefit from the US but their relationship does not undermine China or the region's stability so Thailand is not two face like VN.

The current skirmish would not have happened if your govt did not play the two face game. It back fired on them big time. The situation is now a mess for your govt and unlike the Phils or Japan (they did not play the two face game) , your country have no allies. Your govt decision is now to collaborate further with US and Japan which will only further bring your country down because you are just a pawn in their eyes.

Correct,now is ten lines.
There is nothing wrong with benefiting from multiple country, everyone is doing that. Thailand is a good example of receiving benefits from both China and US(before the coup) . Vietnam is different. Your govt receive a lot of benefit from China and always talk about the VN-China friendship and brotherhood in front of China. But behind China's back, your govt make moves that undermine regional stability and China's interest. Remember it was your PM who invited the US into the SCS dispute which set a pretext for their Asian pivot. This is what you call a two face game. Thailand benefit from the US but their relationship does not undermine China or the region's stability so Thailand is not two face like VN.

The current skirmish would not have happened if your govt did not play the two face game. It back fired on them big time. The situation is now a mess for your govt and unlike the Phils or Japan (they did not play the two face game) , your country have no allies. Your govt decision is now to collaborate further with US and Japan which will only further bring your country down because you are just a pawn in their eyes.
I am not so sure about Vietnam undermining regional stability. China mobilizing South Sea fleet pushed tremendous pressure on Vietnam lately. Vietnam is forced to take countermeasurement by arming up ourselves. China answers by sending more troops southward. Both sides are trying to show their muscle, and get in a pointless arm race in which Vietnam is surely losing.

You know Vietnam is not the only country China get in to quarrel lately. There are Japan, India, or even Russia. Don't you forget just a few years back Russian patrol ship opened fire and sink one of your ship? So it's irony that you say we are the trouble maker, seeing China picking up fights with neighbouring countries.

And being a pawn is bad, but only because we are not strong enough. Still it's better than being nothing but a shadow in the world big chess game.
I am not so sure about Vietnam undermining regional stability. China mobilizing South Sea fleet pushed tremendous pressure on Vietnam lately. Vietnam is forced to take countermeasurement by arming up ourselves. China answers by sending more troops southward. Both sides are trying to show their muscle, and get in a pointless arm race in which Vietnam is surely losing.

I'm referring to VN actions that goes back to the mid 2000s. This was when the Phils under Arroyo was still on friendly terms with China. VN took actions such as pulling US (when Hillary Clinton was sec of state) into the dispute, inviting third parties to drill in disputed waters, etc.

VN's arms procurement is not threatening to China and the rig move is not a respond to that. Trust me, China does not have an arms race with VN, it's with the US lol.

You know Vietnam is not the only country China get in to quarrel lately. There are Japan, India, or even Russia. Don't you forget just a few years back Russian patrol ship opened fire and sink one of your ship? So it's irony that you say we are the trouble maker, seeing China picking up fights with neighbouring countries.

And being a pawn is bad, but only because we are not strong enough. Still it's better than being nothing but a shadow in the world big chess game.

You talking about the sinking of a Chinese merchant ship. that has nothing to do with territorial dispute. The Russian accused the ship of breaking some protocol so they took action. And you cannot judge a country by how many dispute it has. Each disputes has its own context which is not the topic here.

Your country is becoming a pawn because of some people in your govt. Your country only have yourself to blame for.
I'm referring to VN actions that goes back to the mid 2000s. This was when the Phils under Arroyo was still on friendly terms with China. VN took actions such as pulling US (when Hillary Clinton was sec of state) into the dispute, inviting third parties to drill in disputed waters, etc.

VN's arms procurement is not threatening to China and the rig move is not a respond to that. Trust me, China does not have an arms race with VN, it's with the US lol.
Infact, we r gaining lots of benefit from the dispute with China, France agree to transfer military tech to us, JP willing to help VN economy, US is not on China's side like in 1979 and also helping VN. Russia-India still a good friend of VN.

Seem like we will get stronger in both military and economy when enjoy watching China falling with bad economy, bad terrorism and bad pollution :pop:
Black Flag said:
You talking about the sinking of a Chinese merchant ship. that has nothing to do with territorial dispute. The Russian accused the ship of breaking some protocol so they took action. And you cannot judge a country by how many dispute it has. Each disputes has its own context which is not the topic here.

Your country is becoming a pawn because of some people in your govt. Your country only have yourself to blame for.
We defeated US in 1975 and become independence country while China still a cheap pawn divided into 2 parts by US :pop:
1. PISA showed it? Vietnam never participated in PISA. Maybe you are talking about Viet elites in Germany who managed to grab their children and flee the jungle? They don't represent the general Viet population. If German media praises you, it's because Viets are a docile and obedient people. They want to contrast you with their recalcitrant Turk immigrants, who commit crimes everyday. And you took their flattery seriously :rofl:.

2. Even forgetting the insuperable hurdle of your IQ, you cannot acquire nuclear weapons because you are a signatory of the NPT. If you try to, the international community will finally realize that you are a rogue state and sanction you like they do to North Korea and Iran. And China will bomb your reactors (like Israel did to Iraq), while the rest of Indochina cheer us on. They know you cannot be trusted with nukes.

3. Before you were a tributary state, you were under 1000 years domination, when China had direct rule over you. You are right when you say on sporadic occasions, you resisted successfully (Viets love talking about "Trung" sisters). But the 1000 years was a continuous, almost uninterrupted era. Thus, it's silly for you to cherry-pick the rare instances of resistance.
You are lazy, aren't you?

If you bother to search a bit, you will find Vietnam participated the last Pisa test with a good result.

As for nukes, it's understandable we will announce having them when they become available, not before, like N Korea. But there is no reason to worry as you claim we have too low iq to develop nuclear bombs.

We paid tributes and received peace and independence in return. The Trung sisters were our heroines when they annihilated the Han army and led Vietnam to the liberty.
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Infact, we r gaining lots of benefit from the dispute with China, France agree to transfer military tech to us, JP willing to help VN economy, US is not on China's side like in 1979 and also helping VN. Russia-India still a good friend of VN.

Seem like we will get stronger in both military and economy when enjoy watching China falling with bad economy, bad terrorism and bad pollution :pop:

We defeated US in 1975 and become independence country while China still a cheap pawn divided into 2 parts by US :pop:

What military tech is France transferring to VN? Swiss army knife?

Your officials stole money from Japanese ODA. Japan is now thinking about cancelling and your govt have to beg them not to.

Your Russian and Indian friend are ignoring you and keeping silent in the middle of your dispute. Nice friends you have there.

Your military is getting stronger? your ships can't even handle Chinese fishing ships.

China economic growth rate is over 7%. Yours is only around 5%.

You fight the US but now beg them to come and help you.

Our PM Tan Dung greedy and lie, he made troubles for peace of region.

There I fixed it for you. :coffee:
What military tech is France transferring to VN? Swiss army knife?

Your officials stole money from Japanese ODA. Japan is now thinking about cancelling and your govt have to beg them not to.

Your Russian and Indian friend are ignoring you and keeping silent in the middle of your dispute. Nice friends you have there.

Your military is getting stronger? your ships can't even handle Chinese fishing ships.
U soon will see what military tech is France transferring to VN . For JP investment in VN, u can Google to find out
Japanese company confident in Vietnam business climate
04-06-2014 - Japanese company confident in Vietnam business climate. More andmore Japanese businesses are flocking to Vietnam, said Japan`s Foval

Russia-India always keep silent even in 1988 issue, but they support VN silently as usual .

We can't handle Chinese fishing ships, but we can handle Chinese warships easily by anti-ship missile, thats why, u dare not open fire first :pop:
Black Flag said:
You fight the US but now beg them to come and help you.
China also bowed down and begged for JP-US's help in 1978 despite that JP treated Chinese even worse than cockroaches in WW2:pop:
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You are lazy, aren't you?

If you bother to search a bit, you will find Vietnam participated the last Pisa test with a good result.

As for nukes, it's understandable we will announce having them when they become available, not before, like N Korea. But there is no reason to worry as you claim we have too low iq to develop nuclear bombs.

We paid tributes and received peace and independence in return. The Trung sisters were our heroines when they annihilated the Han army and led Vietnam to the liberty.
do you know your Trung sisters get caught and sent to capital being beheaded? poor viets.
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